Car of the Week | Subaru Impreza 22B-STi '98

A small preview of my week’s activities. :cool:


The alternatives to the status quo.
Thanks @XSquareStickIt for the opportunity to choose a car for this weeks COTW!

I hope everyone is having a great time driving around Sardegna in this V10 powerhouse!

I chose this week's car as it was one of (albeit, many) my childhood dream cars growing up.

However, as they always say "don't meet your heroes". I was extremely wary of being disappointed when choosing the Gallardo this week.

In fact, on multiple occasions, I almost considered changing cars entirely! I am glad I stuck with the Gallardo however, as it managed to win me over almost instantly with its V10 engine & of course, its 4WD system.

This week's video is slightly different, as I tried my hand at incorporating some voice commentary on not just the lap, but also on the car itself and my thoughts!

Time Trial Results:
Lamborghini Gallardo: 1.28.191
Ferrari 458 Italia: 1.29.192
McLaren MP4-12C: 1.29.594

Can't wait to read everyone's thoughts on this week's car, and I am sure there will be massively different opinions, given its driving behaviour!

Till next week!
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SPD Writes Gran Turismo 7's Car Of The Week: Week 99 - Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 Coupé


Been a long while after the Carrera GT. So, do I desire more V10? Yes please.

After being bought out by the Volkswagen Auto Group through Audi, Lamborghini was in the deep end, and without any swimming lessons, it's gonna drown. They need something to work with, and it's not gonna be another top level supercar like the Murcielago they have currently running, since their financial analysts in and outside of their company knows this move is going to cost them.

So, they went back to history to a concept they began in the 80s when they were under Chrysler: a downscaled supercar, which at that age was defined by its wide arches and big engine.

The furthest progress they had with this movement was a prototype known as the Cala: a sleek yellow devil that's probably only known for being one of the two flagship cars of Need For Speed II. But due to the purchase by Volkswagen in 1998, like with development with the Diablo, they started over with reasons made by management.

With 5 years in the making, the boys under the bull had some work to do. Using the design of the Cala strongly, steps of this development include using its in house V10 powerplant, shaped with an aviation inspired design, adviced from Italdesign, and a German flair through Audi Sport giving some of their helping hands.

This time: the car did complete, and now named, in retrospect to their bull fighting origins, the Gallardo. Initially confused with literal 'l' in pronounciation rather than the properly given 'y', said car would debut in 2003 at the Geneva Motor Show. Advertised as a supercar anyone can drive daily, the aptly named Baby Lambo was quite a hit with the casual Audi loving crowd, and the more race oriented ones, obviously. Not to mention being the model holding the best selling mark for Lamborghini, but Rambo Lambo is still a better nickname. Up to today, thanks to its entry price and accessibility on high, it's still the best selling Lamborghini of all time.

Skipping ahead 5 years. In a midst of financial crisis, Lamborghini went on to revisit the Gallardo, having owed its existence in this time and the years prior to it, and brought out a second generation variant named the LP 560-4. It's notably a 20 kilos lighter car and carries a re-engineered 5.2 liter V10 that has more power than its original form. This means 552 horses of naturally aspirated V10 powering all 4 wheels carrying its 1.4 ton load to a 6 speed semi-auto, well in this case, that is.

For my obligatory fiction addition, I'm having a theme today, and that's all you're getting; you better figure it out. Let the theme song help you.

This week's theme song:
DJ Fresh


Episode: A Dynamic Supercar Throwback

WeatherTech Laguna Seca
Salinas, California, USA


If there's someone in this side of California that placed a bet that there wasn't anything going on in the early hours of a perfectly clear Laguna Seca morning..


..they would've lost, big time.


A turquoise clad Gallardo powers through the streets as if it owns the place, or even should the roads be empty.

While the driver inside shouts in excitement, there's no rivalling the high revs of its homebrew V10 making its tires wish they weren't born so rubbery.

Let's get this out of the way: I am going to do the joke where someone later in the episode would say this is the Candy 'Lam'borghini. And I know you reading this be laughing with an AK-47 rifle aimed at your noggin by your side. But I can't be dishonest about a car that I don't feel all too elated with in the roster of V10 supercars.


However, among the list of V10 machinery, the Gallardo what you can say is the OG: the Alpha, the first one. To do what? Well, put a V10 in an AWD supercar package. And there's not much that's done absolutely right here. You do get the benefits of an AWD sports car being quick off the line, consistent about mostly, and general stability so you can muck about a little. But with the added bonus of a more balanced midships platform, we're going to see some benefits in handling and maybe weight transfer. There's a lot of good to start with.. theoretically.

For today I want to start with the obvious not good: what's probably the split of power. When you push the Gallardo around a bend, more specifically. It's a car that has okay turning with a rear that lets loose a tiny bit. Okay, no worries, we're AWD after all. However, after we're done with the first corner, the driver, in all his/her days with experience driving cars left and right of many many kinds.. (yes I'm just putting in filler) realizes there's a terrible sense of forwards motion while putting power in the corners. It's power understeer.. odd to be in an AWD when it's what you need to deal with in FWD. Should I want to treat it as such, it means that when you put in the power, it's gotta be the right time, or it's time to meet Barry R, shadow realm, sand trap et al. There's no smoking of the front at least, or not at all for that matter. You'll be fine if you feather, bounce, or just plain send. It's not how you put the power, but rather when. Sounds like a quick pin to the differential when we head to Tuner's underneath.

Now what we're getting here is another understeering supercar. Sheesh, we sure have a lot of these in recent day. Which is odd, because in here it's the most obvious case as it is AWD. Now it's not 'straight into the wall like a drag racer' situation.. but the Gallardo shines in the moments where handling isn't required. Its V10 is incredible, capable of a thousand horsepower without the need of a swap. And it's perhaps one of the greatest launching cars ever due to this powerplant and its rather low profile and weight.

But let's go back into reality. Drag racing is not a real racing discipline. [pulls out f[BLEEP]ing invincible umbrella]


This is coming anyways: since this isn't the Huracan Sterrato, the Gallardo has quite a story when it meets with any curbs. No, not elevation changes (these are fine): curbs. Big, nasty curbs. The sausages in Seca can be a good example; just note there's a difference, aight. The suspension damping settings need a visit, since at its current state, it will take to the skies.. of an ant's aerospace, that is, but yeah: it will take to the skies and you'll unsettle the car. What's worse: this car gives a tendency of challenge when you have to rescue it in these situations, like moreso than some high powered RWD supercars.

It's like it's all bad so far, eh? You can say that again. But wait: like final wishes of terminally ill mercenaries, there's more.

