Button Box or USB Numeric Key Pad

  • Thread starter readyfe
Sydney, NSW
I am in the process of moving from console to PC racing.

I understand the need for a dedicated PC and keyboard mouse etc but would a cheap USB numeric keypad be able to be configured just like a button box.

Reason I ask is I'll be using a laptop to start with and need the lid closed for better screen performance.

There's about 12-16 configurable buttons on these usb keypads - apart from the realism this could still work ?

They go for about $5 and could do the job less the "coolness" ???
button box, is better, I used to use logitech wireless keypad , it's not the "coolness" factor that matters, it's the "fiddly" factor, finding where everything is , while colored buttons can be seen from peripherals and faster access.
I'd build one myself .. hey you're in Sydney, get a cthuluboard for $40 , it works for ps3 and pc and built yourself a button box mate.
Did this -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPjm_2kWj1A
Awhile a go (December) , and im still using it plus additional SLI-PRO button box you can see the "how" from the description in the video as well.
I know I will go a button box at some point, thinking this just as a cheap temporary set up for now... (plus I havent won on derek speares DSFTW comp yet) ;)

I know there's a lot of fun (and savings) in DIY, but after building some street/club cars there's a lot of pain too - really now as I'm getting older just want the "someone do it for me and I pay for it" approach..

Was just looking at the numeric as a very cheap start in case I don't go all in once I start in PC racing.
I am in the process of moving from console to PC racing.

I understand the need for a dedicated PC and keyboard mouse etc but would a cheap USB numeric keypad be able to be configured just like a button box.

Reason I ask is I'll be using a laptop to start with and need the lid closed for better screen performance.

Maybe a bit off-topic, and excuse me if I hi-jack your thread, but I have some questions about the laptop part. I'm also moving from PS3 to PC racing and bought myself a medium-decent level laptop. I'm wondering if it's true that you get better performance with the laptop display off, and, if you do, then how you manage to play games with the laptop lid closed (I mean, doesn't it go into sleep or something)? I need to get more performance out of my laptop and I only race with it connected to an HDTV so I'm really interested in this.
In the settings in Windows you can set it so that when the lid closes - "it does nothing"

Thanks for answering, but when doing that doesn't the display keep working thus negatting any supposed gain in performance? :confused:
The display still turns off, it just doesn't initiate the laptop to sleep, shutdown or hibernate ( which I think are the options ). Make sense ?