Buying new computer - how does this look?

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So my computer is finally starting to show its age and the games that are appearing now are just out of its reach. Without going in to details of what I have now (even I can't remember some of it) let's just say I can run anything up to Diablo 3 specs fine, but nothing beyond.

I have been looking around different forums and PC part suppliers when I came across this bundle:

MWave gaming build

As it is doesn't cost much more to buy as a build than it does to make it myself I thought I might get some impressions on it. I have no desire to start overclocking or doing anything fancy with the computer, but I need something that can run Elite: Dangerous, War Thunder and anything else that crops up in the next few years.

So, what do you think?
Not too bad. the 750 is a bit weak. My 570 still beats it. You'll want at least a 760. 770 if possible.

I would also go for 8GB RAM.
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Thanks for the feedback. Well, if I go with buying the parts and putting it together myself I can get this:

Home built

It will only cost me maybe $50 more by the time I get it all sent here. Would this be a better way to go do you think? I would have to relearn how to put together a machine, but that's what YouTube is for I guess.
Personnaly I would drop the cpu fan (you went for a 4590 not K which means you wont overclock it which means the one coming with the processor will be more than enough) and get instead with the money you save a 760 Ti which is around 20% more powerfull than the card you picked.

Not sure if you need to much power 600w seems a bit overkill for that config but I'm not a pro at getting the correct powersupply for your need, I always tend to overkill a bit too.
@somebody, I'd echo @DQuaN on the RAM, 4GB is inadequate today, 6GB is the bare minimum and 8GB is adequate today but probably not tomorrow. I see you've gone to 8GB on your "home built" list; that's good.

Also, @RX-7_FD3S has a point with the CPU fan.
Thanks for the comments. I looked again at the pre-built system and it does have 2x4Gb memory, it just isn't very clear on the screen. Anyway, between the info here and what other people have said around the net I think I'll change the graphics card to a 760.

As for the PSU, I'm thinking of SSD in the next couple of years as the price (hopefully) comes down and with the extra power it should last as I upgrade.

Side note: I finally figured out it has been 12 years since I last changed my entire computer at once. Everything since then has been upgrades only.