Bumping in the GT5 marketplace

  • Thread starter sniper338
United States
I know bumping within the Marketplace is not allowed so is there a way to get a thread going again? Say for instance a trade thread that hasn't had a post in five days. Thanks
And typing this made me think of what Mr. Macky from Southpark would say... "You shouldn't bump, cause bumping causes spam, and spam is bad mkay" :lol:
If you just post " Bump" that's wrong. But if you put something like " I'm still looking for this car " or " no one has this car" I think that's OK.
If you just post " Bump" that's wrong. But if you put something like " I'm still looking for this car " or " no one has this car" I think that's OK.
I looked at some older threads on here but the only real answer I could find was what you said and if everyone bumped every hour the Market would be a real mess. I want to say something along the line of: "All scheduled trades completed, looking to fill some openings." but what's acceptable is kind of cloudy to me.
I could understand maybe a "bump" once a week or something. However, not saying bump, but something like what RocZX said. But the thing is the marketplace is a mess anyway. If only everybody searched for a thread about the car they wanted or were trading instead of just making new threads.. :banghead:
Bump is wrong in the marketplace. But if you do it after a few days of no action not every hour .
Bumping is only bumping if the post you make is useless and designed solely to bring a thread to peoples' attention. If you double-post, it will not be a problem if a) the thread has been inactive for some time, and b) you post something substantial in the thread. Bumping has been a bit of a problem in the Marketplace because people only do it to keep their thread at the top of the active queue.
What about starting a new thread?
As stated, having multiple threads for the same trade is worse than bumping, irregardless of the time frame. It'll lead to nothing but a mess as you'll have two people vying for the same trade slot only to then have to tell one of them no.

Stick with one thread and as trades are completed, rename the thread as needed, if needed.