• Thread starter BrandonW77
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Well, tonight was interesting but it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. We all got through turn 1 in the first race cleanly, can't wait to see that on the replay! It wasn't like that on every lap but that first turn is a swine for sure. Hopefully we can all learn from our mistakes and have a good race on Friday. 👍

Here are the results for tonight's to races. Congrats to iforce and Brosif on the victories.





Yes it was a bit chaotic tonight to say the least. I think we set the record for the biggest pile up ever in the long and storied history of the Cappuccino I got spun sideways in the first hairpin somehow, I think I was in 3rd or 4th, got turned around enough that I could see about 10 cars, buzzing, crashing, smoking, ramming each I think I completely blocked the track for a couple of seconds. I didn't save the replay so if someone wants to post that part of it I think it would be pretty funny. Can you send replays to people?
I didn't save the replay so if someone wants to post that part of it I think it would be pretty funny.
Just watched it. Yes, pretty funny. Replays can be sent, but it's a bit of pain.
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Yes it was a bit chaotic tonight to say the least. I think we set the record for the biggest pile up ever in the long and storied history of the Cappuccino I got spun sideways in the first hairpin somehow, I think I was in 3rd or 4th, got turned around enough that I could see about 10 cars, buzzing, crashing, smoking, ramming each I think I completely blocked the track for a couple of seconds. I didn't save the replay so if someone wants to post that part of it I think it would be pretty funny. Can you send replays to people?

I turned you. It was completely my fault. I stopped to wait up for you and had a small chuckle as I viewed the carnage that developed as a result of my stupidity. Sorry, again, to everyone.
I turned you. It was completely my fault. I stopped to wait up for you and had a small chuckle as I viewed the carnage that developed as a result of my stupidity. Sorry, again, to everyone.

That pile up gave me the opportunity to finish in the front half of the pack 👍

Overall a good race for the track it was on. The second race everyone was within 4 seconds of each other for the first 5-6 laps, that's pretty good. There was still some pretty "aggressive" passing attempts in odd places, like the sweeping left-hander after the back straight...

Thanks B for putting it on again and keeping things cool.
I guess I made a bad choice with this track, huh? lol Oh well, it still wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been but we've never had the thread light up with apologies after the race like we did here! I guess we have to suffer through the rest of the week here but rest assured this track won't ever make another appearance on future Capp Cup schedules. With 6 or 7 cars it can be quite fun but with 13........well, yeah.

I'm going to watch the replays and will try to post some videos of the low-lights from both races. I think we'll all get a chuckle from some of the calamity. At one point I came through the first hairpin to find quite a pile up waiting for me, never seen anything like that before in a Capp Cup race and I too had to laugh a little bit, reminded me of the Indy Car race in Baltimore. :lol:

At the very least, this week will sure shake up the points championship!!
Sounds like I missed all the fun last night. As you say Brandon, there have never been so many apologies on the thread!

I'd love to the highlights/lowlights or if anyone can upload the full reply I'd be very grateful.

If anyone is interested, I'm going to run a practise tonight around 8:30 in my lounge. Bear in mind I'm on London time, so that's 5 hours ahead of EDT.
Sounds like I missed all the fun last night. As you say Brandon, there have never been so many apologies on the thread!

I'd love to the highlights/lowlights or if anyone can upload the full reply I'd be very grateful.

It was entertaining, that's for sure. It really kinda felt like one of our nonsense races that we often do after the real races, but without the Tank Car. lol In a twisted way, it was a bit of a fun change. :crazy:

I'll see if I can get some replays sent to you. I've never actually done it but I'm quite familiar with the concept. I think most people use mediafire to do the transfer?
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I guess I made a bad choice with this track, huh? lol....With 6 or 7 cars it can be quite fun but with 13........well, yeah.

I think it was a decent track for these little cars, no city tracks are very easy to pass on...13 is a lot of cars too haha.

