Cappuccino Cup Racing (RM) - SEASON 1 COMPLETE!

  • Thread starter BrandonW77

Best Race Day/Times (Top 2 Will Be Chosen)

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I might have a special treat in store for you guys tonight. As some of you know, Owens and I hosted the ASRA Indy 500 a few weeks ago and will be running the Monaco Grand Prix in a couple weeks. We're working on a system to have knockout qualifying and the race itself broadcast live through the internet for all of GTP to view and I think tonight's Capp Cup race is going to be used as "trial broadcast" to see how things work out.

There will be someone in the room with the PSN ID xBombay, he will not participate in the race but he has a video capture card so when he's on the "watch race" screen everything on his tv will be streamed live directly to Livestream. He will be able to flip between different drivers so he can follow the action and it should be pretty dang cool. If he makes it, I may not participate in the race because I'll want to watch the stream to see if everything works out or if we need to make some changes.

If we get this working I'll post a link to the stream here. It should be free to watch and no registering or anything.

Oh damn ok we was doing Monaco at 8. Doh. Had a bad showing in the last event of WSGTC. Kinda out of it from the stress.
I'm about to open a practice room right now. I'm making it early because I really need the practice.


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I might have a special treat in store for you guys tonight. As some of you know, Owens and I hosted the ASRA Indy 500 a few weeks ago and will be running the Monaco Grand Prix in a couple weeks. We're working on a system to have knockout qualifying and the race itself broadcast live through the internet for all of GTP to view and I think tonight's Capp Cup race is going to be used as "trial broadcast" to see how things work out.

There will be someone in the room with the PSN ID xBombay, he will not participate in the race but he has a video capture card so when he's on the "watch race" screen everything on his tv will be streamed live directly to Livestream. He will be able to flip between different drivers so he can follow the action and it should be pretty dang cool. If he makes it, I may not participate in the race because I'll want to watch the stream to see if everything works out or if we need to make some changes.

If we get this working I'll post a link to the stream here. It should be free to watch and no registering or anything.

Awesome stuff B! 👍 I hope tonight works well as a test so that your Monaco GP can be streamed seamlessly. I'm still excited from last week's actual Monaco GP... man that was an amazing race! Boo on the tire changes under the red flag though! :grumpy:
The link for the broadcast of tonight's race will be He was broadcasting our practice room for Monaco but will be switching over to the Capp room shortly. If anybody checks it out, let me know what you think. 👍

And of course, I just dropped


Clearing cache, brb.
Yeah...I dropped out during the race...I couldn't keep up with anyone, I need a really good config before I race with you guys again

- Started 5th after a surprisingly good quali effort

-took it somewhat easy, like what we all should have on lap one, however people didn't, and I fell to 7th

-Crashed on lap 2, turn 1, because people aren't patient! Ran into a spinning SohnVonStig, who got taken out and got engine damage! Fell to last!

-Spun out and crashed 2 more times on lap 2 and ragequit!

Okay, after the race is done, and I've seen the replay, looks like me and the guy infront of me messed up turn 1 on lap 2, hit the outside wall. I thought I got touched, but I didn't.

Still stupid how I get engine damage from hitting Ponyboy, and fall wayy back, and he recoveres and fights for a podium.
Here are the results for Friday Night: Round 2. Congrats to TriEluzai on winning with over a 10 second gap to 2nd place.


Things were kinda messy tonight, between the connection issues, the false start and many reports of questionable driving I'm sure we'd all rather forget this one. If anybody has any suggestions about how to fix the connection issues I'm all ears. We haven't had any problems before tonight so I'm not sure what went wrong.

