Can anyone make a fast B-spec car for RouteX?

Hi, B-spec, what can be done?
@breyzipp and me are testing some cars with "bob" on Like the wind RouteX.
So far my fastest car is the Merc AMG VGT with 1117pk and topspeed 475KMH/296MPH
on a flat straight no slipstream (so yes it goes faster with slipstream or downhill)
Bob at "push it hard" and no action from me.
I tried chapparal 2J and X2
Pescarolo hybrid, Ferrari FXX, mazda LM55
But i can't get these cars faster then the AMG VGT.

@breyzipp has a fast HUAYRA, i still have to test that one.

We both reach a laptime around 4:07 with bob.(huayra and amg VGT)

So you masters of tuning, who can and will help us.
PP is 750 and can a car reach more then 475kmh/296MPH without nitro (bob can't use nitro)
If a car can, would you be so nice and show us the settings.

If you can and will, then thank you in advance.

\edit tested the Huayra '13 and did a 483KMH and 4:00,257 laptime.
NO, i did not cheat and helped bob, only changed bob to "Push it hard"
Settings can also be used also for the 15th anniversery huayra.
Set finalgear to 3.050 and you reach 484kmh
and final gear 3.050 on the huayra '13 you reach 485kmh


Changed final gear from 3.100 to 3.050 on the huayra and topspeed without draft/downhill/nitro is now 485KMH/303MPH
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If I'm understanding you, you want a top speed car for Bob to drive in B-spec to grind credits right?
If that's the case any top speed tune car would do the trick I would think. Or Bob not getting everything out of the car?
If I'm understanding you, you want a top speed car for Bob to drive in B-spec to grind credits right?
If that's the case any top speed tune car would do the trick I would think. Or Bob not getting everything out of the car?
yes and no, I was just curious and testing, but then reached a limit with bob because you can't use nitro.
But i was wondering what is the highest speed possible at 750pp in version 1.16 without nitro so bob could use it.
For now i reached 485kmh/303MPH with bob without nitro in the Huayra '13.

Somehow racecars at 750pp don't reach that speed because of the remaining downforce or the wrong suspension.
I'm not that good at suspensions/gearboxes.just a little, but that's not enough.
Your assumption on the downforce is correct it limits the max speed of the car. You may try a Merceadies VGT road car it's pretty quick. Also stiff springs and lower ride height with camber over 5.0 on the front and 0.0 on the back 0.0 toe front and 0.10 max on rear will all help with speed. Use this trans set up
Initial final Gear all the way right
Top speed set mid way or close to maximum speed
Set each gear all the way right
Set final gear all the way left and hit the track.
You may have to change the top speed setting a few times.
Rule of thumb for reducing g or increasing top speed slide is one click per 1000 RPM you're missing from hitting the middle of the power band in the last gear self sustained. This is allow for downhill and drafting.
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@Otaliema Merc AMG VGT is mentioned in the main topic, i maxed out at 475kmh just below the 300MPH limit.
Every change on the gearbox decreases that topspeed. Final gear from 3.100 to 3.150 or 3.050 does not matter, it decreases, so slower topspeed.
And the main goal is the highest topspeed without draft/downhill/nitro.
Currently have the Huayra '13 at 485kmh or 303MPH topspeed without any draft/downhill/nitro at b-spec.And the Huayra '13 has only 694pp

so 56pp to spare but can't get a car up to 490kmh/306MPH without nitro.
I managed 502kmh/313MPH a-spec Merc AMG VGT but needed nitro to reach it.
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@Otaliema Merc AMG VGT is mentioned in the main topic, i maxed out at 475kmh just below the 300MPH limit.
Every change on the gearbox decreases that topspeed. Final gear from 3.100 to 3.150 or 3.050 does not matter, it decreases, so slower topspeed.
And the main goal is the highest topspeed without draft/downhill/nitro.
Currently have the Huayra '13 at 485kmh or 303MPH topspeed without any draft/downhill/nitro at b-spec.
Right forgot that when I suggested it. Try a new transmission build, with top speed cars you need to use every gear and as much the torque and hp/psk band as feasible to gain and maintain speed. If you're adjusting the final gear longer and loosing speed you're car is falling out of the maximum power output range. Take note of the rpm that car is holding at self sustained speed and build to hit that Rpm in the last gear if the car, maybe a tad longer as you may just get a few more kmh with a proper transmission built.
Too bad polyphony changed handling, i remember in updates 1.01 and 1.02 the nissan GT-R black, could be tuned to reach easy over 500KMH on DUBS youtube channel
But that changed big time with the other updates.(maybe i have to try that one again.)
Right forgot that when I suggested it. Try a new transmission build, with top speed cars you need to use every gear and as much the torque and hp/psk band as feasible to gain and maintain speed. If you're adjusting the final gear longer and loosing speed you're car is falling out of the maximum power output range. Take note of the rpm that car is holding at self sustained speed and build to hit that Rpm in the last gear if the car, maybe a tad longer as you may just get a few more kmh with a proper transmission built.
And there's my problem, if i knew exactly how, this topic would not be created.
But i thank you for all the effort, but for now, i'm satisfied with the huayra.
And i noticed that RPM part with the 15th anniversary Huayra, final gear 3.100 did not get me the 483kmh but stayed at 480kmh, untill i changed final to 3.050 and that huayra reached 483kmh.
I also look at the torque/BHP chart on the left in the settings screen where it maxes.
At least the cars don't redline at the RPM's but stay just before the red part.

Also tried small changes in suspension but the stock "hard" suspension still works the best.

To be honest, today i did lots of testing because i was curious, but GT6 is a game.
And to use b-spec for grinding was just another test, if i want to grind, i go to the redbull standard event and drive myself.

Gonna take a little break and tomorrow i'm going to use b-spec in careermode in another account.
I think i hit the limit with these three cars (huayra '13, huayra 15th annivers, Merc AMG VGT)
Have you tried Shmo's top speed Huayra setup yet? ( )

I'm running that one now and I get around 4:05 but that is with a car that is severely in the red already for both chassis and engine. I just don't want to repair it yet just to gain a few seconds for this. :)
Hmm..interesting. For A-spec you would have a nice topspeed because you could use nitro.
B-spec: Topspeed without draft/downhill/nitro is 480kmh/300mph
But!! B-spec goes 14kmh faster in the two corners and shaves of 1 second laptime.


TOPSPEED (no draft/downhill/nitro)



Not the 100% shmo settings, no nitro and i got some more BHP (18bhp more)
But nice to try.