Bug with space disc, at least 32MB is needed

Hello everyone,

First, sorry for my english, i'm french.
I follow the news on this website since the release of GT5. I have a big problem so i ask the community for some help.:)

I am a victim of the bug at the launch of the game "Not enough space on HDD. At least 32MB of free space is required. Quit the game and free up space."
I've read a lot of forum but didn't found a solution to play on my save (more than 800 cars, 98% complete, All licences with gold, lvl 38 A-Spec and B-Spec...)

I found that this bug is caused by a save "too big", more than 4 Mo, but mine is only 620ko.
I've also read that a GT5.1 file on the save can be the origin of the problem, but i have only a file GT5.0

So yesterday, I format the HDD of the PS3 and reinstalled GT5, then i copy my save and launch the game, making the updates one by one.

Results :

1.00 --> Launch OK

1.05 --> Launch fail
1.06 --> Launch fail
1.08 --> Launch fail
1.09 --> Launch fail
1.10 --> Launch fail
1.11 --> Launch fail
1.13 --> Launch fail
2.00 --> Launch OK
2.01 --> Launch OK

2.02 --> Launch fail
2.03 --> Launch fail
2.04 --> Launch fail
2.05 --> Launch fail
2.07 --> Launch fail

So i can launch the game without errors with versions 1.00, 2.00 and 2.01
However, i can't use the GT Life mode, I think it's because there's elements of DLC or new updates on my save. But it's impossible to install the DLC without installing the last update.

If someone have a solution, or an idea to test...
I don't want to lose my save, I was near the 1000 cars... :ill:
