Cant get TH8RS shifter to work with G25 in GT5

Did I just screw myself over?
I bought the TH8RS shifter because my G25 shifter was broken and as reported in the TH8RS thread, that this shifter works with all wheels, well I just updated the firmware and loaded up GT5 and it doesn't do anything, Can't change gears with clutch engaged.
Checked the shifter on my PC again and saw that shifter was selecting gears properly in the Thrustmasters Control panel.
Put it back in my PS3, restarted the PS3 and still the same. No response no gear changes.

Sorry for the rant, I've been waiting for this thing for 2months and it has finally arrived but it doesn't work like I thought it would.

It seems in the TH8RS thread there should be a disclaimer saying it works with all wheels on PC but only with T500RS in GT5!
Don't blame the community for Thrustmasters false claims. Besides, it has been stated in that thread numerous times after the release of the shifter and people getting it that it didn't work in GT5 with all wheels. It also says so on the support page of the device since the release.

On the other hand it still sucks non the less. My advice, get a Fanatec wheel and interfaceone board. That way you can have sequential as well. Something that still doesn't work for the T500+Th8 users in GT5. It's really a French way of doing things it seems. :(
I haven't checked the TH8RS thread in 2 months and I see they have updated to say "supports the feature as announced on the product page" but when you click on the Product page it goes to a blank page.
Well, can't do anything about that since this community isn't affiliated with any company in that way as far as I know.

Also I see why the link in the OP of that thread isn't working anymore. Have you tried going in via the front door? If so you would've seen that they have a new website since recently. Hence the links don't work anymore.

Here's the new link:

It seems they've now made it even more cryptic. Oh brother... -_-'

used with the PS3™**, the gearbox is compatible with racing wheels (including the T500 RS) and games (**) that have been developed to be compatible.

(**) List of games available at
Thanks for the link LogiForce, I'm not blaming gtplanet, I'm just ranting out of frustration and I also want to get the word out that the TH8RS ONLY works with T500RS in GT5 and NO OTHER WHEEL
DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT REPLACING YOUR G25 or G27 Shifter with the TH8RS to play Gran Turismo 5 because it simply DOESN'T work.

I'm typing this hoping Google index's this in their search engine, so anyone wondering if it will work with their G25 or G27 wheel will get the answer right away
Fair enough. So what are you going to do now? Return it or buy a new wheel that works with it?
I own a T500 and am thinking about an Elite (but am getting the Clubsport Wheel as well for sure) which is in the same price range, or at least it was since I heard Thrustmaster dropped the price a lot over the holidays.
I personally want to feel and compare the Elite with the T500, which in my opinion is a wild beast which isn't easy to tame. The Elite however is very smooth according to every reviewer out there, so I am curious.
Yeah I often feel that hardware vendors seem to vague with their websites. I don't know if "well it works well enough here just not on that" is the sales tactic. Maybe they are banking on the people that aren't completely satisfied but not completely upset to keep the product. To me, for the way I would use it, this shifter is pretty mint. Though I would have to get an interfaceone to use it.
How is the T500RS compared to the G25/G27, is it like jumping from a Driving Force Pro to a G25?
Can you feel vibrations that didn't exist on the G25 in GT5 or is it just a G25 with Crazy strong force feedback?
I own a T500 and am thinking about an Elite (but am getting the Clubsport Wheel as well for sure) which is in the same price range, or at least it was since I heard Thrustmaster dropped the price a lot over the holidays.
I personally want to feel and compare the Elite with the T500, which in my opinion is a wild beast which isn't easy to tame. The Elite however is very smooth according to every reviewer out there, so I am curious.
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Yeah I often feel that hardware vendors seem to vague with their websites. I don't know if "well it works well enough here just not on that" is the sales tactic. Maybe they are banking on the people that aren't completely satisfied but not completely upset to keep the product. To me, for the way I would use it, this shifter is pretty mint. Though I would have to get an interfaceone to use it.
It's apparently a great sales tactic, because just feeling the TH8RS in my hands and even pretending to shift with it like a broken man where I actually used the paddle shifts to shift the gear but at the same time pretend to shift the shifter lol, The shifter just feels great. I can tell it's of high quality, and it seriously making me consider buying a T500RS or CSR Elite with interfaceone board.
How is the T500RS compared to the G25/G27, is it like jumping from a Driving Force Pro to a G25?
Can you feel vibrations that didn't exist on the G25 in GT5 or is it just a G25 with Crazy strong force feedback?

I went from the G25 to the T500 RS (used the Logitech Formula Force GP before the G25) and it was a big step like the one I made earlier. The wheel is bigger which makes it more comfortable to turn it in my opinion. The forces are indeed stronger from the T500, by far even. Also I notice more effects because it's a belt driven wheel and most of all... I don't have the annoying wheel wobble. Except for very rare occasion where it starts to oscillate. This is mainly because of the motor mounted sensors though, instead of axle mounted like the CSR Elite and future CSW from Fanatec.
The precision, power and accuracy of this wheel makes it a huge step forward basically. The only reason I call it a wild beast is because it tends to be very abrupt in transferring the forces to the wheel. However this may differ because of the different cars and setups. It's just that I feel it could use some tweaking in that respect to make it more subtle. A firmware update for it would be nice.
Anyway, I refuse to go back to my old G25 as it is just too inaccurate, weak and most of all I don't feel all the forces I want to feel. The only thing I am still missing a lot is tactile myself (Buttkicker or Aura Bass Shakers).

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