My favorite place to slam: the brakes. They are.. kind of disappointing? It's not that the brakes are bad. But it's the suspension. They seem to roll about a lot more than your usual low slung supercar that is either a baby or not. 110 mm tall, and a 2 hz spring rate seems pretty tough, so this is a strange anomaly we have to consider when going to tuner's. This unsettled drive means it's much more chaotic in design in comparison to its rivals. Most notably in the Wednesday lobby, where I drove a Demon to finish it off.. that car impressed me.. the physics changes smiled heavily on such a hellish quart.

Even though there's no issue on the whole with it, when I'm going to mention gearing.. well, it's too short in the early gears, and it will lock up the rear when you shift down vigorously. Ta-daah! Your justification on going to tuner's without saying a word. Nope. Nuh-huh. Nothing. It will really love getting new parts, I reckon.


Well, well. With all these mention of tuner's, I've never found a car that exists to be literally saved by the tune. A lot of its issues are literally a collective of booboos that means a similar collection of band aid fixes before we can take it to the next level. Because if we put all those flaws away..

..we only have the engine. And maybe a ghostly visage of the car's design: it looks good, at least.

Now stationary at one of the pit garages, a pair of Italian supercars reside.


And a pair of women about.

While one of them's taking deep breathes on some seating on the side..

The other: our short statured Le Glace Pacer, envelops her senses in bliss whilst lying in the center of the blue Gallardo's hood.

Candy: "You. Are. Intense! OOOHHOOO mwah mwah mwah..."

Spoke Candy with a hint of lust and a volley of playful kisses.

Her companion however commented snarkily..

Ginoa: "Wait till I tell your Jet Jaguar statue that you've been cheating on him."

Candy: "Don't ruin it, Minori-chan."

As the events continue, shortly after beckons the arrival of something threateningly quick..


The roar of an American V10 worried her at first..

But the lack of her contemporary's theme song however clues to her it's no threat, but upon a quick glance, her memory refreshes..

Candy: "Uh oh.. track going Viper already?"

Quickly realizing it's one of the fastest of The Prophecy, the driver exits his ride, not wanting to hide his pleasure meeting and greeting some fine ladies, as it was written in his head.

Gary-D: "Sup, doll."

Candy: "Gary? Hey.. been a while, has it?"

It's been a figurative forever since the little racer and the pint sized gangster met in person.

Still in his excitable state, he continued..

Gary-D: "For sure, baby girl. I know you're meaning to ask where double R is right now, but you know."

Candy: "Don't say it: I know. Warrant on the whole state of California. Her fake racing identity can do SO much. But aren't you.. well.."

Gary-D: "Nah, girl.. I ain't banned or anything. Just not allowed in LA by some bigshot mob gang, yo. Mind if I chill with you fine bunch?"

Leaving his car behind, he walks in the spotless garage, allured with scents surrounded by smells of a south European nation.

Recognizing his girlfriend's F40, he however thinks more towards the less familiar car about, querying..

Gary-D: "And what do we have here.. Gallardo? A plentiful sight among my homies running with me in The Prophecy. It yours?"

Candy: "Yup."

A quick sight of both the little racer and the Gallardo pumped up the pint sized playa as he exclaims..

Gary-D: "Oh, snap! It's sexy. Audi engineered baby Lambo. It suits you, girl!"

Candy: "I know. But enough compliments. Wager your car able to go up against mine?"

He's respected, but not too boastful to eke out a rapid, scattered reply..

Gary-D: "Easy, easy! Don't mean to disrespect you, y'know. The Big 3 loves to bully me when I'm in this here ACR, yo."

Candy: "Bully you? We're short statured folk, we have to stick together.. so, who's this bully of yours? Walsh? J.J? Oh, I know: it has to be my sweet Bon Bon?"

Gary-D: "Gee, I should explain I don't mean it that way. The Big 3 know me as the dog who can drive a Shelby Cobra without issue. So when I'm in this here track going Viper, they can finally take a chill pill, y'know what I'm saying, girl?"

He means well, giving the little lady a moment to..

Candy: "Sulk."

However, even though she's sulking, Gary can't help notice..

Gary-D: "Ehh.. you don't sulk by saying sulk, girl."

Candy: "Whatever, you know I hate being proven wrong."

Gary-D: "You do?"

Not wanting to stay on her, Candy follows with another in mind..

Candy: "Minori-chan.. umm, Ginnie.. we got off the plane yesterday, and.."

Gary-D: "I see her. I know those eyes. Acrophobia express, yo. Hot damn."

A quick sharp whistle later, and the murderer with prosthesis stands off her seat and approaches, trying her best to smile..

Ginoa: "Hi, darling."

Gary-D: "Aww yeah, what up, lovely?"

They began to caress, enough reason for Candy to want out, as she declares..

Candy: "You lovebirds do whatever pleases you. Least it's not my house."

Ginoa: "Ohh, bebe.. we don't have plans for.. umm.. your video game romance scenes."

Confused, he asked..

Gary-D: "What's this about game romance scenes?"

Candy: "Uhh.. I've been playing Mass Effect. Be it me or Candy Shepard, but we both agree Garrus is.. very f[BLEEP]able."

Ginoa: "She's been playing on her huge television."

Gary-D: "The people I'd kill for a setup like that, yo."

She doesn't want to act smug, but the side that does slowly creeps as she replies..

Candy: "The racing life pays."

Gary-D: "For sure!"

Candy: "I can see the looks in your eyes.. I should leave you two alone?"

Ginoa: "If you wish, Candy-sama.. I mean.. dearest Candy."

With Ginoa in her more civilian look rather than in disguise as Candy's own maid, a quick mumble came out as she walks away.

Candy: "Odd. I'm soo used to calling her Minori-chan."

And what's left..

Ginoa: "Well, my lovely.. I hate long flights from Japan, and I need a bed to shake off my acrophobia. You still think you have the muscles to lift me?"

Gary-D: "Long you don't put up weight."

Ginoa: "You silly Gare-bear.. you know I cannot."

Gary-D: "That so? I am the amazing G-Dog, yo: it's time I show you if I still can!"

His hands placed on her back, he shows a lack of proper carrying techniques and readies to lift a woman partially built of metal..


He repositions his hands to what he thinks is a better position: shoulders under a prosthetic backside.

However, upon rising..


This time acting serious, he now adopts a proper soldier's shoulder carry.

Everything was right from the perspective of any well trained marine, but..


A quick rapid inhale exhale session comes and goes, and still persistent, he..


Still failed..

However, thinking naughty thoughts..

Gary-D: "If I could run THIS under some hot water.."

Ginoa: "Cheri, you know it doesn't work like that."

As the little racer munches away through a quick snack, she realizes, out of nowhere that..

Candy: "I knew it.. one hot dog wasn't enough."

Walking through a more open area of the track's public zone, she then notes..

Candy: "Hmm?"


..the presence of some very swanky mid-engined supercars, as she quietly mumbles in excitement.

