I'm really starting to feel the same way, milefile.
After all, soldiers are probably the most anti-war people around! Nobody wants to get shot at. And no matter how lopsided the contest, people on both sides get killed when there is a war.
But not wanting a war to happen (which pretty much covers 98% of the world's population, and maybe 100% o0f the world's sane population) and thinking you can just wish a war away by insisting there is always an alternative, no matter what are two entirely separate things. The first one is sane, the second one is part of the (stereotypically speaking) left-wing fantasy world.
Honestly, having seen the evidence clearly and carefully laid out by Colin Powell, I'm starting to feel that people who think that we should keep tolerating Iraq's bullcrap probably also think that the moon landings were faked by NASA.
That being said, I think there is still a peaceful alternative. That alternative is 100% trade sanctions against Iraq, and 100% trade and aid sanctions against any country that doesn't also abide by those sanctions. If you're all for a diplomatic solution, then put your money where your self-righteous mouth is. Put up or shut up.