• Thread starter BrandonW77
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RDAardvark nailed it. I had a massive PICNIC last night, complete with a huge basket and even a wine and cheese course.
Looks like some of you guys need to get on the ball and catch up with iforce, he's fixing to walk away with this thing! lol Don't wait on me to do it
I disagree. You can do smth (although very little in terms of gap). That is - fix my PSN id in results ;)
Get a wheel. Sorry I couldn't resist.

I wish I had your excuse Brandon, my capp felt great, awesome turn in and no sign of oversteer. I'm the weak link. There is one pivotal corner and I got it right once all night.

Nice of Brandon to slow down at the end so I could have some excitement.

Also, race 2 lol, looking in my mirrors for the fast guys, nope oh hello wall SLAM. Last. Looked like Yuri had a lapse on the next corner, saw him drop from 3rd to 10th.

What a total brain fart on my part...completely missed the braking point and straight into the Was fun trying to catch back up but I would rather have been in
Results and Standings have been updated with last nights finishing order. Looks like some of you guys need to get on the ball and catch up with iforce, he's fixing to walk away with this thing!

I think he's gonna pull a Vettel on us.
Edit - H-Shifter too? hehe

That brings back memories, doesn't it?! :) I wonder how old Danzo is, haven't seen him on GTP for a very long time. I learned a lot about how NOT to run a league from him, and I'd say it's worked out quite nicely. :sly:

FYI, Alfa TZ2, cockpit view, no HUD, H-Shifter, FTW. 👍
^Who's Danzo and why do you say that?

It's a long and complicated story, but he's mostly the reason that I decided to try my hand at running a league. He directed the H-Shifter Racing League, we all raced with shifters and clutches. It was a great group but he was very disrespectful to the members, up to and including calling them offensive names and using personal insults. It was my first experience racing with a league and left a bad enough taste in my mouth that I decided to give it a go myself. My first attempt at a league was a good idea but was flawed in the execution. About that time I stumbled upon the original thread that spawned the Capp Cup. It started as just a notion to race some RM Cappy's but tons of people wanted it to be a series. The guy who started the thread didn't want to run a series though, so we had everything we needed for a Capp Cup league except a director. Somehow the group nominated me to take the helm and officially start this little group we have here. The rest is Cappuccino history! :)

The guy ran H-shifter league. IIRC his forum id is lfa.

You are correct sir. I haven't seen him on GTP since shortly after Owens and I left the group.
Had a lot of fun banging gears in the HSRL.

Sadly I won't be banging any gears soon. Gas pedal is the old clutch. So till I get TM to replace them. No clutch. No need for the shifter. I do plan to have it all sorted by December. ;)
Had a lot of fun banging gears in the HSRL.

Sadly I won't be banging any gears soon. Gas pedal is the old clutch. So till I get TM to replace them. No clutch. No need for the shifter. I do plan to have it all sorted by December. ;)

Oh bummer...are you watching out for those new Fanatec wheels too?
I miss the gear banging. It was nice knowing that everybody else was using the h-shifter, you really can't afford to use it when the majority are using the flappy-paddles. The h-shifter isn't a huge disadvantage, but it's enough to add up over a whole race. I almost always use it when doing A-Spec or Seasonals though.
Had the pleasure of doing some License test at my buddies in the old G27 cockpit. He was mentioning he thought the shifter was messed up. So I went and did the Laguna Seca test with the Camaro. All banging to a gold. There was an audience, got an ego boost from their compliments. Hahaha Still heal toe well too.

Yes miss it very much. Ok getting on this peddle tomorrow.
Results and Standings have been updated with last nights finishing order. Looks like some of you guys need to get on the ball and catch up with iforce, he's fixing to walk away with this thing! lol Don't wait on me to do it, I was 3 seconds off the pace last night. :dunce:

I think I've been driving the Alfa too much, my Capp just felt awful at Rome. Such a huge difference in the feeling of the 2 cars, as well as the amount of control. My Capp has become schizophrenic, on one lap it wants to understeer and on the next lap it wants to oversteer. I think I need to put it on some medication. 👍

After driving the Alfa a bit the last few weeks, I have to admit it is a real enjoyable drive. Enough downforce to have some control but not glued to the track, enough grip in the front to loosen up the back if you want to but you don't have to if that's your driving style. Stock suspension has a great feel to it so you can really appreciate the bumps, curbs, changes in road conditions etc. It's a car you can attack with and feel pretty secure and it really rewards precision and patience at the same time. Exhaust has that perfect classic note to it.

It's hard not to love this car!!!
After driving the Alfa a bit the last few weeks, I have to admit it is a real enjoyable drive. Enough downforce to have some control but not glued to the track, enough grip in the front to loosen up the back if you want to but you don't have to if that's your driving style. Stock suspension has a great feel to it so you can really appreciate the bumps, curbs, changes in road conditions etc. It's a car you can attack with and feel pretty secure and it really rewards precision and patience at the same time. Exhaust has that perfect classic note to it.

It's hard not to love this car!!!

Have you noticed it actually seems to have a "heartbeat" to it? When you're at a sustained speed you can hear a rhythm, "ba dum dum dum. ba dum dum dum" in the exhaust note, it's kinda cool. :)
Have you noticed it actually seems to have a "heartbeat" to it? When you're at a sustained speed you can hear a rhythm, "ba dum dum dum. ba dum dum dum" in the exhaust note, it's kinda cool. :)

Actually I thought I had left a couple of bowling balls in the trunk by mistake...:sly: I tried turning off the subwoofer but my front channels have more than enough base and the bowling balls are still I did notice it in another car recently too but forgot which one. I wonder if they are mimicking a real life sound of some kind or if it's a programming mistake of some kind.
I'm no expert, but it sounds like an error in from looping the enguine note, it is the only negative against the car.

I get quite distracted by it and I too am sure there is another car that has it too.
I'm no expert, but it sounds like an error in from looping the enguine note, it is the only negative against the car.

I get quite distracted by it and I too am sure there is another car that has it too.

Hahahaha glad I am not nuts. I keep two powered subs and a butt kicker. That noise resonates for sure. There is also a car worse cant recall what. Hmmm
Getting pumped for this weekends cappy race, should be able to make it on both nights this weekend. Only one thing, I the last two races (GVR and Indy) but I dont see my name in the points standings:grumpy:. I am sure it is nothing intentional but.....
Rome should be a good race for me as it has always been one of my stronger tracks, of course that was when I ran with the DS3, and now that I run with a G27, it seems it doesnt always transfer over. :banghead:
Hahahaha glad I am not nuts. I keep two powered subs and a butt kicker. That noise resonates for sure. There is also a car worse cant recall what. Hmmm

I really like the noise - Sounds like the oil or coolant is bubbling away under that bonnet!
Only one thing, I the last two races (GVR and Indy) but I dont see my name in the points standings:grumpy:. I am sure it is nothing intentional but.....

Sorry about that bud, nothing intentional for sure. I will get it updated and post new graphics. Looking forward to racing with you this weekend. 👍

I really like the noise - Sounds like the oil or coolant is bubbling away under that bonnet!

Yes! I quite enjoy it, makes me feel like the car is alive and there's actually something going on under the hood. :sly:
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