We had a nice little battle during the second race...until I missed my braking point on the first corner and it was either take myself out and lock-em up, or use you as my temporary "wall" haha.
We had a nice little battle during the second race...until I missed my braking point on the first corner and it was either take myself out and lock-em up, or use you as my temporary "wall" haha.

I wondered what happened there!! You were several car lengths behind me, I glanced in my mirror right before I turned into the hairpin and saw this flash of black go flying past me! I braced for impact but didn't feel anything so kept going but thought to myself "WTF just happened to Blind?!?". :lol: It was great to battle with you for a few laps though, been a while. :)
I wondered what happened there!! You were several car lengths behind me, I glanced in my mirror right before I turned into the hairpin and saw this flash of black go flying past me! I braced for impact but didn't feel anything so kept going but thought to myself "WTF just happened to Blind?!?". :lol: It was great to battle with you for a few laps though, been a while. :)

Haha, it was either you or me going out, since you're the director I figured you may notice that penaty without having to review ;)

Also Kaz is slowly releasing tweets about the whats going to be in the Spec 2.0 update...

:drool:Support for G25/G27:drool:
Also Kaz is slowly releasing tweets about the whats going to be in the Spec 2.0 update...

:drool:Support for G25/G27:drool:

OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! I THINK I JUST PEE'D A LITTLE BIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spec II to be a free update. Releasing between 9th and 15th October. (Thanks to Shirakawa Akira for translation)

1. Simplified interior view added to all standard cars. 2. User control of the weather change feature.

3. Added a setting sheet feature allowing you to save multiple car settings...

4. Spec 2.0 Opening movie 5. Improved UI response and usability 6. Replay front forward/rewind

7. Mid-race save feature for endurance races. / 8. Expanded online lounge features (Narrowing down car types, shuffle races)...

9. Expansion of the B-Spec remote race you can play from (a graph display now shows changes in race rankings.)

10. Expanded Photo travel features / You can now take photo’s of cars together with your avatar...

11. Added a “NASCAR Pit Scene” stage to Photo Travel / 12. Added eleven 2011 model NASCAR cars...

13. Added the Nissan GT-R N24 Shulze Motor Sport, / 14. Improved physics and AI...

15. Support for the Logitec G25/G27 Steering wheel.
And here I was secretly hoping for reduction of the insane draft.
Mid-enduro save is good though, finally a chance to complete the game :)
And here I was secretly hoping for reduction of the insane draft.
Mid-enduro save is good though, finally a chance to complete the game :)

Maybe that will fall under "improved physics" department. ;)
I guess I made a bad choice with this track, huh? lol Oh well, it still wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been but we've never had the thread light up with apologies after the race like we did here! I guess we have to suffer through the rest of the week here but rest assured this track won't ever make another appearance on future Capp Cup schedules. With 6 or 7 cars it can be quite fun but with 13........well, yeah.

I don’t think the track was necessarily a bad choice. I think driver errors, overambitious maneuvers, and general impatience caused a sloppy race. In my case, I thought the nose of my car was clear of yuri’s rear cover but the steering wheel in the cockpit view was partially obstructing my field of vision and caused a misjudgment on my part. I ended up switching views to the roof cam to remedy the problem.

In my opinion, the best place to attempt a clean pass is Turn 1 if you are able to utilize the draft and get inside the other driver before the braking zone. To complete the pass you need to start braking at the “100” board to slow your car enough to hug the inside barrier and ensure you don’t disrupt the driver on the outside. You can also attempt a pass into the last corner if your exit speed from the previous corner is sufficiently higher than the lead car. Your exit speed advantage would be due to a mistake made by the lead driver which would have slowed their car a substantial amount, thus allowing you to pull ahead, or at a minimum along-side, before you enter the braking zone.

I feel that under no circumstances should a pass attempt be made in the high-speed left hander (Turn 2, or Turn 3 if you include the right-hand kink), both at entry and at apex, unless the lead car is severely off the pace and a pass can be completed without incident. The single racing line through Turn 2 can also cause a problem at corner exit if the lead car smacks the outside barrier as there isn’t anywhere for trailing car to go but into the rear of the lead car. The corner is just bad news and everyone’s MO during the race should just be to get through Turn 2 clean and quick without pushing the limit.
I don’t think the track was necessarily a bad choice. I think driver errors, overambitious maneuvers, and general impatience caused a sloppy race.