Candy: "An XJ220 and McLaren F1!! There can be no other but the Sim Gear trio! Ooooohh, they came. I bet I can get some shots and Daphne will ransom me her whole career!"

As an approach was to come, it comes to a halt as she notices people walking by, notably..

Candy: "Egads! A television crew?!"

Her fear of being publicized emerging, she quickly finds the quickest place to conceal and hides away.

Barging into a large trailer, she closes the door shut and peeks out..

After a while, she realizes..

Candy: "That's a close one.. now to just time it right.."

She turns back, not realizing a shadowy muscular figure towering..

Candy: "BWAAAH!!"

..but fortunate for her it's just a fanatical street racer, recently out of the shower with just a towel on.

Clark: "Morning."

Knowing the furious Clark Kayne, she begins to apologize..

Candy: "I.. umm.. am sorry for intruding. I was just.."

Clark: "..trying to get out of sight a bunch of blokes with cameras. We know. And we f[BLEEP]ing understand.. Would you say, brother?"

He moves to the side, revealing his cohorts sitting by a small table, eating their breakfast.

Nash: "Just the rules of nature running its course."

Alan: "Yes, you nincompoop, you realize what's going to happen if the cameras take one whiff of us gentlemen with a minor in our carriage?"

Insulted, the little lady shouts back.

Candy: "I AM NOT A MINOR!"

Nash: "Still doesn't change the point that we're in a spot of bother."

Alan: "That's the first smart thing you've said today, Nash. But now: curtains, my man. Post haste."

As the men cover up all the windows, Candy's worries start to build when another thought festers..

Candy: "Whew.. thanks. But.. right now, it's not the exposure.. but I have a feeling we might have a race coming up: that's what I'm afraid of.."

Now dressed, the racing prophet declares, as he walks close.

Clark: "You've seen what I'm capable of in the Scuderia."

Candy: "In the rain, even."

Clark: "But you better believe I'm not in the f[BLEEP]ing clear on this. Lads."

He once again points to his cohorts, still by the table, but with their breakfast done.

The aged legend then began to explain his staying power.

Alan: "Right then. You know me, Alan Robinson. Perhaps I need to introduce you to a car I've been driving for decades.. XJ220.. regrettably with a twin turbocharged V6, but it's more than enough for my old bones to show you what for."

However, the man behind his own pharmaceutical empire stood to announce with gumption..

Nash: "Oh ho. You muppets are forgetting what's besides your lesser machines.. the undisputed legend: McLaren F1. And, thanks to our endeavor in Christmas day, with confidence I shall say: in perfect condition, verily, I say."

However, he intends not to scare their unintentional guest, reassuring..

Nash: "But don't be so intimidated, my dear. You're still a force of nature compared to us.. aged lot."

Candy: "I know, but you're really trying to make it even less so.."

Clark: "I never make it blasted easy for my foes, my two f[BLEEP]ing cents."

They're ready, she thought, allowing her to follow up..

Candy: "Yeah, well.. I appreciate you men coming over the Atlantic for this.. Throwback."

Alan: "No worries."

Clark: "How can I say no to a lady?"

Nash: "The Kirkham Foundation love coming over anyways."

Clark then further explained..

Clark: "Besides.. production says a road trip across America in our cars for a special is a well thought out idea."

Nash: "Verily!"

Alan: "Do tell if Jacob or somebody's organizing a quick race. We'd love to join."

Candy: "Duly noted, sir."

Alan: "Cheers."

Pumping up the men wasn't in her logbook or master plan within her head..

But it gave her an excuse to get away, as she reveals..

Candy: "Well, I better split. Have a new car that needs to be broken in."

The men of this strange motoring show then walked to the only entry, and peeked out..

Nash: "Looks to me they're not going till we get the recording done."

Alan: "Well now.. how are we going to get you out, Candy?"

Clark: "Might I say we flush her out through the loo.."

With such a dumb idea out and about, they withdrew back, as they notice.. someone's missing.

Alan: "Eh? Where's she off to?"

Nash: "Did she jus-if I see one hint of orchids in the lavatory, you are in big trouble, Brother!"

Clark: "Sure. I'm the scapegoat. F[BLEEP]ing hell, Nash!"

The emotional heat in the trailer started to build, not realizing a small windown opened by the rear.

Dropping down a small height, the little racer managed to escape the strange confides of Sim Gear's travel home, though not without a quick comment..

Candy: "The benefits of small size.. thanks, big sis."

As the morning continues, the track soon finds itself more and more occupied.


Still getting to know her new Gallardo, the sweet toothed racer continued to praise and praise with energy..

Candy: "Ohh, this is fantastic!"



She runs into what she usually calls..

Candy: "Traffic."

However, as she comes close..


A device by her helmet starts to buzz..

Candy: "Race comm is buzzing?"

Without any reason to question, she swiftly answers..

Candy: "Hello?"

Murph: "Oi oi, darling."

Candy: "Murph? I know that McLaren anywhere.. why'd I not realize sooner?"

Keith: "This thing on? Heyoo! Told you it was her."

Candy: "And the lesser Ross. How'd you know it's me?"

Keith: "That's easy! Me and Murph.. we put on our detective hats. Empty driver's seat off the Gallardo at this pace? Who else can it be?"

Candy: "Figures.."

Murph: "Don't bully the lady, baby boss. We're having a nice practice sesh, ay. Come over and join us for a nice cruise. Let Murph take a jab at the car later, alright?"


Happily, she replied..

Candy: "Oh sure!"

Time to take a quick detour out of the West Coast to a small island out the south-west side of Italy.

Baby (Breakbot Remix)
Baby EP


For this week's weekly challenge (which I will adapt the ways of the Forza Horizon 5 SPD Showcase), we take to the wide streets of Sardegna B, poised with a pair of questions over a few 2000s era cream of the crop Euro supercars.

Namely: what I think of these cars is the one I'd go for when pushed to the edge, and of course: which one is the fastest around the circuit for my tastes.

My process is that I will do 10 laps, and share the best of my ability. Let's begin.



Usually with the hero car every week in Showcases, they're left to be the last. Not this time.

After the very early analysis I placed in this week's writeup, there's not much I wish to add further. Let's get to lapping.

Speedtrap (this records the speed just before I brake for the first corner usually with the car): 169 MPH

99 SPC Gallardo.jpg

To start off, the Gallardo charges on to set an early benchmark of 1:28.595

In the Gallardo, the type of driving I adopted is eerily similar to a FWD car, being one that bounces the throttle often, watch where I accelerate, and even short shift so I don't get that power understeer. But on the whole: it's an skittish, but brutally quick AWD supercar that still remains highly respectable in stability and pace.

This is the easy baby difficulty. Now we scroll down to straight up Nintendo Hard in..



