Can anyone remove finger blur from a photo?

  • Thread starter Dave91
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Hi all,

I was wondering if any experts could help me? I recently had a picture taken in which there was a finger over the lense which was disappointing. The photo can be cropped but there is still some evidence of the finger. If anyone would have a go at it I'd be happy. I've attached both the original picture and my cropped version. I'd prefer it to be removed/replaced it with the common background but I'd also be more than happy to have the cropped version perfected.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Here are the pictures:


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I thought someone may wish/be able to help. No problem if not. I can remove post if it's inappropriate. Just let me know :)
The only way I think would be reasonably doable is if the background is being replaced altogether. The original background can't be recreated because, well, there's a finger obstructing it. Even if we knew what it looked like behind the finger it's really hard to recreate it in a photorealistic manner. So either go back there and take a picture of the scene or pick an alternative background that you want to replace it with.

Or you could keep the photo as it is. The finger makes it unique in a way, it's a cool special effect :)

Edit: The finger also makes it interesting from an artistic point of view. Here we have a photo in which the photographer (at least some part of him/her) has also ended up on the picture!
Thanks for that, eran. I kinda guessed it would be tricky with that kind of background. It's not like it's just a blue sky! The cropped one largely takes it away although it is still visible. I just wanted to check with some experts in case it was easy to do. Thanks again :)
With the cropped version I'd just darken up the shadows above the people innthe background and remove the reddish hue, maybe do some mild colour correction on the forehead and hair of the guy in the red shirt.
With the cropped version I'd just darken up the shadows above the people innthe background and remove the reddish hue, maybe do some mild colour correction on the forehead and hair of the guy in the red shirt.

Can you recommend something to do this with? I'm not good with editing etc but would have a shot. Cropping it was about my level unless there is software that makes this simple? If it's easy i'd appreciate anyone having a shot at it. Thanks for that! :)
IMG_0417 (4).jpg

IMG_0417 (4) copy.png

IMG_0417 (1) copy.png

Now the best way to do something like your asking if its only a small part of the image is a little like the advice above?
Take a magic wand tool or marquee tool select the effected area, Then make a new layer.
Make sure you can take the tool back to an area where you have a definitive line so it cannot be noticed much.
For example like the top of the hat on one of the people. When you have a new layer you simply have to apply some effects to get it to blend in properly.
Anyway hope your happy with the results. :D

Oh yer forgot to mention, Recommendation would be photoshop. Thats my choice some may use other editing software.
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You may still want to crop it slightly. There's little hope of doing much with the sky bit. (cropping from the guy on the balcony's shoulders upwards) 👍
Thanks very much christara. Excellent work. I really do appreciate that. Spot on! Thanks also thecracker, nice one mate.

Thanks again, all, i'm very happy with that and will have to try this software out myself sometime. Although hopefuly i wont need to edit too many photo's in the future haha.