Can you beat my time ? (GT3)

  • Thread starter big_torque
OK , here`s what you do ....

Go to Arcade mode , then Free Run , then Laguna Seca , then S cars , pick the Corvette C5R , auto trans , then pick racing.

I ran 22 laps , my best :

:D 1 : 15 . 885 :D

The Corvette C5R is a nice car. The ass end don`t kick out too bad if you hammer it out of a turn , not much under or oversteer either. Brakes are pretty good too.

I went through every turn as efficiently as possible , braked as late as possible and got a good line through the corkscrew. The 1st turn , the corkscrew and the last turn are key. Full throttle through the kink right before you go uphill to the corkscrew. I didn`t smack any walls or cut through any sand real bad. No tricks , just good racing. I have best lap replay saved for those non-believers if I can post it here.

I think it can be beat , but not by much. Good luck !

- Kyle
Well, I did 15.740 with auto, racing, and no ASM, TCS after 7 laps but could not top that after 20 so...
Also, I'm not a fan of automatic trannies on GT3 so it could take some time before I can do any better with auto.

Let me know if you've done any better.

Wow , good job , dude. I dont think you can change any TCS or ASM settings so that doesn`t matter. I didn`t go through the last turn as good as I wanted to. Coulda shaved .1 or .15 of off my time with that.

I`ll have to give it a couple more tries and see if if I can top your time. Is there a difference between racing and drift ?

- Kyle
New time at laguna with C5R!!!! After getting beat with a 1:15.740 after posting my 1 : 15 . 885 , I had to go try it again.

I ran 23 laps and my best came at lap 19 :

1 : 15 . 235 :D Sorry , Voltron. :mad:

I did everything perfect and got a perfect line through the corkscrew.

This time should stand tall for a while.


86.4 % complete
9,274,500 cr
352 / 435 races
80 % win

Excellent time!

By the way, you go to options to deselect the ASM and TCS under the option to select either manual or automatic trans.

I think I'll give it another go with Manual this time :D
Did you do it with the assists on?

100% complete
etc., etc.
Originally posted by big_torque
... Is there a difference between racing and drift ?

- Kyle

Oh, yeah. The racing and drift refer to suspension settings. Racing is basically stiffer suspension for driving a perfect line and drift is softer allowing for drifting (for lack of a better word) around corners. I only use drift for rally races... hope this helps.

And if anyone else wants to add to this be my guest. I have to go beat Kyle's time! :D
Okay, so I had to put TCS back on because I was frustrated...

Can you say: 1:15.070??? (used manual also this time )

I CAN! Sorry man! ;)

I wonder how long this could go on?
I 'patiently' await your response :lol:
Now I see where you can turn off the TCS and ASM. I just left em on. I didn`t want to throw in all the variables when you select the car for that race. I just plain old picked a car , picked a track , and went at it.
I made a couple of mpegs of my line through the corkscrew on that run but you can only put 76K worth of attachments here. I filmed my TV screen.
Thanks for the info on the racing/drift setting.

Voltron , please don`t beat my time. I don`t wanna have to run that race over and over again for a couple hundreths or something. hee hee

86.4% done
9.2 mil cr
80 % win
Finally got an F1
Well, I say we just try to get under 1:15.000 so one more time, next set of times wins. We can post em tomorrow 3/17 by 12 AM GMT... what time zone are you in?

ok guys i've been watching you's and had to have a go :P here's my best after about 10-15 laps asm = off tcs =on

t1 = 19.458
t2 = 35.925
t3 = 54.350

total = 1.14.372

screen shot or x-port available just request it :cool: laters

nice run this vette :shades:

can see a 1.13xxx is do-able ;)
you did it. you beat me :mad: :mad:

I told ya not to. ;) ;)

I think a sub- 1:15 is possible. But aint gonna be easy.


Yeah how long can this go on ? hee hee

I`ll give it another try.

I am in Chicago ( CDT)

I`ll post my final time sometime tomorrow.

You pick the next race.


86.4 %
9.2 mil cr
80 % win
Well , now Mr Persistance you changed something. I didnt say to turn off ASM. ASM may help the handling of a car but in this case it might give you an edge. Nice time , but sorry , can`t accept it.

