C.R.A.P GT300 Endurance Series - Heavy Damage, ABS1 Only

  • Thread starter HP
Not having tested i'll take the Autobacs Garaiya. is it the '02 version (UCD) or the '08 version (NCD)?

I just love the look of the car.

Honestly, if others decide they want the Garaiya, i will take any of the cars except the Lexus; so switch me if you want Heathen, it's all good with me. I like the Celica, the RX-7 and the Cusco (just as much.

Done, it's yours.

Put me down in the Celica, part time only, will make what I can,


Can I have the amemiya RX7?

You sure? Does it handle well at Knukkenburg? If not then reconsider using a scooter to ensure you don't hit me at 200kmh again :lol:
Phone will be muted an gf in another city when I'm racing with heavy damage from now on!! :lol:

I'm only racing oart time too. I don't care about points.
I believe there are 2 Cusco Scoobies left so Scott and I will have one each of those please. Scott will post shortly but please reserve them both. Cheers
There are only 2 Autobacs and 2 Celicas left guys, all other cars are taken 👍
Put me down for a Turdyota Celica please :crazy:

It's yours, one 'lica left.

On an aside the weight minimum is now 1120, can't set it to 1125.
hmmm, I thought the heaviest car was the Subaru Premium, But I was wrong about that, Gah! I can't remember everything :lol:

I almost agree that 1130kg would be better, But that will hurt the RX-7 far to much,
It'll be interesting to see how it stacks up. I have driven all the other cars so many times and i've always wanted to run that '08 Garaiya in a long race. Now I get my chance!
Looking forward to it.

Unfortunately, looking over the schedule it doesn't appear i'll be able to make all the races. I know the final one I'll have to miss, which is such a shame. Already have a Vacation planned for that week.
Yes, I have driven it, I found it to be one of the fastest in testing, I must have overlooked the weight because it was so damn quick, easily the fastest in a straight line,
What does this mean exactly:

Race 1: Laguna Seca - RS minimum
Race 2: Daytona Road - RM Minimum
Race 3: Spa - RH Minimum
Race 4: Le Sarthe - RH Minimum
Race 5: Nurburgring Type V - RM Minimum

Does minimum entail for Laguna Seca we all must use RS only
Daytona we can use RM or RS
Spa we can use RH, RM or RS
Le Sarthe we can use RH, RM , RS
Nurb we can use RM or RS

I've never seen it written that way before, so if you could just clarify your meaning, it would be appreciated.

I'll take the yellow re amemiya that knukken can't make this week. Didn't realise there was a clash here with the weekly CRAP race this week. The daylight saving time changes mean this kicks of at 23:30 UK time which is ideal for me. Can't commit to whole series as new baby dependant and I definitely couldn't do the longer ones. Probably just this one and next week maybe, neither of which knukken can do.

P.S. if I can't have knukken's car then I'll have whatever's left.
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I'll take the yellow re amemiya that knukken can't make this week. Didn't realise there was a clash here with the weekly CRAP race this week. The daylight saving time changes mean this kicks of at 23:30 UK time which is ideal for me. Can't commit to whole series as new baby dependant and I definitely couldn't do the longer ones. Probably just this one and next week maybe, neither of which knukken can do.

P.S. if I can't have knukken's car then I'll have whatever's left.

At work at the moment so I will reply a bit later but I can confirm that I'm now working Sunday morning, any volunteers to run this weeks event for me?
Hey HP

If no one else wants it, i can run the Sat night (UK) race in your absence

Thanks mate, that'd be great. You online over the next few hours so I can brief you?
I'm on a works webex, but I can monitor internet messages here

Ok cheers, will send PM to you on GTP.
All drivers please take note of the below which I have sent to Gadget in regards to the race in the morning:


The race needs to start on time, if there are people trying to enter the room and getting discon then they lose out, we cannot have people potentially disrupting the integrity of the server because of their dodgy connection, I will post this in the thread myself in a minute.


The race qualification needs to be a 30 min qual session so if someone turns up 20 minutes in to qual then they get 10 min qual only, no exception.

Anyone who misses qual but arrives for the start must start from the rear of the grid.

Start procedure

Given that it is a small track a full lap rolling start will take effect, as soon as a drivers car crosses the start/finish line it may accelerate BUT NOT BEFORE.

Post Race

Can each driver please save the replay, this is in case you drop out and are thus unable to save it.

Points are as stipulated previously but as stated a driver gets points equal to their race finishing position.


Discons = full and permanent engine damage, no exceptions regardless of position and the lap count.

Thanks all and good luck to you all 👍

Thanks mate.

Thanks mate.


What does that mean ? Is the race a timed race or a 92 lap race ?

Also, If someone doesn't qualify and they start at the back, how do you determine which set of their allocated tires are removed from the que ?