Buying MATTE paints

after matte paints, so tell me if theres a car OR paint your after, and ill see if i have it, i wont trade first, but leave comments on what MATTE you have, and what you want for them, (dont want MATT black from the lexus LFA)
after matte paints, so tell me if theres a car OR paint your after, and ill see if i have it, i wont trade first, but leave comments on what MATTE you have, and what you want for them, (dont want MATT black from the lexus LFA)


Your first second trade and you won't trade first?
Guess something really bad happened on the way....

If you send a FR (Friends Request) to Outje1067 (Hope this doesn't count as sending first) I will give you a few matte paint chips.
I have all of them, so you can choose 5 of them.

If your not aware of which matte's are available, I suggest you take a look at this website.

I like to have this done within 14 hours from now, after that this offer expires.

Welcome to :gtplanet:


ps. You might re-read the AUP again, Capitals, dots, enters.... 👍
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Your first second trade and you won't trade first?
Guess something really bad happened on the way....

If you send a FR (Friends Request) to Outje1067 (Hope this doesn't count as sending first) I will give you a few matte paint chips.
I have all of them, so you can choose 5 of them.

If your not aware of which matte's are available, I suggest you take a look at this website.

I like to have this done within 14 hours from now, after that this offer expires.

Welcome to :gtplanet:


ps. You might re-read the AUP again, Capitals, dots, enters.... 👍

matte Light red, Matte black, Matte white, Matte Orange,Matte yellow
Is there any colours or cars your after in return?? (yeah had a few bad trades were itd take nearly a month to get the car i was ment to in return)
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I can trade some matte, got any tickets?
I have:
Light green
Light gray
Dark red
Dark silver
Light blue
matte Light red, Matte black, Matte white, Matte Orange,Matte yellow
Is there any colours or cars your after in return?? (yeah had a few bad trades were itd take nearly a month to get the car i was ment to in return)

Currently not looking for anything specific so see it as a gift. 👍

Oh and always check reputation thread who your dealing with if your not sure and afraid of being scammed.

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