It's gotta be said: this McLaren is the most unhinged car of the trio. This is because not only is it McLaren's great return to the fold with big McLaren F1 sized shoes to step into, but you have double wishbones holding in place a turbocharged V8 that gives out the most power and most advanced race tech money can buy in a street legal car at the time.

When you thought you saw a bull on steroids in the Gallardo, the 12C is more of an experimental railgun shot. And I'm going to be having the honors of writing it as it is a Signature Car. But what can the regular 12C bring to the (whydyouputthekeysuponthe) TABLE?!

Speedtrap: 172 MPH

99 SPC 12C.jpg

The 12C boosts its way to a best of 1:29.316.

Okay, it's slower than the Gallardo. It's because the main selling point of the 12C is to unleash the complete nutcase within yourself by driving a complete nutcase of a supercar. My optimal time was a 1:28.7, by the ways, so I'm sure a more skilled driver can send this car higher up than my own talent can.

The thing about the 12C is that to be good in it, you have to bathe yourself in the power oversteer rather than make yourself feel repulsed by it like a cat would. It's easy to correct too. I find this car to be much more satisfying to drive than the Gallardo, actually, because its turning angles are tighter.. for better or worse.

Next up: do you have It Starts playing in your head? Well you better, because..



Facing the best selling Lamborghini is perhaps the most influential Ferrari there is in the modern era. Praised for.. just about everything it does, the Italia is said to have earned said Italia suffix to represent a pinnacle of sorts for Italian supercars.

Speedtrap: 168 MPH

99 SPC Italia.jpg

A display of passion and power, the Italia made me feel a tinge of bellissimo with that 1:29.067 best lap.

Easily the handling car of the trio, I'm surprised the Gallardo is still the best car of the bunch. But put it in a more handling track, and it might come real close.

It's a pure mid engined supercar without a specific gimmick for you to exploit so you can excel with. It also has the best brakes, meaning knowing where to brake is the secret to getting the lap times it reaches.

Of the three: this one's my favorite. It's reeks of 'feel good' car.

And we're do-

spds red alert thing.png

Of course I'm not done. Why would I be done?

And I made it time so well so that I have to weigh with this warning taken care of.

So, I like what's being laid out here when it comes to mid engined supercars of the 2000's. But there's something missing in whole equation you laid out here. Can you spot it? Of course not: it's missing.

Let me spell it out to you through the deluge of Drum and Bass in the form of Blood Sugar.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Prepare to..







I bring you an alternative to this whole game: a prime man killer Porsche with the beating heart of an F1 car with Le Mans engineering beside it, existing for one thing: rip and tear. And to whom? It's either your soul, or the souls of your competitors. I've sold my soul to it ever since I saw it in Hot Pursuit 2.

Hailed as one of the prettiest supercars in existence, unleashing its call that's akin to a banshee's shriek that brings about terrifying echoes towards the heavens, the Carrera GT is my second favorite V10 supercar behind the Viper, but simply existing as the best Porsche that isn't a 911 has its drawbacks.. of course I refer to the danger that made Group B legend Walter Rohrl squeal. Just how do you do that?!

But can it impress the newer kids on teh block (yes I mispelled 'the' intentionally)?

Speedtrap: 168 MPH

Before I reveal the time, may I take a moment to say: oh wow.

There's a good chunk of you that don't read my entries in Forza Horizon 5's COTW, but for those that do: remember the sensation the Volkswagen Corrado VR6 gave me every time I brought it to a Throwback?

I think the Carrera GT exists to give my non genitalia body parts unwanted flesh related expansions. Because..

99 SPC Carrera GT.jpg

Look at that best of 1:28.666.

I mean.. I completely understand not beating the Gallardo, but oh wow.

Saying wow, be it wow or WOWWW is really putting it lightly on how much I really feel doing this.

The Carrera GT is a car that exists only to kill you. But behind that killer instinct is a supercar that can do it all. Most notably it can turn the best of all the cars, but only where it matters most: in high speeds.

Now we get to the question: which one should you get? You ask me: there's no question it's the Carrera GT.

But if we remain to the confides originally set.. all the cars satisfy a certain area. You'd buy these cars, because..

Short: consistent Gallardo, intense 12C, down to earth Italia, rewarding Carrera GT.

The Gallardo's to flex your mastery of dealing with power understeer, as well as having a solid base turn this flawed chisel to a deadly weapon once we head to Tuner's underneath.

The 12C to prove your monster f[BLEEP]ing permit's not paid for, but earned.

The Italia to have this never disappointing, feel good car that's on the whole nice to drive without feeling weighted, as well as those dang brakes.

..and the Carrera GT to do it all. You can show your mastery of its RKO like torque, have an excuse to flex by taming a hard to manage monster, and have a handling profile that's incredibly nice.. but with a steep cost in difficulty and sadly accessibility.

Asides that bonus Carrera GT, what's stopping you from having them all, anyways?

Now back to Seca.

Following a rigorous practice session, Murph and the gang leave their cars to hang out and dry at this part of California..

full the man shuts the Gallardo's engine bay, he notes..

Murph: "Ay. That's all proper."

Candy: "I know. Rudeboy did his homework too."

Murph: "Won't be needing him or Carlyle here to mention this is all legit Baby Lambo Superleggera stuff. Nothing shady, thankfully."

Walking in, the talented Keith Ross walks in with drinks on hand.

Upon handing them around, he then quotes towards the little lady's satisfied eyes..

Keith: "I know that look.. it's the look that says you are incredibly proud with this purchase. What's your secret, eh? A near mint Gallardo is a treasure."

Candy: "Tipped off a hot deal at Auto Plus, celebrating some legacy of this.. blue haired Japanese racer whose name I forget. Came from one of your brother's associates.. a creepy, sunglasses wearing tall lady with a sinister agenda.."

With mention of the whole situation, he briefly thought of a past era..

Keith: "(Do my ears deceive me? Blue haired?! That can only be Takuma-san, for sure. Blast from the past!)"

Past the past, he eventually came to the easy conclusion.

Keith: "All that screams Nirvana."

Murph: "That's her. Don't worry, love: he knows about her."

Keith: "Yeah, dude. Ever since she got into the List, I get a lot of cars appraised and s[BLEEP] with her help at a reasonable price. Just hopefully not going to get tobacco sickness.."

With images of that mysterious brunette still lingering, Candy came towards the yellow Ferrari, asking..

Candy: "Did Nirvana have something to do with this Italia? This is like the first I've ever seen it."

Keith: "Yes and no! Bought it ages back when I was doing my thing in Super GT. She helped me find a guy who can source OEM Italia stuff at half the price."

Murph: "But the car's legit, right? Found your number on the online database."

Keith: "Younger me was ballin' with money! If you gotta know.. I had a really.. umm.. generous benefactor. Guy's serving now, so.."

As he was to further describe Koji Yamazaki, another Yamazaki crept up and..