What you think Voltron ?

ok i'll run it again with asm and tcs on is that ok ? or is it just asm on and tcs off ? no worries i'll run it , i never saw your rules before thats why i used this set-up , gimme the valid set-up and i'll do it now :cool:
Originally posted by big_torque
Well , now Mr Persistance you changed something. I didnt say to turn off ASM. ASM may help the handling of a car but in this case it might give you an edge. Nice time , but sorry , can`t accept it.

What you think Voltron ?


Whatever you want Kyle, this is your thread... If it were up to me I'd say this comp. is open for everyone. Myself, I'm gonna be shooting for Mr. P's time - it's good to have someone push us. Whatever you decide, we'll both submit our final times by tomorrow 12 AM EST.

:cheers: and best of luck to you!
Originally posted by mr persistance
ok i'll run it again with asm and tcs on is that ok ? or is it just asm on and tcs off ? no worries i'll run it , i never saw your rules before thats why i used this set-up , gimme the valid set-up and i'll do it now :cool:

:lol: Gee, thanks for tryin to make it fair for us Mr. P!! Ha!

Hope you're so used to unassisted that your times don't drop too much!

Setup: Kyle started with both assists on because he didn't know we could turn em off in Arcade... I was allowed to use only TCS on...
Originally posted by Voltron
I was allowed to use only TCS on... [/B]

hmmm???? isn't that what i done also :rolleyes: ok guys i'll leave you's to your confusion :P laters
If you turn off the assists you would think it would be harder but maybe it helps. You are changing something from the original format i wanted to race with. Thats my beef here.

I just wanted to race a "perfect lap " and compare my skills to others here. Thats why I started this thread.

Good job Mr P on your time.

I`ll be posting my best tomorrow morning.

86.4 %
9.2 mil cr
80 % win
jesus !! seems no matter which way i run this lap you've got a problem with it ! :confused: :confused: i run it with and without assists ! but still ...........! here's a tip for you ;)


btw i hope voltron kicks your ass in this challenge ;) satisfaction guaranteed :P :P :D
Ok, to make things equal, I will run my time with both assists on if that's what you're doing. See ya tomorrow!

That's a great time Mr. P, we'll get there some day!
Originally posted by mr persistance



Kyle: Yeah, now you know what types of details to include when you start another race.
Well , after about 60 laps and 5 cigarette breaks I came up with :

1 : 14 . 517 and a 1 :14 . 840

Thats the best I can do. My wrists hurt. I think I have carpal tunnel now . hee hee

I can make a .1 sec mpeg and squeeze it on here to show my best 3 times. It would be pretty blurry though. I need that sharkport thingy.

Mr P , when I started this challenge , I said arcade / free run / laguna seca / S cars / C5R / auto / racing. Thats it. I didnt say go turn off ASM or TCS or change anything else. Pretty simple directions if you ask me.

But good job on your times. You are a worthy adversary. You pushed me and Voltron to better our times.

Whos wants to start the next one ?

Dude, you're good!!

I tried it a little last night with both assists on and couldn't even beat my old time!!

Well, I'll start it up after I eat lunch and limit myself to 60 laps. should be a few hours from now.
You don`t gotta limit yourself to 60 laps. Play as much as you can before you post your time. 1:14.517 is my best. I was on a 1:13 xxx pace on 1 lap but I screw up in the corkscrew. Hard to do everything perfect. I`m burned out on this race. Good luck.


I couldn't break 1'15 with both assists on, so I guess you're the man for this race :P ... just didn't conform to my style of driving, I guess.

I turned the ASM off after about an hour and was able get a 1'14.424 almost straight off with a couple of 1'14.8-- somethings over the next hour (couldn't get at Mr. P's time). After seeing my best time on replay I see how there is much room for improvement... some other time.
I think, like you, that I too am burnt out on that race for now.

Well, I have another race series to practice for FTO v Integra - nice and slow!

See ya around my friend...
I'm not doing much OLR at the moment so I'll give this a shot. I'll probably be running MT with ASM & TCS off. ;)