• Thread starter BrandonW77
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Organized..Meh .. Thats the second time I have seen that without an invite attached? I assume generally these are someone elses rooms and they are already well established with a local click or crew running the show. Kind of like lobbies, only with bigger and more organized packs. Most of these people will know each other already and be comfortable with each other and not so friendly to outsiders. Figure thats why I don't see a lot of people desperate to invite new peeps. Maybe I will meet someone online someday who I like racing with and he will invite me.

"This group is in our off season and "SOME" members are just TESTING for next season in my lounge".

A lot like I expected...already....don't expect to see me trolling this thread looking for an invite any more.

Instructions on how to join are on the first page of this post. A simple post of a question will be answerd fast, even a stupid question. People in this series are super nice and welcoming and seriously bro calm down, you sound like a child.
Instructions on how to join are on the first page of this post. A simple post of a question will be answerd fast, even a stupid question. People in this series are super nice and welcoming and seriously bro calm down, you sound like a child.

Haha! I was about to go there as well. No idea what this dude is on about...
So, how did the session go last night?

There were only 4 of us, Spa was great, even with a weak draft. Unless you fell of the track things were close. Daytona Road needs more than 4 people, it is too easy to get isolated, even with strong draft. I ran Monza, but should have done no chicane again it was easy to get isolated. We finished on Monaco which was fine.

The car looks great on Spa, Monza and Monaco, but it looks a little out of place at Daytona. Every race seemed to be a battle for first place with everyone getting a win.

Looks like most races will be a draft-fest, with a field of 12+ it is going to be a very exciting. I expect a fair few incidents, so it might be a good idea to not take things too seriously :)

Good to hear! I'm planning on having a room open for Alfa testing tomorrow (Friday) night as well as Saturday afternoon so there will be at least 2 chances to get some Alfa driving in yet this week. :)

I'll be there Friday, if you haven't slipped off to bed by the time I show up.
There were only 4 of us, Spa was great, even with a weak draft. Unless you fell of the track things were close. Daytona Road needs more than 4 people, it is too easy to get isolated, even with strong draft. I ran Monza, but should have done no chicane again it was easy to get isolated. We finished on Monaco which was fine.

The car looks great on Spa, Monza and Monaco, but it looks a little out of place at Daytona. Every race seemed to be a battle for first place with everyone getting a win.

Looks like most races will be a draft-fest, with a field of 12+ it is going to be a very exciting. I expect a fair few incidents, so it might be a good idea to not take things too seriously :)

I'll be there Friday, if you haven't slipped off to bed by the time I show up.

I kind of agree about Daytona Road, but the 1965 Championship did run a 24hr race there. Not sure if the Alfa was part of that or not though. Daytona is the one track I'm still not quite sure about, I do enjoy running there and I haven't raced there a lot so it would be a nice change of pace and I'd like to keep it. More testing needed though.

I have no bedtime on Friday nights and usually start things a little later so west coasters can participate so I'll see you then. :) Probably open the lounge around 8:30 or 9pm EST tomorrow night.

Thanks for hosting the practice session. :cheers:
Thanks for hosting the practice session. :cheers:

I did a pretty terrible job, just hit start race when people complained they were bored. I don't think any of us knew each other very well, so the chat was minimal. Not really the clique we are made out to be ;)

Racing was fun, we waited up if there was an early disaster so we could keep the pack together.

And Yuri seems to be a mute who has developed lightning fast typing skillz to compensate. He seems to be able to type and drive at the same time without losing pace.

I agree Daytona was the weak link, it almost feels that the Alfa is too slow to run on it. It really needs testing with 10+ people over 5 or 6 laps.
I agree Daytona was the weak link, it almost feels that the Alfa is too slow to run on it. It really needs testing with 10+ people over 5 or 6 laps.

Agreed. Hopefully we can get a good group together this weekend and do a thorough test. 👍
I'll be on tomorrow night from about 8pm UK time.
And I should be around on your Saturday afternoon as well.
Mute? Nah, I just like to run my surround system really loud as part of my racing experience and I've grown so used to it, I have a hard time racing with the sound turned down so about the only time I put on my mic is when I'm with just one other person and we're tuning and not doing any racing. Otherwise, it's usually mic off and sound blasting. I've had some of my friends walk by the house and knock on the door because they could hear it Brandon suggested a headset and someday I might get around to buying that but I'd probably only use it in series as I prefer the all out sound.