Keith: "Ch-chokehold!"

..with a displeased tone ready, she argues.

Izumi: "Going to oust my brother's dastardly deeds, Kei-san?! AHAHAHAHA, you backstabbing clown!"

Keith: "I don't mean it that way, Izzy! Stand down!"

Izumi: "Pfft.. ohh, you. Miss Candy."

She tosses the young racer to the side..

Keith: "OOF!"

And presents a quick wave, getting an amicable reply sounding like..

Candy: "Good to see you, agent Chunhua. Working alone?"

Izumi: "Oh no. Khhhhkhhhh.. hmph! Nearly lost it. So what was it.."

She turns to collect her thoughts, and eventually..

Izumi: "I'm not working, more like hanging out with my partner. She's set up shop 4 garages that way, Candy-kun... kkhhhkhhh.."

A character like Izumi, as rare as she's to spot for the little racer these days, turns from unfamiliar to familiar as the annoying laughs came by.

She then asked..

Candy: "Annoying. What's so funny?"

Izumi: "N-nothing! Everything is.. f-f-funny with me.. hehehe.. shall we go and say hi?"

And intruding this gathering..

Keith: "Speaking of funny, mind if we stick together?"

Candy: "Is it because Jake's here?"

Keith: "Yup."

Candy: "And he's probably not in a good mood."

Keith: "No."

Murph, knowing the man they're talking about very very well, adds..

Murph: "S'all right, love.. we'll shield you from his evil gaze."

Keith: "Not evil."

Candy: "And I don't need protection."

Moved back in slight disappointment, the wound gets salted further..

Izumi: "Consider that moment of having you shine.. r.. rr.. REJECTED! EHAHAHAAHAHAAA!"

Murph: "Bollocks."

The party ventures towards the direction they were given, finding eventually a trophy made of gold..


(no, not really, but you get the idea: it IS a trophy.)

The car next to this trophy however was the more pressuring matter: a rare Lexus LFA, or as the little sis knows it as..

Candy: "Big sis's Lexus, and a gold plated Citroen.."

Keith: "Tough machines, handled by my own bloodline. And if you're thinking of getting a race done with these, Candy, we're in some deep trouble. A certain Ford we all know and love's around thataway."

Expectations were supposedly turned to dust, but it wasn't the case for Candy's own, as she spoke back..

Candy: "Perfect excuse to bring out and gauge my baby Lambo. I'll admit.. its real purpose is to slay THE BEAST, but today's not that day."

As they were to continue discussion, music fills the air.

Murph: "Ay? Whuzzat? You lot hear something?"

He spoke with a hand out his ear, listening..

Candy: "It's not Bohemian Like You, but something is coming.."

As they move on, they notice..

A garage, empty, but more importantly not served as a garage, but..

Candy: "Cool! A small gym!"

Keith: "Only Sonny Meng has the influence to build crap like this in places it don't belong."

Murph: "Bugger, I didn't bring me tights."

Izumi: "Hehe.. you can stick with your on track attire. That's flexible enough for me."

Murph: "Right? Right.. racing suit's fine, was it?"

At first it was empty, but a small entryway by the side then allowed entry a man..

..without his shirt on..

While the ladies remained still by this show of guns, the men came by, closely related to this dark horse of a person.

Loaded with a mood more acceptable than usual, Jacob spoke..

Jake Ross: "There's nothing like a workout before a day's racing in Seca, right?"

Keith: "You're god damned right, big bro."

Murph: "Why's your shirt off, boss? Honestly, it's turning me on."

Not able to take the compliment of his attractive nature, he stammered..

Jake Ross: "I.. I.."

Keith: "He don't got a word for being called attractive."

Murph: "We going back there, was it? That was a long time ago."

Leaving the men, he quickly announced to the women..

Jake Ross: "Ladies.. Jess is around.. someplace.. why don't you give her a call?"

Izumi: "You bet this is what we're doing. Hehehe.."

Candy: "HEYY!"

Dragging the other Chinese person, the once-traitor then shouted as they looked about the outside area..

Izumi: "Rin-san? Where are youuu?"

Rin: "Up heeeree!"

Looking up on the roof, the first thing they saw was a waving and smiling young lady, but soon after, she walked straight to a fall..

Rin: "EH?! WHOA-WHOA!!"

Candy: "Erkh?!"

..luckily headed to the other two women, and uses them as a means to cushion the gravity.

Izumi: "KWEK!"

Quickly back on her feet, unharmed, the agent of chaos remained unphased and declared loudly.

Rin: "Nice catch, ladies!"

Candy: "Oww.."

Rin: "Teehee. I can say we're even now when you tossed me into those elephant seals, little sis."

Candy: "Painful. I mean.. good for you, big sis.."

Stepping off the pair of these chinese women of Japan, an approaching Jacob shares his concerns..

Jake Ross: "Jess, we can't have you treating Candy like taffee now."

Rin: "Guiltyy~ I'll go clean up."

As she leaves, the ladies get back on their feet, and one of them began to ask..

Candy: "Umm.. the dark one.. there was naysay that describes you in a bad mood?"

Murph: "That was Keith, not the likes of Murph, ay."

Jake Ross: "You'd be right, but Seca always seems to cheer me up.. I'm not sure why you'd forget that, Murph."

Murph: "It's not me, again. I be just following Murphy's Law is all, boss."

Candy: "Well, we noticed a certain gold Citroen.. has he went off to go get breakfast, or?"

Jake Ross: "Tending to some guests out back."

Candy: "And I'm not a guest.. how dare he."

Sonny Meng may be here, she thought, but with a strange play of having none of his telltale signs of charisma or nuisance about, she went to investigate the direction the dark cowboy poised..

Dashing towards another set of seating outside the makeshift gym, she spots her target, alongside her maid posing as the Killer of Killers..

Sonny: "Last time I got this setup going, we did some Tae Bo lor. You should've seen Kirk pump out sweat like a leaky aircond."

Ginoa: "Huhu.. keep it up."

Sonny: "So how's handling that coffee shop in coffee loving Tokyo? Must be one hell of a drag."

Ginoa: "It's not an issue for me. Pay's good, and I get some standing back in the Guild."

Sonny: "You know we miss you at the penthouse, sis. Andrea's all like: where the sam hell is Ginnie, least once a day, I guara-f[BLEEP]ing-tee you laa."

Ginoa: "I taught that lady a lot about power and status as women.. it's no wonder she misses me."

Sonny: "Haiyaa, I don't know, ah. But you're missed regardless, baby."

While he's sensed the little lady's presence, he had his eyes on someone else nearby with a similarly small body..

Sonny: "How you doing, small fry?"

Gary-D: "Pssh.. I can run around and s[BLEEP], but I gotta get me some strength training done."

Says Gary as he runs about with a medicine ball on each arm.