I'm going to be reviewing the replay carefully due to several complaints about some possible unsportsman-like racing. I personally didn't see much because I spun on lap 1 and was way in the back for all of the race. I don't have a penalty system in place for this series and would like to keep it that way, but both races this week have drawn multiple complaints about drivers causing another driver to spin and not giving the position back. In case you haven't aready read them, we abide by the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules. It's possible the grip on the track was low due to poor connection and that caused some of the schmozel's, so I'm not pointing any fingers or anything right now. We all have those moments, but hopefully we learn from each one. 👍

See you guys tomorrow, I will have a practice room open sometime after 1pm EDT for practice. Qualifying will start at 2pm.

I didn't join you all tonight, but I was online with some other league friends and we also noticed an extra amount of lag tonight. I'm thinking it was the servers, nothing any individual can do about it. Let's hope they were upgrading.
This is my first race series, I came looking for a little something extra, something a bit more organised than the random online rooms. I read the rules, took the time to visit the GTP rulebook cos i didn't want to embarass myself doin something stupid. And i love this series. Its close racing, intense sometimes, relaxed and funny others. I've never laughed so hard as when the "18" lap race ended after just 1 lap!!!

But..... Yes sadly there is a but. I've been at every race so far, all 5 events. And in 3 of those 5 races i've been knocked off the track and out of position in a situation that should have been avoidable. And i'm just stumped as to why it keeps happening. Rules say if you do that to another racer you stop and let them recover their position, yet not once has anyone done this. I try my absolute best to race clean, try not to pass in places where its gonna cause grief, slow down if it means not hitting the car in front of me and i wait for a better opportunity.

I know there are some good clean racers in the series, some of you guys are an absolute pleasure to race with, i get a huge amount of satisfaction out of getting the good pass, and nearly ( but not quite ) as much pleasure out of being passed and knowing i did my best but didn't force the issue to the point of spoiling someone elses race.

I will keep racing, and keep hoping that karma will see me through. Appreciation to the guys that organise and host, yr doin an awesome job. See you all on the track!!
That puts me 1st in the points (44) for the Friday Night Race :) Followed by Wilso on 36 and a tie for 3rd between Owen and Snoop on 32. Stoked with me.....

I had a bit of Lagg in those first few laps when we were all close together. But once it calmed down it went pretty smoothly. Good driving Tri, i couldn't gain time on you.
It was kind of funny when Me, and 2 other people spun out near the middle of the track on the first lap at the same time lol

That's why I always stay back in the field when taking corners, because there are people like that who are impatient.

It was pretty epic when we finished the race with 1 lap though lol, I couldn't stop laughing.
So how about we do a track based on speed? Like Daytona or Indy...just a suggestion.

Oh and also to relieve the tension after races, let's have a fun race right after it, a race of laughs like fiat 500's up big hills or rally racing with muscle cars, stuff like that.
...I'm sure we'd all rather forget this one.
I'm not quite sure 'forget' is the exact word I would use, but I am a little bit biased given the circumstances. :sly: It was quite hilarious and memorable when our first start ended after one lap! Cheers to everyone for working to preserve the general grid for the restart. Now if only we could keep things clean during the first few laps while the tires warm up...

@vodas888: Thx man. I finally had a relatively clean race. Only 2 major time losses due to bobbles. That's the best I've managed so far!

@SohnVonStig: Imagine my surprise when I checked the overall race time compared to Tuesday. As we were saying in the lounge post race, we both thought the pace of the race was slow, but it turns out even with 2 laps significantly off pace due to mistakes, the winning time was only 4 seconds slower than Brosif's time on Tuesday. Obviously Brosif would've been much faster without that spin of course, but I think our garbage time was probably a wash.

Tuesday winning time: 25:39.547
Friday winning time: 25:43.465

Tonight's winning time was actually 6 seconds ahead of the 2nd place time on Tuesday. I don't know about you, but that surprised me too. Guess it was faster tonight than we thought. Hope your wheel starts behaving soon. Sounds like you drove an amazing pace considering the handicap! 👍
Tuesday winning time: 25:39.547
Friday winning time: 25:43.465

That's an average lap time of 1:25.5! I'm scared now as 1:25.2 is the best time I've posted on the course! See you all tonight: I'll be the one down the back.:)
OP has been updated with Round 2 results and points.

