No.Is there an option to buy the super ridiculously expensive cars that are $10Mil or higher, with real money instead of in-game credits?
It's a bit weird decision, because there aren't to many ways to earn 120 for these 7 over 10 cars. I would really have them, but grinding for cr. is so boring and cuts fun. I have already bought almost every car in game (except these 7 and some silly VGT cars without cockpit view) for credits, that I have earned just playing the game and having fun. I have also bought like 6 cars for real cash, because I wanted to support Polyphony for their great work. I wish to buy every of these expensive cars, even for 5 $ for one of them to support Polyphony and also to still have fresh fun with game without thinking while doing time attack, that I could do another race for more credits etc.
You can buy cars $10M or higher but you have to use the equivalent in real cash. So the Ferrari 330 P4 will cost you $20,000,000.
Not only that but its a PR nighmare for PD to handle. Imagine all the bad press against them.If the 20 million credit cars were on sale, they wouldn't just be $5 or something. They would be at an extortionate price, a price you wouldn't succumb to.
Not only that but its a PR nighmare for PD to handle. Imagine all the bad press against them.
Can't you sell the cars you buy with real money for credits and get the 20 million that way?