A few Months ago, on 19th avenue and taraval in san francisco i belive some white high school students had been forced to end a party with two kegs in stern grove ( a local park) by the police. These kids were not arrested or escroted home but were let wander off drunk. What happened well they wandered into this group of asians that had just graduated from highschool (same with the white kids). Well the white kids began to call the asians "chink", "china boy", and every other racist word they could think of and then began beating them up. This occured in the middle of the day on a busy street in one of hte most diverse cities in the united states (one i think is increasingly less tolerant of homosexuals and races other than white). People called 911 as these white kids were basically kicking these asian kids while they lay on the ground , pretty picture huh. Oh and by the way a few of the kids that were the aggressors were seniors from my old high school which is like 30% white and 40% asian with like 20% phillipinos, 20% chinese, and a mix of other mainland asians. The white agressors were arrested and very few out of the entire gang of guys that attacked these asian kids were pressed with charges. One even escaped because his mother volunteers at juvie and the other two or so are being represented by a father of one of the kids who was present throughout the entire incident and did nothing to prevent he violence from reaching hte level it did. I have only one ? y did no san franciscan get out of there car and pull these white fockers off these kids. Y??? BTW i am 75% white and 25% japanese...
5 summers ago, the first summer of my high school, the white kids from my hs and a predominately white one( SI) and the asian kids (from my old hs and the public schools around sf) had a "little" fight because the white kids again used racist terms to aggravate the asian individuals. It quickly turned bad for the white kids as while they had bats they were out numbered and the asians had knives and hella friends/family... Well when the cops arrived here the white people were bascially let go with very few exceptions and not punished by my old hs, while the asian kids were expelled from my old hs ( the ones that went there) and arrested in greater numbers than there white counterparts.
My first story was meant to show that hate crimes still exist, even if the people involved will probably not ever be charged with them. I personally find it disgusting that any of these kids was spared from juvi, and better yet they will carry this philosophy that white people can treat other races as they did in this instance without punishment as most probably will not be expelled from their new colleges and universities for there actions (most names have been kept private). The second example was to show that this is not some freak occurnce. these racial tensions exist within our society and if we stop gathering ethnic/ nationality based data on such tensions we will have no way of correcting it... IT WILL NOT JUST DISSAPEAR... We must cause its dissapearance through "educating" those who think in a different way than what our society considers the direction we ideally are headed in. This education can be taught via parents, social acitvities when children are young, historical education ( espeically since much racial intollerance is rooted deeply within our society), and of course in actions like those above all agressors in race related violence should be scared ****less in prison where many many scary people live... And if you dont like dealing with african americans, asian americans, white people or any other race... i am sure you will some who will educate you with there fist or even other body parts...
I do not think we, as a society, are ready to forget about race... because in our dialy minds race is a tool we use to demote and classify individuals which would occur wether or not we gathered race related information... Without this info we will never ever recognize we have a serious problem and thus we will remain ignorant and unable to fix a problem america has always had... Maybe its because the white members of our society have always had to justify demoting other races in order to procure their owh survival and success... who knows... but we are not ready to forget