Calng Al Drift3rs!111!11!1!11

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ok stop posting in caps you idiot.Just for doing that i wont give you my settings you urgent moronic fool.

Right in yer face, SS. :P. Speak normal English like everyone does, they all understand it. Not every drifter speaks liek thaAt! !1111!1111
I think Ark is the only person here who gets this. Hes not being serious. Super Supra has always been a d1ck, and its not going to change anytime soon. ;)
What makes me laugh is that he tried to make a thread which made fun of drifters, he failed miserably.

What's even funnier is the amount of people who thought he was serious.
Is there some mental defect you have that prevented you from seeing the multiple replies figuring out that he mis-spelled it on purpose as a joke?
Originally posted by Ryen49
ok stop posting in caps you idiot.Just for doing that i wont give you my settings you urgent moronic fool.

If I knew you better, you'd be on my Buddies list already. 👍
Originally posted by MoNkEy_MaGiCx
why dont the mods just ban him from the drifting thread....

Because we can't ban him from a particular forum. However, he is approaching the point where he is harassing other members solely for the point of harassing somone. Which is a bannable offense.

Give me time to search through his recent threads and see if he's violated the Acceptable Use Policy or the Terms of Service. At which point we won't have to worry about him much longer.

[edit]Yes, Super-Supra has used up two strikes. One more outburst anywhere on GTPlanet, and he gets banned[/edit]

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