Brook Super Converter involving PS3 controller to PS4

United States
United States
Hello, I have a particular question:

I've discovered that with the Brook Super Converter (PS3 controller to PS4), one can use PS3 controller with PS4.

My question is that with the Brook Super Converter attached to PS4 with the Dual Shock 3, will the PS4 will be able to register pressure on the face buttons. I 'm quite curious about it.

I've asked this questions on Youtube. One have said that the programmers haven't implemented face buttons controls because PS4 controller itself doesn't has any. And the other is not so sure if it carries over or not.

I'm starting to believe that PS4 controls is both hardware and videogame itself are programmed specifically for Dual Shock 4 and that even with the Brook Super Converter, the PS4 still registers Dual Shock 3 as Dual Shock 4, so the PS4 will overlook the analog controls of Dual Shock 3.

But I haven’t done this, however, so there’s that possibility it could work or couldn’t work. I feel most likely it will not work, but I don’t know.

Thank you all for your time.