- 34,036
- Mile High City
Obama would like to raise the minimum tax paid on the combination of income AND capital gains to 30% only for people making above a threshold income. He has stated that this is an issue of fairness above anything else - this makes sense since the projections for what this tax would raise are only 1% of the deficit. So it's not about raising money, it's about rendering justice - and that makes it class warfare.
Obama, Buffet and Buffet rule supporters like to make statements to the effect of "millionaires should pay at least as much tax as their secretaries". They point to low total tax rates (like Romney's 14%) as evidence that they pay less than middle class worker's total tax rates (15.9%).
The capital gains rate for millionaires is the same as non-millionaires
Everyone pays 15%. Everyone. Secretaries, CEOs, janitors. Nobody gets a special capital gains rate for being rich. There is no preferential treatment for anyone. The difference is that middle class families generally make a much smaller percentage of their income from capital gains than richer people. So then you have to ask yourself if it's fair to tax capital gains at the same rate as income - which most middle class people would say yes to as long as it's not the capital gains on their house value, in which case they would suddenly recant.
Social Security Tax is the same for everyone
Everyone pays 7% with their employer paying 7% (unless you happen to be your own employer at which point you pay 14%) on their first 100k and zero dollars after that. There's a reason for this (in theory) it's because you're funding your own retirement. Supposedly you only get out what you put in. In my view social security shouldn't even be in this comparison, but they love to put it in because it skews the percentages.
Someone who makes $1,000,000 pays 7% on everything up to 100k, or $7000 in SS tax. Someone who makes $100k pays 7% on everything up to $100k, or $7000. That's a 7% total tax rate the middle class guy and 0.7% total tax rate on the rich guy. Except for one tiny little detail, it's the exact same tax rate on taxable SS income. It's ABSURD to include money that can't be taxed as income under SS in any kind of calculation that includes SS taxes.
These are the big tax breaks they're talking about. That's it. Not loopholes, or special treatment in the tax code, these are the two big issues they're trying to "fix"... for reasons of justice alone, not the financial well-being of the country.
So how did people pay $0 in tax after making so much money? I have no clue and there is no supporting data that I've seen anywhere that explains this. The only thing I can think of is that these are unrealized capital gains. When Mark Zuckerburg owns 50% of facebook (or whatever) and facebook goes up in value, his stock can be worth an extra $50 million overnight. That doesn't mean he MADE $50 million, the stock simply fluctuated by that much and his current net worth changed. It'll change again tomorrow. That's my only guess as to how they're pretending that people "made" so much money and paid $0 in income tax. Either that or offsetting capital gains - making $1 million in one stock but losing $1 million in other stocks.
Nobody seems to be willing to stop and think about what happens when you tax capital gains at a higher rate (discourages investment in the american economy).
Anyway, I can tell you how to fix this little problem of injustice right now. Stop classifying capital gains as income. It isn't income. Any middle class homeowner would agree that when his house goes up $10,000 in value he hasn't made $10,000 unless he sells. And even then it's an investment that paid off, not income. He took the risk, he gets the reward. If you want to tax capital gains at 30% you need to tax all home value increases at 30%, because they are fundamentally capital gains.... what's that? No?
Capital gains is not income. Stop classifying it as such and you'll see Mitt Romney's overal tax rate shoot through the roof - way higher than his secretary. That's what he already pays on his income now, you just can't tell because capital gains are getting confused with real income.
Ok that's my rant. This is retarded.