I used to hate the Daytona track myself, mostly because of that first corner. In faster cars, it's so difficult to get the car settled down entering the corner, but it's not as bad in the Alfa although it still requires a margin of error to stay on top of it. I'm starting to like it and I think it would be a good addition to the schedule. Something different as well since we've never raced there.

For the full Nurb I can take it or leave it. It's a great hot lap track and a lousy racing track. The car is off balance half the time and if you get one wheel in the grass from slight contact during a pass you're done for. I rarely race it online for that reason. For an enduro it may not matter as much, but if we do use it, I'd go for the 24 hours track so we have a lap on the new track to get everyone sorted out and in line. That first series of corners at the old track, on cold tires, with a tight pack is almost guaranteed chaos.

The session last night was good Freaky, I think you just have to maintain a given pace. Go to a track, three or so laps to get some time in the car and then race. If you run a second race there, then you can usually start right away after everyone gets into the pits. At Monza you started right away when we first got there and I had no idea where to brake for most corners. If you establish a pace then everyone knows what to expect. But overall it was fine, just a little tweaking here and there. 👍
For the full Nurb ... I'd go for the 24 hours track so we have a lap on the new track to get everyone sorted out and in line.
Yeap. Few times I raced regular Nurb there was almost always someone being pushed onto the grass @turn 1, 3 and Flugplatz
......@turn 1, 3 and Flugplatz

No 🤬 swearing in my thread please. :lol:

That's my overall feeling about the Nord too and why I most likely won't use it. Using the 24hr layout is a better idea, we'd have plenty of time to get sorted out on the GP track and by the time we get to the first couple of Nord turns our tires would be warm and we'd be spread out. We'll test that this weekend but I'd imagine we'll most likely be running the GP/F track for the season.
Yeah I forced the race early on Monza as dsgerbc had somewhere he needed to be, so we only had 10 minutes, I wanted to give him a farewell race.

I'm not a Ring fan, I usually touch the grass two or three times a lap and then run the next few corner far too slowly. I expect I'll be stone cold last for that race, might even skip that round if we get to drop a race or two like last year.

If we are doing the 24hr version I might hot lap it twice a day from now until race day to see if I can get a handle on it.

EDIT: The ring looks great if you get the time to 19:20 - 19:40 :D
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Love Nord...favorite track in the game to drive, hate it though for racing. I would rather see the GP track layout.
I think it'd be fine. We're in slower cars and everyone knows how to race clean. I doubt it'd be an issue. Plus the lighting effects look nicer if you use the time/weather change version.
The Ring has limited passing options, unless you go two wheels on the grass or just ride up on someone long enough for them to make a mistake. I love driving it though, it reminds me of cruising on a backcountry road in the upstate NY/ Vermont area. I think it would be alot of fun to race it with you guys but I totally understand that if the majority of people here want to go with a GP track instead, I would be open to comprimise. So now I feel like I just set an example for the government.
So this is my real idea for the off season. Would anyone be up for a top gear race where we set up a designated car and individual drivers could post their times to the thread and the fastest one wins bragging rights.This would be run on the honor system and there would be no prize for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd so no one would have a reason to give fake times. Basicaly you would go into one of the capp or alfa rooms, take as many practice laps as you want, set the laps to one (1), race by yourself, record your time and post it here. I would prefer this to be done in a production car with tuning prohibited on sport soft tires I think this would give a realistic feel to it. Its just a thought, but would anyone else be interested in this or should I start thinking before I post?
So this is my real idea for the off season. Would anyone be up for a top gear race where we set up a designated car and individual drivers could post their times to the thread and the fastest one wins bragging rights.This would be run on the honor system and there would be no prize for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd so no one would have a reason to give fake times. Basicaly you would go into one of the capp or alfa rooms, take as many practice laps as you want, set the laps to one (1), race by yourself, record your time and post it here. I would prefer this to be done in a production car with tuning prohibited on sport soft tires I think this would give a realistic feel to it. Its just a thought, but would anyone else be interested in this or should I start thinking before I post?

Well, it's funny you mention that as I have something like this planned for when I have the other stuff up and running. I wasn't going to talk about it yet (don't want you guys to think I've put too much on my plate) but I suppose I'll comment.