Sonny: "Honestly, bro: me too. But you know.. I have an idea."

Gary-D: "Shoot."

Sonny: "I got the track under my name for the next few hours. So, we get everyone's One Step Ahead working. Let's race."

Ginoa: "Fantastique! I guess Candy was right.."

She spoke with approval, just as Candy then interposed..

Candy: "Right? You can say I'm one ste ahead on that one!"

Sonny: "You can't be me, sis. Trust me."

Chuckling to himself, he then followed up to the other little person..

Sonny: "How about you, little guy. I hear the Saints are coming to cheer you on."

Gary-D: "Bobby-T's not one for discretion, yo. Ehh, it means I gotta give it my all."

Sonny: "That's the spirit of my favorite little Saint. And speaking of good timing.."

As the Sim Gear theme song jingles, a trio of men in racing suits walk close by and confronted this growing collective..

Nash: "Come over, brother: we've made it in the nick of time!"

Clark: "It appears so. Sonny, you clown: I hope you're not planning to leave us Sim Gear folk out of it."

Ginoa: "Clarkie! Oooh, oui: the more the merrier!"

One of the men behind however lagged behind a bit..

Alan: "Ahh yes.. Me and the Jag are as ready as ever."

As he sought to look about this group, he then wondered..

Alan: "Jacob my boy, you and my daughter better be listening."

And who's not in the scene now enters..

Jake Ross: "I can sense that desire a whole league away, Sonny. Fancy a showdown with me at my home track?"

Murph: "Ay. Time for me to steal you lot another race win you don't deserve."

Rin: "Race race! Don't even say it; I am on fire, and you will burn this day!"

Izumi: "Look at that crowd.. it's.. a reunion? No.. more like.. eheh.. a-a.. PARTY!"

Keith: "Round two of me trying to take out you bumpkins in Seca, COMING RIGHT UP!"

The little racer's thoughts then began to go loud as she mumbles across the figurative room of exciting energy..

Candy: "Well.. Gallardo's first track day becomes Gallardo's first race. Mommy's baby grew up so fast.. I'll show you why they call me Le Glace!"

Sonny: "That's the spirit, gang. Come back in an hour with your ride.. It's going to be a good day for one of us.. who oh who will it be?? I think I have an idea [teeth glares]."

And as that hour does pass, so does this community of supercars as late as the 2010s come for a desert skirmish, beginning with a rolling start.


The moment the lights go green, the roar of Candy's new Gallardo took the spectators hearts away.

DJ Fresh

All I see with this car, if you're not a fan or a passionate lover of the original Baby Lambo, is that tuning the Gallardo turns out to be an effort that's both simple and necessary for you to enjoy it.


While it didn't get any engine swap like its successor getting a Chiron somehow stuffed real tight back there, the Gallardo's V10, as I said, is one of the best engines in the game to push far ahead with. That doesn't mean GT Auto has nothing for you.. it has the tools that'll allow you to pump out a racing style Gallardo: perhaps one of the best examples of this company's best offerings. It also means you can get a whole load of aero in the car.. maxing at 260 - 330 for front and back respectively. Interestingly, putting the GT3 spoiler is no different to putting the Superleggera-like kit and wing, so go with what you like.

Now what to do.. first of all, if you're feeling a little extra nefarious, you can slap on a turbo on the Gallardo's V10.. just like a drag racing Gallardo.. well, darn. I guess drag racing is a racing discipline, because this car is perhaps one of the best in game examples of this. Anyhow, power isn't an issue with the car. It's everything else.

First of all, your gears. Now I don't know how quick you want your Gallardo to go, but generally speaking you want your early gears to be longer, especially first. This means better launch, and better yet: less of that nasty FWD power understeer, but also means if you're like me who like to short shift.. that ends with this change.


Tick tock: what's there to do with differential? There are two modifications I want to change.. one is acceleration sensitivity: you want something like 30-40 or similar. Then you want to raise both initial torque and braking sensitivity by the rear. The former's for the understeer, the latter's for the instability when changing gear, as well as giving it a more planted feel without changing the suspension. Since this is an AWD car, you have the luxury of a torque split adjustment to help towards what you need.

Suspension's an obvious visit here. It's not exclusive to the stock variant, but the Gallardo's feeling of chaotic body roll actually gets worse if you don't do anything with the fully custom part. There has been reports and testimonials of the car actually bottoming out quite often: something you don't get with other Lamborghinis, I feel. You definitely want to add at least half a hertz on the frequency, and set the ride height to be at about 105 at the lowest. By now, there's no more bottoming out, and the car will do better through curbing.

While you're at it, do some general hardness, but don't go raising the rear or having a super hard backside. Keep it mostly balanced, and let the oversteer come from the differential settings. Touch up the damping ratios with much harder rear values to get a kick of gradual oversteer, and of course play with the camber and toe a little. And.. that's literally changing everything that's not power or weight related.


My one special advice: get the turbo. It means the RPMs peaking later on.. less understeer in general with higher revs. Of course, you might want to look up the car's differential if you have to commit to that. The thing about the Gallardo is that for something this tunable, it's hard to land a perfect sweetspot.. it'll reward those who takes the time finding said sweetspot, for sure.


Candy: "N-Nash?! What a dive!"

Izumi: "That better not be.. A TOUCH!!"

Keith: "And that's a McLaren F1 going going gone.."

Nash: "I can't let this much power go to waste, veritably so!"


Nash: "Hmmm.. I recognize that golden goose."

Sonny: "Walao, how the he-"


Nash: "Toodle-oo."

Sonny: "How can this happen.."

Candy: "There's a familiar feeling of smashed ego I can exploit.."


Rin: "This lead's now mine.. I better get going!"

Murph: "Will we see the sweetheart escape the clutches of us?"


Jake Ross: "Huhu.. now be the time you admit you're still in a jet lag, Kayne."

Clark: "That may be, but.. giving up's not the way The Messiah works."


Candy: "Sorry, K-man.. the Gallardo is hungry."

Keith: "Hey, don't feel bad about it.. I had my fun."


Nash: "Another familiar ride.. Gary?"

Gary-D: "What up, big chief?"

Nash: "This is the first time the F1's faced off my ACR.. do your best, my 'homeboy'."

Gary-D: "Sure thing, dog."


Jake Ross: "The senior's lane's that way, old man."

Alan: "Goodness!"


Alan: "There's something bedevilled about you, Jacob my boy.."

Nash: "That's what I said!"

Jake Ross: "I can hear y'all perfectly, y'know.."


Candy: "Izzy drives an Evo 9.. what kind of masterpiece is that to be racing supercars?"

Izumi: "Let me keep the position and.. and.. khhhhkk... I'll let you have a go yourself."

Candy: "F[BLEEP] off."


Candy: "And next: easymode Sonny.."

