Broken Controller Figuration

jimmy281090 GTP_Alex_Nicol
In the last hour i had to dismantle my DS3 as the controller wasnt charging.. so i swapped the boards over from inside the controller as the other controller had water damage. as i put the controller back together i found my R1 isnt working.. The paper strip has a slash in it causing it not to work! :(

now the problem is i use this to shift up!

My current layout

L1 Gear Down R1 Gear Up
L2 Brake R2 Accelerate

X Look Behind
O H/Brake
▲ Reverse
▄ Brake

I'm wanting an alternative Gearing setup up but i dont want to sacrifice the Right Analogue Stick.

Anyone help?
I use these and I think this is the best for you now to use :

L2 throtle
R2 Brake
R1 lights on/off
L1 Rear view
R3 up and down = shifting

You dont need the right analog stick actually, but if you really want to keep it, try knight_spirits settings or try something with D-Pad ( I D-Pad will suck ).
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