Can we change the tunes?

The menu music is probably the best since GT1. The racing music I switched off as soon as I heard Rim Shock. Which was pretty soon.
There's at least ten songs in the soundtrack that I would mute in a heartbeat. The worst song in the entire game has to be "20th Century Boy" by Ty Segall. It honestly sounds like my speakers are about to break whenever that starts playing.
I only have the menu music on, I just find it odd that it only plays the same few tunes rather than all of the others in the game that I've never heard.
Some of the menu music drives me mental, one tune in particular with the "Is anybody out there" spoken at the end. Utter crap!
There is a list of the music in one of the menus, it might be in the home or my library section, I've not explored it to see if songs can be excluded or rearranged though.
I only have the menu music on, I just find it odd that it only plays the same few tunes rather than all of the others in the game that I've never heard.
Some of the menu music drives me mental, one tune in particular with the "Is anybody out there" spoken at the end. Utter crap!

That one is “Love Machine” by Mirror System. I hate it too. :yuck:
I definently exhausted the playlist 100hrs ago

And I still can't get "Dream Machine" or "London in the Rain" out of my head

Dream Machine got added to a playlist on my Spotify. London in the Rain drives me insane!!

Anyway, the only way you can change the tunes is to turn them off and run Spotify in the background. The only sucky thing is that you have to pause Spotify manually if you want it off for races, but thankfully you can do that from your phone.
Make your own playlist on Spotify, play that instead. Problem solved forever.

I've done the same thing. I actually have a public playlist in case anyone's interested. Have a few favorite tracks from past GT soundtracks, plus some other raceworthy tunes.

The only thing I'd wish is for the playlist to be played directly through the game itself intstead of separately. I hate that the Spotify app "times out" because I prefer to use it for racing only. I actually like the menu music and enjoy listening to it between races. Also, no matter how much I adjust the in-game volumes, the quality doesn't quite match up with the playlist so it's not seamless.