Brisbane Lord Mayor Speaks His Mind.

  • Thread starter Robin2
That's nearly radical from an elected man. Evidently he was absent from his television set when Colin Powell delivered all our evidence to the United Nations.
Current opinion polls indicate 94% of Australians do not support Australia joining military action in Iraq without the support of the United Nations

from what source is this stat taken?
no1 asked me!!!
i am anti war... but it makes sense to side with the world strongest superpower.
and sitting on the fence is fine, but if the barbwire goes up it could be rather uncomfortable. :/

hate this whole thing myself...
bloody bush (and howard the puppet)
No offense to Ving but...

"Anti war" is so stupid. It's a catch phrase and I doubt anyone even understands what they're saying. Are you anti war when the enemy is occupying your street? Are you anti war when your country is threatened and/or attacked?

War is part of human life and I doubt that will ever change, ever. War is as natural to humans as a bear ****ting in the woods. There are stupid reasons for war. But war is necessary.

I'm anti pain, yet people have suffered every day for all eternity.
I'm anti hunger, yet people all over the world are starving right now.

I think it goes without saying that everybody and their brother is anti war if it means you prefer life when war is not happening. It's no badge of honor and says nothing about one's character.

So anyway, I just think saying "I'm anti war" is kinda redundant and stupid. But I am not saying the people who say it are stupid... I just don't think they understand war.
I'm really starting to feel the same way, milefile.

After all, soldiers are probably the most anti-war people around! Nobody wants to get shot at. And no matter how lopsided the contest, people on both sides get killed when there is a war.

But not wanting a war to happen (which pretty much covers 98% of the world's population, and maybe 100% o0f the world's sane population) and thinking you can just wish a war away by insisting there is always an alternative, no matter what are two entirely separate things. The first one is sane, the second one is part of the (stereotypically speaking) left-wing fantasy world.

Honestly, having seen the evidence clearly and carefully laid out by Colin Powell, I'm starting to feel that people who think that we should keep tolerating Iraq's bullcrap probably also think that the moon landings were faked by NASA.

That being said, I think there is still a peaceful alternative. That alternative is 100% trade sanctions against Iraq, and 100% trade and aid sanctions against any country that doesn't also abide by those sanctions. If you're all for a diplomatic solution, then put your money where your self-righteous mouth is. Put up or shut up.
Originally posted by neon_duke
The first one is sane, the second one is part of the (stereotypically speaking) left-wing fantasy world.

Especially given the circumstances of most wars. I was literally surprised that there were still people in this country who thought we shouldn't have done anything about Kuwait in 1991. They're our ally for God's sake - and they got attacked!

Throughout the entire duration of that war, where Kuwait did nothing except get attacked, Germany refused to do a single thing to help except give a small amount of money. Stupid idiots.
Originally posted by M5Power

Stupid idiots. [/B]

I never could figure that one out,.... can you please explain how someone could be stupid AND an idiot at the same time please? You seem to like the words, you use them all the time, I figure it's a legitimate question.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
I never could figure that one out,.... can you please explain how someone could be stupid AND an idiot at the same time please?
Well, there are your garden-variety, everyday-type idiots.

Then there are exceptionally idiotic people, who are stupid even by 'idiot' standards.

At the risk of implying something, why was that hard to understand?
But the enemy isn't exactly in our streets so why is Australia going to war?
Reasons that are possible to deduce without any specif details are: Solidarity; economics; agreement with the course of action; repayment for something (iffy if that should be included; long term strategic outlook; international relations; et al.