Agreed, but these are all known factors that can be present in every race. Putting us in tight quarters like Madrid just increases the likelihood of these things happening. But I do think it will be a good learning experience, I'm interested to see how the race here will evolve from Tuesday to Friday. Considering this is the first race we've had like this in over 2 seasons, I'm not worried about it. :)

In case you all aren't following the news leaking out today regarding Spec 2.0, here's is the most complete and official news I've seen so far today:

"Excited" doesn't even begin to describe my feelings!! :drool:
It coming out the 11th, next week Tuesday :)

P.S - Any thoughts on schedule changes if it does come out on Tuesday?

Excellent point, being released on our race day means there will be a lot of unknown variables. I think we might have to consider postponing all of next week so we can have plenty of time to sort out the new features and see how it's going to effect our league. We would of course have to do lots of practice races during the week and I know that would just break everybody's heart. :dopey:
From the US Playstation Blog:

"Players setting up online races will also have a host of new regulations available to customize their own events."

That's a pretty tasty view for a "standard" vehicle. Look at all the extra detail in the headlights and fender!!!!!! When viewed from the roof cam, the fender and headlights of the Caterham in the current version of GT5 have the typical "blocky" look that is common on standard cars. But not in Spec 2.0. Could this mean that some standards have received some graphical tweaks??

That's a pretty tasty view for a "standard" vehicle. Look at all the extra detail in the headlights and fender!!!!!! When viewed from the roof cam, the fender and headlights of the Caterham in the current version of GT5 have the typical "blocky" look that is common on standard cars. But not in Spec 2.0. Could this mean that some standards have received some graphical tweaks??

I drove the Caterham for the first time the other night and I thought the detail from "roof cam" was actually pretty good for a standard, but still a bit blocky. The detail in that photo is incredible! But, they did say the level of detail will vary from car to car and one of the examples provided is simply a black outline of a windscreen/dash with the bumper cam gauges. The edges were nice and sharp though, and anything is better than no interior view.

Whatever the end result ends up being, it looks like they've really hit a home-run with this new update. They were a little vague on the improvements to online rooms but it sure sounds like there will be some goodies for us that help improve the Capp Cup experience. 👍

Is it October 11th yet?? :crazy:
My lounge is open for practise.
Come on over!
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PD's announcements of new stuff never disappoint me. Apple's announcement yesterday kinda disappointed me.
The possible updates from the tweets are very exciting. For me, I am really looking forward to the incar view of standard cars...even if it is just an outline etc. I must say, the Caterham is one of my favorite cars in the game, but rarely drive it because I have become such a incar view snoob. That pic that was posted here is just awesome.
Added a setting sheet feature allowing you to save multiple car settings ...this is fantastic but should have been there from the beginning

Expanded online lounge features (Narrowing down car types, shuffle races)...this is sorely needed.

Improved physics and AI...[/I]...hoping this doesn't mean I have to retune my entire garage.

Don't think it was mentioned here and in case anyone missed it:

As if this massive update was not enough, I can also advise you of more great news – very shortly we will be sharing with you details of a forthcoming package of exciting DLC for GT5 that will include new vehicles and tracks plus a host of other additional new content

I will second everything Brosif said earlier, except the part where he pit maneuvred Be patient at this track, there is very little room for error, be choosy about where you pass and realize that any little bump, even a love tap, can give someone a glancing blow against the guardrail costing them a second or two, which is really tough to make up on this track.

It's probably not possible to have no contact here, but let's try and keep it to a minimum so we can all have an enjoyable race.
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@Yuri, the funny thing about our Turn 1 incident is that I wasn't even trying to pass you. I was content with staying in your draft for the next dozen laps but effed it all up.
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