- 7,166
- Tadley, Hampshire, UK
On Wednesday 30th of November, 29~ unions are going on strike in the UK because of the coalition government imposing up to 3% tax on public sector workers which is going to pay off the deficit, not as the Government claims because the pension schemes are unaffordable. Lord Hutton's (Labour Lord) report into the public sector pension schemes said that they were affordable due to the changes already made in 2007 and that there should not be a race to the bottom. He also said that public sector pensions were not gold plated - something the coalition is still maintaining despite the fact that the average public sector pension is £5600 a year, less than the Government's own poverty line, and £300 per year worse than the average private sector pension. It's not our fault the private sector pension fund was raided which meant that private final salary scheme pensions have all but disappeared in the UK. The UK Government has changed it's reasoning for the changes they want to make to the pension schemes as each reason is proved to be false and have refused to negotiate with the unions. Please show your support for the UK public sector workers who are only trying to maintain a reasonablelevel of pension in their old age, rather than trying to survive on a significantly reduced salary and pension.
This was typed by my Mum and reviewed to make sure it was AUP worthy by me.
This was typed by my Mum and reviewed to make sure it was AUP worthy by me.