The party ventures towards the direction they were given, finding eventually a trophy made of gold..
(no, not really, but you get the idea: it IS a trophy.)
The car next to this trophy however was the more pressuring matter: a rare Lexus LFA, or as the little sis knows it as..
Candy: "Big sis's Lexus, and a gold plated Citroen.."
Keith: "Tough machines, handled by my own bloodline. And if you're thinking of getting a race done with these, Candy, we're in some deep trouble. A certain Ford we all know and love's around thataway."
Expectations were supposedly turned to dust, but it wasn't the case for Candy's own, as she spoke back..
Candy: "Perfect excuse to bring out and gauge my baby Lambo. I'll admit.. its real purpose is to slay THE BEAST, but today's not that day."
As they were to continue discussion, music fills the air.
Murph: "Ay? Whuzzat? You lot hear something?"
He spoke with a hand out his ear, listening..
Candy: "It's not Bohemian Like You, but something is coming.."
As they move on, they notice..
A garage, empty, but more importantly not served as a garage, but..
Candy: "Cool! A small gym!"
Keith: "Only Sonny Meng has the influence to build crap like this in places it don't belong."
Murph: "Bugger, I didn't bring me tights."
Izumi: "Hehe.. you can stick with your on track attire. That's flexible enough for me."
Murph: "Right? Right.. racing suit's fine, was it?"
At first it was empty, but a small entryway by the side then allowed entry a man..
..without his shirt on..
While the ladies remained still by this show of guns, the men came by, closely related to this dark horse of a person.
Loaded with a mood more acceptable than usual, Jacob spoke..
Jake Ross: "There's nothing like a workout before a day's racing in Seca, right?"
Keith: "You're god damned right, big bro."
Murph: "Why's your shirt off, boss? Honestly, it's turning me on."
Not able to take the compliment of his attractive nature, he stammered..
Jake Ross: "I.. I.."
Keith: "He don't got a word for being called attractive."
Murph: "We going back there, was it? That was a long time ago."
Leaving the men, he quickly announced to the women..
Jake Ross: "Ladies.. Jess is around.. someplace.. why don't you give her a call?"
Izumi: "You bet this is what we're doing. Hehehe.."
Candy: "HEYY!"
Dragging the other Chinese person, the once-traitor then shouted as they looked about the outside area..
Izumi: "Rin-san? Where are youuu?"
Rin: "Up heeeree!"
Looking up on the roof, the first thing they saw was a waving and smiling young lady, but soon after, she walked straight to a fall..
Rin: "EH?! WHOA-WHOA!!"
Candy: "Erkh?!"
..luckily headed to the other two women, and uses them as a means to cushion the gravity.
Izumi: "KWEK!"
Quickly back on her feet, unharmed, the agent of chaos remained unphased and declared loudly.
Rin: "Nice catch, ladies!"
Candy: "Oww.."
Rin: "Teehee. I can say we're even now when you tossed me into those elephant seals, little sis."
Candy: "Painful. I mean.. good for you, big sis.."
Stepping off the pair of these chinese women of Japan, an approaching Jacob shares his concerns..
Jake Ross: "Jess, we can't have you treating Candy like taffee now."
Rin: "Guiltyy~ I'll go clean up."
As she leaves, the ladies get back on their feet, and one of them began to ask..
Candy: "Umm.. the dark one.. there was naysay that describes you in a bad mood?"
Murph: "That was Keith, not the likes of Murph, ay."
Jake Ross: "You'd be right, but Seca always seems to cheer me up.. I'm not sure why you'd forget that, Murph."
Murph: "It's not me, again. I be just following Murphy's Law is all, boss."
Candy: "Well, we noticed a certain gold Citroen.. has he went off to go get breakfast, or?"
Jake Ross: "Tending to some guests out back."
Candy: "And I'm not a guest.. how dare he."
Sonny Meng may be here, she thought, but with a strange play of having none of his telltale signs of charisma or nuisance about, she went to investigate the direction the dark cowboy poised..
Dashing towards another set of seating outside the makeshift gym, she spots her target, alongside her maid posing as the Killer of Killers..
Sonny: "Last time I got this setup going, we did some Tae Bo lor. You should've seen Kirk pump out sweat like a leaky aircond."
Ginoa: "Huhu.. keep it up."
Sonny: "So how's handling that coffee shop in coffee loving Tokyo? Must be one hell of a drag."
Ginoa: "It's not an issue for me. Pay's good, and I get some standing back in the Guild."
Sonny: "You know we miss you at the penthouse, sis. Andrea's all like: where the sam hell is Ginnie, least once a day, I guara-f[BLEEP]ing-tee you laa."
Ginoa: "I taught that lady a lot about power and status as women.. it's no wonder she misses me."
Sonny: "Haiyaa, I don't know, ah. But you're missed regardless, baby."
While he's sensed the little lady's presence, he had his eyes on someone else nearby with a similarly small body..
Sonny: "How you doing, small fry?"
Gary-D: "Pssh.. I can run around and s[BLEEP], but I gotta get me some strength training done."
Says Gary as he runs about with a medicine ball on each arm.
Sonny: "Honestly, bro: me too. But you know.. I have an idea."
Gary-D: "Shoot."
Sonny: "I got the track under my name for the next few hours. So, we get everyone's One Step Ahead working. Let's race."
Ginoa: "Fantastique! I guess Candy was right.."
She spoke with approval, just as Candy then interposed..
Candy: "Right? You can say I'm one ste ahead on that one!"
Sonny: "You can't be me, sis. Trust me."
Chuckling to himself, he then followed up to the other little person..
Sonny: "How about you, little guy. I hear the Saints are coming to cheer you on."
Gary-D: "Bobby-T's not one for discretion, yo. Ehh, it means I gotta give it my all."
Sonny: "That's the spirit of my favorite little Saint. And speaking of good timing.."
As the Sim Gear theme song jingles, a trio of men in racing suits walk close by and confronted this growing collective..
Nash: "Come over, brother: we've made it in the nick of time!"
Clark: "It appears so. Sonny, you clown: I hope you're not planning to leave us Sim Gear folk out of it."
Ginoa: "Clarkie! Oooh, oui: the more the merrier!"
One of the men behind however lagged behind a bit..
Alan: "Ahh yes.. Me and the Jag are as ready as ever."
As he sought to look about this group, he then wondered..
Alan: "Jacob my boy, you and my daughter better be listening."
And who's not in the scene now enters..
Jake Ross: "I can sense that desire a whole league away, Sonny. Fancy a showdown with me at my home track?"
Murph: "Ay. Time for me to steal you lot another race win you don't deserve."
Rin: "Race race! Don't even say it; I am on fire, and you will burn this day!"
Izumi: "Look at that crowd.. it's.. a reunion? No.. more like.. eheh.. a-a.. PARTY!"
Keith: "Round two of me trying to take out you bumpkins in Seca, COMING RIGHT UP!"
The little racer's thoughts then began to go loud as she mumbles across the figurative room of exciting energy..
Candy: "Well.. Gallardo's first track day becomes Gallardo's first race. Mommy's baby grew up so fast.. I'll show you why they call me Le Glace!"
Sonny: "That's the spirit, gang. Come back in an hour with your ride.. It's going to be a good day for one of us.. who oh who will it be?? I think I have an idea [teeth glares]."