
  • Thread starter Jagman777
I do hope that Bspec is in the new version of grand tourismo . This version of play although has flaws in the No 4 version of the game . Potentally though bspec could quite posibily be a very good game in it's own right . Best of all would be if it could have a multiplayer mode . With this incorporating such play dynamcs as variation with corner lline . Four bars of commands 1-5 .The existing one for general speed ,another for braking disances and another for out of corner acceleration . The forth would be the relative buffer distance command between the cars . Like the buffer distance which allows for reaction time in braking . One would be one metre to five metres buffer distance . In the event of the braking and accelerating bars . If braking is on 4 then that would be faily hard braking which would wear the front tires more and be a harder entry into the corner as too the drivng line . On the other hand a 2 on the accelerating bar would be a softer exit out of the corner and therefore the implicated less tire wear . As to multiplayer cars would highlight with events , say close dices between opponents . Also a pre-race fuel and pit strategy setup could be incorporated. Such elements as turbo boost vs plain torque for large engine cars . Specified sections of track that turbo boost is used . Generaly bspec is a good mode of play because it can be left to play itself and does not take hours of intense time . As to bspec multiplayer people can have social time while playing . Bspec as a mode of play even from a strategic point of veiw has so much potential . :)
Well I sure hope thay have B-spec in GT5, 24hr races may be a little annoying without it ;) Some interesting commands for it you have come up with too. I hate it how he won't sit right behind someone, because then he never gets close enough to overtake.
I dont want it. Yeah it got used but only because it was there. The 24 hour races lacked fun because it was 6 cars driving in daylight. If there are day/night transitions with 16 cars on track it may tmept more people into sticking with it. Evne more so by taking out B spec.

This is a Driving Simulator after all not a ... Managment simulator,.
I would definitely like Bspec back. I enjoy watching the races (even if the bad AI can be irritating at times) and it really takes the sting out of long races. Some people simply either dont have the patience or the time to do long races and championships, and Bspec gives them an alternative.
I think they'll have B-spec in gT5. It would be cool if there were some other limitation to go along with it (car trouble and that sort of thing) and if the B-spec driver suffered some sort of fatigue to limit people from just relying on it thru every endurance race.

In other words, it would rock if Bob were no longer this robot who never gets would keep the cheaters from becoming so blatant. :yuck:
B-Spec was enjoyable, not only for the way "he" could race for you, but also as mentioned above, gave a chance to watch some racing ;)

I think the way the Micro$haft folks implemented the Drivatar in Forza1 was very clever - there you could train and then race against the Drivatars - that would a be very nice to have.
i like that idea, but i think its a little too much. if your going to control soo much of the b-spec driver, you might aswell drive yourself.
I like this idea as well, but then again I also think it is a little to much. You should be able to control them to a certain extent, but only to that limit. Maybe having 3 bars would be enough. One for speed, 1-5 as in GT4. 1 would be kinder to the tyres, but your lap times would be slow. 5 would be much faster, and your lap times would increase dramitcaly, but would melt your tyres like nothing else. Another bar for baraking agresiveness would be good aswell, again a ar form 1-5. If you choose to brake hard, your lap times are faster but your tyres get deystroyed, so you have to pit in more often. If you brake softer however, you lap times are slower, but you preserve the tyres, which means you have to make less pit stops.And the last for the driving style. Again, 1-5, 1 means the driving style will be less agressive, so the lap times are slower, but your drivers wil not make as many mistakes. 5 will be very agressive, which means your driver will take more risks to achieve a faster lap times, but he is more likely to make a mistake. So if he goes of and crashes the car, well you cant exactly say you haven't been warned!
I think they'll have B-spec in gT5. It would be cool if there were some other limitation to go along with it (car trouble and that sort of thing) and if the B-spec driver suffered some sort of fatigue to limit people from just relying on it thru every endurance race.

In other words, it would rock if Bob were no longer this robot who never gets would keep the cheaters from becoming so blatant. :yuck:

Not everyone has time for 8 hours of a 24 hour endurance race. It's not cheating either.
I think the way the Micro$haft folks implemented the Drivatar in Forza1 was very clever - there you could train and then race against the Drivatars - that would a be very nice to have.
Oh, I was just about to post about that very thing. I absolutely loved the drivatar in Forza 1, and it's really a shame they cut it out of FM2. I'd go bonkers if Kaz and the lads implemented something like this in GT5. Where's ChadSpeed on this?

As for the OP's suggestions, I think what I'd rather see with bot tweaking are a series of parameters I mentioned in a discussion we had about A.I. last year. Thinking about it for a few minutes, I came up with seven or eight parameters that would define how a bot performed in a videogame. Rather than try and remember them, I'll do a quick search - *crosses fingers, as Search often sucks* - and edit them in.

Edit: well, this is classic. Search for "artificial intelligence," user Tenacious D, ONE POST! in one board. Proof that Search really does suck. Meh. :P

Okay, so I'll try to think of them all a bit later, my bro swung by.

Edit again: well... I'm up to my own devices for a while, so let me go ahead and postulate how you would describe a race car driver personality in game terms.

Skill: this is of course the overarching stat and is self evident. But there are several sub-categories associated with and fleshing out one's skill.

Stamina: Does the driver hold up well over time, or does he get sloppy early in a long race?
Courage: Is he easily rattled by a (near) accident and drive more cautiously afterwards, or does he have nerves of steel?
Aggression: Is he a tailgater and chance taker, diving at narrow openings, or does he follow at a safe distance?
Wisdom: Is he patient and mature, or does he take reckless chances? Does he have a good sense of what's going on down the track? Does he have good intuition?
Conduct: Is he a banger, or does he drive professionally? Note that a courteous driver can also be aggressive.
Luck: (optional) Does he get out of scrapes easily, or can't get a break?

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