Izumi: "HAHAHAHAA! He's done for!"


Gary-D: "That thing's a BEAST, yo. No wonder you ain't letting Hayato touch it."

Nash: "It's more than that."


Candy: "This has to be your weakest car, Sonny.."

Sonny: "It is, actually. But don't let that excuse my terrible pace, sis."


Rin: "W-what is this.. sensation that someone is trying to kill me?!"

Jake Ross: "Hmm.."

Rin: "Jake and Bertha.. of course! I.. would love it if you can hand me some space.."

Jake Ross: "After 8 years apart.. am afraid I can't let you do that, Jess. Ready yourself."


Nash: "That you, Ginoa? Why, you still race admirably."

Ginoa: "Just not like yourself, monsieur Nash."


Jake Ross: "How's things going, Murph?"

Murph: "Incident free for now, boss."


Ginoa: "Merde!"

Gary-D: "Don't take this personal, Gin, but me and double R behind me.. well.."

Candy: "I'm not Cierra."

Gary-D: "We're here to capitalize your downfall, girl."

Ginoa: "Go on then.."

Candy: "You're a good sport, Minori-chan. I can't say the same for me at times."


Nash: "I think the LaFerrari won't allow this easy pickings, brother."

Clark: "Damn it!"


Gary-D: "I'm not supposed to go deep in here.."

Candy: "Don't block me now, G-dog."


Alan: "Well, cork."

Nash: "Toodle-oo, Alan."


Rin: "If you were someone else, I'm okay! But.. why do I feel like crying??!"

Jake Ross: "This is.. more intense than being on bed together, that's for sure."

Sonny: "Bro? What is this, lor! TMI!"


Gary-D: "Hot damn, that turns me on!"

Candy: "What a turbulent life you two are having."


Candy: "Dive and braaakes!"

Gary-D: "Yeah, we're doomed if she joins the List."


Murph: "Y'know.. we do have openings in The List for you to consider, doctor.."

Nash: "Oh no. I have a legacy and a reputation. Can't risk tainting my empire's wealth now, no sir."


Candy: "Another Ferrari? Let's go."

Clark: "Figure you're going to earn this overtake, Candy."


Keith: "This is great!! Everyone's giving it their all!"


Candy: "Go go Gallardo, round the outside!"

Clark: "That soon, eh? Warning: old man, she's coming."

Alan: "Right-o."


Candy: "You blinked, sir."

Alan: "Did I now?? I mean.. well played, my dear."


Candy: "Nash, are you playing with that poor thing?"

Nash: "That 12C's a machine, but I got him now."

Murph: "What he said, ay."


Candy: "Last corner, make it count, Gallardo!"


Rin: "I won! I won I won!"

Jake Ross: "Well defended."

Rin: "Be honest: were you holding back, Jake?"

Jake Ross: "Anything I say will be used against me, Jess. I ain't falling for that crap again."

Rin: "Ehehehe.."


Murph: "That Gallardo's going to bring you to places, ay."

Candy: "After today.. I agree."

An hour later..


In its own garage, a post-serviced Gallardo sits idly by, as its owner..

Candy: "♫POUR.. SOME.. sugar on meee!♫"

..sits by, alone, indulging in her music through her earpods.

While Bohemian Like You's supposedly playing, Candy's distracted in her tunes to not realize the man behind it arriving, as he comments on the moment..

Sonny: "Wait till she finds out that song is for strippers."

Walking in front to get her attention, he then waves.

The lady then puts away her audio gadgetry, and hears..

Sonny: "Yo."

Candy: "Ohh.. it's you. How can I help this.. pompous ass?"

Sonny: "Oh, nothing. I always help myself [teeth glares].

Not liking that response, she nonchalantly puts her earbuds back on, as he then interjects..

Sonny: "Aaaand you're ignoring me. Look, Candy baby: I just remembered something."

Candy: "About what? The excuse that your GT by Citroen is using the wrong tires or fuel?"

Sonny: "No laa. I lose fair and square. It's more about that group you were looking for: Car of The Week, was it?"

Her interests are back on the table as she hears what he has to say..

Candy: "Hmm.. yeah. There's something I haven't heard of in a while. Has Dimma found anything, or.."

Sonny: "You ah. Dimma this, Dimma that. Why not you ask the Asian-American Badass for once, sis? I mean.. Dimma ain't got s[BLEEP] on what I got lah."

Candy: "Ohh?"

With a grin that says kick me, Sonny continues to ramble..

Sonny: "Actually, I'd say it was a stroke of luck. I've been sweeping across racing societies in the South East Asian territories to see what they're like.. and get this: it's come to my knowledge that a small Malaysian sortie of beginner racers happen to spot a bunch of lunatics. In same cars, with this thick logo that's on some of your cars. That's them, right?"

Candy: "Funny.. why's it YOU find out, and not Nirvana?"

Sonny: "First of all: you haven't asked that big ugly, beh. Second.. I will do anything to beat that ugly lanjiau. And third: it's this Malaysian group that gave us a hint, through Ramlie, and with discretion, that this strange Car Of The Week members have been gathering Singaporean racers. Which is how I got the hint."

Seeing his excitement on this knowledge, she wonders..

Candy: "You don't need to tell me you're looking forwards to this invasion arc, huh?"

Sonny: "I'm a Singaporean racer as much as you're a Japanese racer, Candy baby. But eager? We'll see how this will fit my schedule."

Candy: "I hate how fair a point that is."

Sonny: "Still, they keep on the low down, sis. I couldn't follow up these rumors since they're like so off the radar, mah. Even if could, I wouldn't."

Candy: "Hmph. Keep me posted. I'll pay."

Sonny: "No thanks, baby.. you still owe me for the power armor anyways."

A reminder gave her ample reason to sulk, as she laments..

Candy: "Curses.. how dare you remind me."

Sonny: "Yeah, well, you and your Candy Lam-borghini paid wallet does remind you life's a bitch, ain't it?"

She continued to do her sulking, but the egoist had other plans..

Sonny: "Alaa, don't be a mellow one, sis. How's this: I have a proposition."

Candy: "If it's to have me dance for your pleasure, forget it."

Sonny: "Always jumping to conclusions, eh? I haven't said a word."

Candy: "Well, my patience is getting thinner by the moment.. you have 20 seconds before I go get a second lunch."

In his head, he knows it's much longer than that, so he quickly summarizes, as he hears his signature V10 roar outside..


Sonny: "So, I've called Kirk over, and I just got the message he's just arrived with THE BEAST. I know you bought that Gallardo to come match me in my most badass self."

Eyes raised, she queries..

Candy: "Let me guess: Nirvana told you?"

Sonny: "She's a nasty schemer, that's the only other hint I got from the face that told me."

With THE BEAST present, Candy can only conclude..

Candy: "I know where this is going.. we race?"

