Buggy Versions?

  • Thread starter Thirdeye
United States
Grand Rapids, M
I bought GT2 again a few weeks ago, and it's the Greatest Hits version. I've been saving my game twice everytime, because i've heard stories about the game glitching up. How can I tell if I have the bugged version or not, so I don't have to keep saving twice?
Usually the Greatest Hits version is de-bugged. A few of the bugs where that some cars would gain 2,000 HP and weight 1 kg and something like if you had a time in 11th spot of a test run it would get rid of all your cars.
Man, there was just like a whole entire thread about this very subject. Anyways, here goes again:

The Greatest Hits version is NOT debugged, however it is significantly more user-friendly. There seem to be 3 main bugs in Greatest hits (also known as version 1.2): sound dropouts during long races like enduros and the longer race series, #2: cars merging, and #3: the Garage Thief. You'll really only have to worry about #3, which can wipe out your entire garage. The car merging thing rarely happens, and it's funny when it does. The sound dropouts are annoying but don't affect your visual gameplay at all.

To avoid the Garage Thief, don't use the Machine Tests. If you MUST use the tests, don't save your game afterwards (when it asks you to save). Instead, check the game records to make sure they're not funny looking, and check the first car at the top of your garage to make sure it's got the power & weight that it should. Then you can save the game in the main menu.

But if you never use the machine tests, you'll never have to worry about the thief and you can save your game whenever you want. You won't have to save it twice either.
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