Calling all sig makers!

Hi people,

New here and asking a big favor. Anyone with expericance with photoshop (not me unfortunately :( ) will be able to help me out on this. Im looking for a sig that is 400 x 100 pixels and is more relivant with my name (click link on my sig on this forum to see the old one).

As my username is commenly known as "tokyoracer" on many forums I was thinking that it would probably be more suitible to use a Japanese car on it. 2 of my faves are the Toyota Supra RZ or Twin Turbo R and the Nissan Skyline GTR V-Spec (Not fussed about what particular Skyline anything like an R32 or R33). I dont want to be tight on exacly what i want as i like to be suprised! :) Oh aslong as its a Race car, drifter, road or tuned.
If there is more then one then i will see which one i prefer out of all of them depending what I and others on this forum think.

Sorry if it looks like im asking for somthing with no grattitude or thanks but I will be hugely greatful for anyone that designs one for me (like i was with this old one).

Thanks to all!

P.s. If there is any queries just ask them and i will be more then happy to answer them.
GTPlanet has a rule: No images in signitures allowed, you may not of known that, since your new and I can't remember if it says in the AUP.

Welcome to GTPlanet :).
Yeah, if someone wants to help you, that's fine :)

Welcome to GTPlanet.
Haven't really done sigs before, but here's a few for you to choose from:







Marvolus! Agony of choice!!! XD. Thanks very much for your designes and much apriciated. Certainly different from what iv seen before. See what others come up with. :)

[edit] Seems like you are the only one. Again thanks very much! Probably get round to making a changing sig will all your cars. :)

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