I do hope that Bspec is in the new version of grand tourismo . This version of play although has flaws in the No 4 version of the game . Potentally though bspec could quite posibily be a very good game in it's own right . Best of all would be if it could have a multiplayer mode . With this incorporating such play dynamcs as variation with corner lline . Four bars of commands 1-5 .The existing one for general speed ,another for braking disances and another for out of corner acceleration . The forth would be the relative buffer distance command between the cars . Like the buffer distance which allows for reaction time in braking . One would be one metre to five metres buffer distance . In the event of the braking and accelerating bars . If braking is on 4 then that would be faily hard braking which would wear the front tires more and be a harder entry into the corner as too the drivng line . On the other hand a 2 on the accelerating bar would be a softer exit out of the corner and therefore the implicated less tire wear . As to multiplayer cars would highlight with events , say close dices between opponents . Also a pre-race fuel and pit strategy setup could be incorporated. Such elements as turbo boost vs plain torque for large engine cars . Specified sections of track that turbo boost is used . Generaly bspec is a good mode of play because it can be left to play itself and does not take hours of intense time . As to bspec multiplayer people can have social time while playing . Bspec as a mode of play even from a strategic point of veiw has so much potential .