I'm thinking of doing an ORCA Star in a Reasonably Priced Car section of the social group. I would schedule meet-ups in one of the lounges with several people. Each person would take one lap around the Top Gear track in the Suzuki Swift Sport 07 from the recommended garage (no tuning!). I'd set the race for one lap and each person in the room would take their turn. I'd record the results of each race and that would be your time for the Power Lap board. This would allow us to do a proper standing start and also save the replay so I could upload videos to youtube of everyone's lap. 👍 Since everybody has access to the Swift in the recommended garage they could practice on their own and we could have a 15 minute warm up session for everyone before they do their lap.

I think this is a fantastic idea.👍
I loved the suffix Jeremy put on the laptimes when the track was damp or wet. "Mildly Moist" was my favourite.
Yeah, I like the 1-lap race in a lounge a lot more than offline racing with time comparison. The latter is basically WRS, and takes up too much time usually.
Doesn't have to be Suzuki though, and the car does not have to be announced before practice starts ;)

And commentary/chat should be allowed during the lap, distracting the driver ;)
Here's some interesting info about the history of the Alfa TZ2. It won it's class in every race it entered in 1966.


A reminder about Alfa practice tonight. We're going to try running in the ORCA_Champ lounge and I should have it open around 8:30/9:00pm EST. If you haven't sent a friend request yet please do so. I think I'll log in under that ID and race with it so I can accept any FR's that come in while we're running (so you probably won't see my BrandonW77 ID online). The Champ ID has a shiny new Alfa in it's garage that needs broken in...........I suppose somebody has to do it. :)
So, *now* I ask the ORCA_Champ to be my friend? :D Were there others, or just that one for now?

(For the record, I've never felt unwelcome... even though I haven't gotten to race with you guys yet. That's mostly been a scheduling issue with me.)
Yeah, I like the 1-lap race in a lounge a lot more than offline racing with time comparison. The latter is basically WRS, and takes up too much time usually.
Doesn't have to be Suzuki though, and the car does not have to be announced before practice starts ;)

And commentary/chat should be allowed during the lap, distracting the driver ;)

I think everyone should tell jokes or sing while someone is hotlapping.
I'm should be around tonight. I'm not a time trial fan, so I'll bow out of any of that activity, but that is the great thing about this new lobby system. Pick what interests you and show up. Plenty of other fun to be had. Great job Brandon et al.
So, *now* I ask the ORCA_Champ to be my friend? :D Were there others, or just that one for now?

(For the record, I've never felt unwelcome... even though I haven't gotten to race with you guys yet. That's mostly been a scheduling issue with me.)

Yep, send a friend request to ORCA_Champ and I'll accept it when I get home. Looking forward to actually racing with you!

I'm should be around tonight. I'm not a time trial fan, so I'll bow out of any of that activity, but that is the great thing about this new lobby system. Pick what interests you and show up. Plenty of other fun to be had. Great job Brandon et al.

This would just be a thing for fun and a neat way to see how we all rank against each other in the same car on the same track. It's not a requirement though, just for those who want to partake. If you've never seen Top Gear it would probably seem kinda silly. :dunce:
If you've never seen Top Gear it would probably seem kinda silly. :dunce:

I love TopGear, I watch too much of it. I already know exactly where I stack up against the rest of you guys.

Time Trials are not my thing, with the seasonals I grab the easy million crs for gold and then never go back.
I love TopGear, I watch too much of it. I already know exactly where I stack up against the rest of you guys.

Time Trials are not my thing, with the seasonals I grab the easy million crs for gold and then never go back.

The only seasonal time trial I've ever done is the recent one that gave us a free car. :lol:
I needed the money. I have never duped any cars or tickets or anything, so to get the 900 cars I have took money and the time trials are easy money. I hit 20 mil last night and bought the Ferrari P330! I was so happy. Now the grind back up to 20 mill for the Ford :)

I hit the 20 mil last night thanks to an ORCA account running my bobs, so thanks to whoever set that up, I put the money to good use. If the ORCA account needs money I can reciprocate.
That's one benefit of the ORCA accounts - Run the grinder on one of them and earn money for loads of people.

Plus the ORCA account can earn money for itself to buy prize cars.
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