Bubble's Photo's

  • Thread starter Dougboy
Hey guys,

I was a bit hesitant to start a new thread but since the "post your photography" thread is closed, i'll put them here.

Anyways, it was Canada Day yesterday so i decided to photograph some fireworks displays.

Its my first time shooting fireworks so forgive me for the noobness. Too bad it was at a park where it was all dark and there weren't any nice scenery to complement the spectacles in the sky.

I know the pics are a bit big (*crosses finger that nobody is on dial up*)



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1. New threads are now de rigeur here. But feel free to add to your own thread if you want to post more pics. (hint: use the Thread tools to rename the thread to something more generic).

2. Images aren't too big. I'll put up some image posting rules in a minute.

3. Dial up = pah!

4. Nice pictures :)
Agreed, great pics. I've always wanted to shoot some fireworks. Any tips on how you went about it?
Ok ive been messing around a bit more with photography and my camera so this will now be my photography thread.

C&C will be much appreciated as this is not only a show-off thread but also a thread where i can learn and improve.

Lets start with this one i took not too long ago of my car


And this one of a friend's EvoX


Messin around with flash photography vs. "somewhat" natural lighting
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Wow, seriously great stuff!!!

First shot is stunning, the lighting is spot on, although the storefront is somewhat deterring. There seems to be a lot of noise as well, which took away from that beautiful gradient that could've happened on the side of the car. Overall, very nice photo. Comp and lighting are spot on, just the noise and a different b/g would've helped somewhat.

Second shot is also very good. I'm not a fan of the purples going on though. The shadow along the side is adding to the business of the details on the car. I'm trying to figure out where it came from, but there's a little of various light sources so I can't quite see where it's coming from.

Overall though, two very well shot photos. You've laid off the post-processing in a very disciplined manner, and I'm very impressed by your work. Don't slow down, especially with that 50mm f/1.8 you just got!!!
Had the opportunity to use a friend's studio to shoot for another friend's fashion project for school

Turned out ok i guess, but in my opinion, could have been better

Been messin around with off camera flash again. Still not too satisified with the results.

And its probably time for me to try something else other than the typical 3/4 pose

Another rig shot attempt. My rig obviously needs improvement when it comes to stability. Too much camera shake and blurring

your exposure is a little blown out on both shots... what setting are you using?

The first shot is sharp but way too bright. You might need to close the aperture a little more so that the you still get the motion blur but not be so bright.
The first shot was just messing around. I stopped it down to f/22 and the shutter was only like 1s. And unfortunately, i did not have a proper ND filter at the time.
Now i think i got the hang of the camera settings. I just need to work on the stability of the pole.

BayConRong, tripoding is not an option for these kinds of shots. Its a rig built onto the car.

Heres a "behind the scenes" look

Did you had to photoshop the pole shade out of the pic, or wasn't it even there in the actual blur shot?
The first shot was just messing around. I stopped it down to f/22 and the shutter was only like 1s. And unfortunately, i did not have a proper ND filter at the time.
Now i think i got the hang of the camera settings. I just need to work on the stability of the pole.

Cool. you'll defiity need an ND filter or two in that case.
Here is a set i did last week of a friend's TL-S

Entered it in the photo contest so might as well post the rest here






With the recent release of the D90, i had an opportunity to pick up a D80 at work for a fairly decent price.

So i sold my D40 and from now on, i will be shooting with this.



And with my trusty nifty fifty mounted


Sorry for the bad pics. They were all taken with a sony camera (no hard feelings exigeracer :scared:)
Haha no worries, I don't know anything about Sonies below my camera. Mine's still kicking after 17,000 frames. I guess that earns some loyalty, but if I had to go out to buy a new body tomorrow there's no saying I wouldn't pick up a 50D...

Better get out before Tuesday to grab some shots before the snow!!!
The nifty fifty = Awesome lensage (I just made that word up)

Have fun with it, I'm still using my old D50, want to upgrade soon though.
A couple of furry critters from a few weeks ago.

All shot with D40 + 55-20VR

As always, C&C will be welcomed and much appreciated.


I know the saturation looks a bit out of wack. But the flamingos looked like that in person. They must have spray painted/dyed them or something



I know the saturation looks a bit out of wack. But the flamingos looked like that in person. They must have spray painted/dyed them or something

I believe it has something to do with it's food source.

Anyway, your shots are getting heaps better. I really dig the lion shot and the cheetah one ain’t bad either.
They are lovely shots! My favourite has to be the Lion one as the composition is superb, the Cheetah ones good as well. My only minor gripe is that on the Giraffe shot, which other than this could be perfect, is that although the main body of the Giraffe is in focus if you look at the head of the animal (which should always be your point of focus with animals unless your close enough to get the eye which is better) is not in focus, which is a shame. Its a otherwise nice shot with the complimentary blues of sky against the Giraffes bright colours. Anyway hopefully you'll know for next time! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the comments folks.

Yea i like the giraffe pic. Its a shame the head is out of focused. I guess the subject was so long and with the D40's many focus points (3 :dunce:), it was struggling. When i chimpped on the LCD, it looked alright. Or else i would have stopped it down a couple more f stops and shot a few more.

Anyways, i had the opportunity to drive/shoot a friend's newly acquired car last night. There wasnt much i could do/wanted to do because it was SO damn cold :nervous: Didnt make much progress and heres the only shot that turned out "ok"

Heres a set i did last week and havent had a chance to post until now.

A guy that i know wanted me to do a shoot of his e36 328. Here it is.

Once again, some C&C would be greatly appreciated :)






I did all the editing on my mac so i hope it looks ok on a pc
Heres one from a recent shoot. The weather wasnt exactly "good" but it was my last opportunity to shoot this GTI before my friend slaps on the steelies and snow tires.

I have improved the stability of my rig. Its now more stable compared to the shot on the bmw

Just one for now, have to edit the rest