After reviewing the replay of incidents on lap 2, I really don't see anything that warrants any kind of action. It looked to me like 3 or 4 people all went into turn 1 a little too hot and spun on their own, collecting each other in the process. I didn't see anycontact until after everybody has lost grip and started to spin. Just a collective group of solo racing incidents.

Waz, I watched both your spins on lap 2 and lap 12 and I reay didn't see anything uncalled for. There was no contact at all on lap 2 and on lap 12 Smurfit had successfully taken the position going into turn 1 and I only saw very minor incidental side-to-side contact between you two. Turn 1 on this track is very tricky and was sure to produce some moments, as it did.

Hopefully there won't be any hard feelings that carry over to other races. I think we all could have shown perhaps a bit more patience but I didn't see anything uncalled for or intentional. But as a reminder, what many consider to be the Golden Rule of online racing is if you do something that directly leads to somebody else spinning or crashing (i.e. bumping, rubbing, pushing off track) the gentlemanly thing to do is slow down and let that person have their spot back. This is not to say everytime there is contact during a pass you should give up the spot, only if you accidently punt someone or caused them to crash. Rubbing and bumping is part of racing, but if we use our heads it shouldn't lead to major incidents that ruin people's races. 👍

Last race at Deep Forest - Reverse is today at 2pm EDT, I will have a room open sometime after 1pm for practice. See you all there!

Wish I could make it today. By the end of last nights round I had sorted my car, driving, relative to the new cockpit set up.

Boo however be my nieces graduation party. Good food, great company. Fair trade. However, Id rather be racin'
Just wanted to mention to the group that if I ever make a questionable move on track, I'd sure like to hear about it (I can take constructive criticism). I'm new to the organized racing scene, and although I've read the rules, it is still possible that I might inadvertently do something to mess up someone else's race. Just know that I am doing my best not to.

That being said, I came out of last night's race thinking I had kept it pretty clean, so hopefully I am not one of those being called out for inappropriate driving.

Cheers, guys. And for the record, I had a blast last night. 👍
Just wanted to mention to the group that if I ever make a questionable move on track, I'd sure like to hear about it (I can take constructive criticism). I'm new to the organized racing scene, and although I've read the rules, it is still possible that I might inadvertently do something to mess up someone else's race. Just know that I am doing my best not to.

That being said, I came out of last night's race thinking I had kept it pretty clean, so hopefully I am not one of those being called out for inappropriate driving.

Cheers, guys. And for the record, I had a blast last night. 👍

With twitchy nature of these Capps. Bound to be a little mayhem here and there.

The biggest things are outlined in the ORL rules. Basically respect other racers.

I did not see anything in last nights race that would raise a concern.
Brandon thanks for having a look at the replay, its actually more of a relief to hear that there was nothing untoward as that reaffirms why this sort of racing is so much more enjoyable than the open lobby.
No hard feelings will be held, every race is a new race and at the end of the day its a game right? Guess i'm just going to have to get better at staying on the darn track!!
Anyway here i am up at half 4 in the morning ready to go all over again, i'll get some coffee into me, bring on the racin!!
Yeah...I think it comes down to being ahead of people...I know it happens to me, when I see someone ahead of me I want to get close to them as possible so I can pass...hence probably why the people who spun out on their own were just going faster then they realized because they were watching the cars instead of the speedometer.
I have a room open for practice, it's in my private lounge. I got a new router today, high speed optimized for gaming so we should be solid. I have much stronger connection than I have in the past (14/3). Qualifying will start around 2pm EDT, but I'm a little late getting the room open so it may be a little later than that.

See you at the Forest!

I added a short vid from the opening lap of last night's race to the OP. Not much looks cooler than a swarm of Angry Capp's!! :)

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