Sonny: "Oooh yes, baby.. just you and me. 3 laps. Comms on. Win, and I'll cut you a discount on the power armor."

Candy: "Figures. How much effort is your One Step Ahead putting to make sure I don't say 'no'?"

later 2.jpg

For the final event today, a pair of V10 performance park by the start line.


On the side of the pit lane, a pair sit by in watch..

Ginoa: "C'mon, show me your gumption. Who are you betting on?"

Kirk: "Can't decide."

Ginoa: "Me too. Shame. I was hoping you'd make the decision much easier.. but then again, monsieur.. a man like you never can make a good decision witho-"

Kirk: "Hush! Not one more word, Gin. Let's see it happen."

Back to the cars, the drivers communicate..


Candy: "Standing start? You know what kind of car you're f[BLEEP]ing with?"

Sonny: "AHAHA! So cheeky, maa. You're going to eat those words, beh."


Mystic Rhythms
Power Windows

Just like with Nirvana and The Guts, a song tailored for these Sonny and yet another rival started to appear..

Candy: "I think.. that's for us, isn't it?"

Sonny: "That's what I was hoping for, sis."

The track officials then powers on the lights..


With one grueling roar from one..


..and another fearsome shriek from another..


The lights pop green, and the duel commences!


While the Gallardo takes the lead easily, a man and his machine on the other isn't going to let that slide..


Past Andretti, Candy then now knows.. her latest acquisition..

full going to be the one car that'll allow her talents to take on THE BEAST.


Shaping a look that screams like it should, there seems to be a lot of umm, ehh, and ohh with the Gallardo. Good looks and great power isn't going to save the car by themselves, ohh no.

If I got the Gallardo's whole package in a grand tourer's body, I'd give it a Sleeper without question.

But oh well. It leans on a tune so much to have you enjoy what's intended. Neutral. Although, I can argue it can lean towards Sleeper especially if you're a very keen tuner.

Story writeup, race, and Single Player Challenge in one post. I'd want a high five, but you'd leave me hanging with that cruel smile that was had back in Week 34.

That's more than my usual modus operandi. Although at the cost of fiction content. It's rather bare. Just that Candy has a new car, and with it comes a cute little gathering between what I placed under the theme I teased about earlier.

So, SPD: what's that theme?

I'm ashamed if you have to find out. It's just like the month of update when the Gallardo came out with: it's a Gran Turismo 5 throwback, with a healthy chunk of my (5) introduced roster in Premiums coming together for one race (except that Jag, of course). There are a few (6) people with GT5 cars too that can join, but.. sorry: get your veterancy awarded some other time.

I was going to pack this race with even more people. Notably one genki girl driving an RX-7, and another soldier turned senator driving the 22B.. one who I haven't introduced properly yet.

Now comes the question: does Candy need a Gallardo? It's the only way to have her fit in the race: a whole roster of what's desirable to own and drive in Gran Turismo 5. We're missing quite a lot that's sufficiently fast, which means no tuners (aside Izumi's Lancer, but I'll just say it's the race modded Evo IX because that was her car then). Keith also was supposed to ride in his C6 ZR1, but he's got a Ferrari that needs showing off because of the SPC, and I figured: why not show the intent I am writing all the cars included in the SPC while I'm at it.

As the main character, Candy Lam is bound to appear in every segment, be it either as the lead role, or as a small mention.

The infamous Sweet Toothed Lone Wolf of Asia, or known worldwide as Le Glace Pacer. While her social presence is significantly poor, her presence on the track hasn't been short of perfection, now under the pressures of being a monetary source of higher powers, as well as her role being the most prime form of woman racers.. But don't let her hear that.

Theme Song: Def Leppard - Bad Actress
Racing Duel Music: Def Leppard - Nine Lives
Gender: Female
Nationality: Hong Kongese
Age: 30
Current occupation: Professional racecar driver
Distinct features: Long, clean, straight ashen hair tied to a ponytail via traditional red braids. A stiff, stoic Asian beauty that starts to show sign of wrinkling, covered by heavy layers of makeup. Thin, rounded diamond face, with various beauty signs of it being worked on unnaturally, especially her unblemished small snub nose, heavily lipsticked mouth and thin brown Asian eyes. Short body with small proportions.
Choice of clothing: Typical modern glossy sleveless Hong Kong dress, but 90% she will have her favorite on, that's in blood red with a white bauhinia pattern on, with matching sandals. Most of her clothes and themes come in red or white.
Cars: Toyota GR Yaris 1st Edition RZ "High Performance", MINI Cooper S, Honda NSX Type R '02, Mazda Demio XD Touring, Nissan Skyline GTS-R (R31), Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 Coupé

Even though she's a proud Hong Kongese, Candy is actually born in high society Tokyo, and more exposed to living in a usual Japanese lifestyle. An only child, it was easy to find herself spoiled rotten from a young age, getting what she wants and not caring how it got there, thanks to wealth she inherits strongly. Her father notably was an executive in Toyota's racing division.

A target in her younger ages, Candy's early life was full of trouble from others that are against her being a Hong Kong native in Japan. She never made any friends as a result, and this loner habit of hers remained even after changing schools, going so far to even give her a new alias. While her parents have a strong standing in the society she lived in, she remained in their shadow, because she couldn't find comfort out of it.

Upon reaching her adult days, Candy's first 'milestone' would come when an incident in a high class event caused her to run, leading to a manic police car chase spanning several weeks before she was arrested. The victim of these events would have deep ties with various Yakuza families. While her parents retreated to Hong Kong, Candy stayed in Japanese prison, learning that if nothing needs to come her way, she needs to learn something she initially dreaded to do: manipulate the human mind, a state of thought she was once a victim of.

After her sentence, she regained her freedom, and it didn't take long that was noticed by the city's largest street racing community. Still with her inherited wealth, she started off strong in the streets. Years then pass, in which she eventually proves herself as a top competitor for racing in many top endurance races worldwide.

While her fans are out there in many parts around for being a woman dominating a man's sport, she's not exactly a great social interactor, and is a nobody outside the racing community. With many questions still left unanswered, maybe there are more ulterior motives with the unsanctioned blue MINI project..

Tech savvy geek with a forte in extreme sports. While her chaotic nature always gets her into situations unwanted, her overall innocent and kind upbringing gets her to be responsible of being the only one capable of lighting up the complete darkness in her husband's inner struggles for a final identity.

Theme Song: Muse - Guiding Light
Racing Duel Music: Eurythmics - Would I Lie To You?
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 29
Current occupation: Interpol special operative
Distinct features: Medium, layered bob burgundy hair. Athletic, slightly wide diamond face. Brown hooded eyes, thin almond nose and a small mouth. A natural beauty with a small layer of makeup that exists only to hide her eyebags. Thin profile with an average height, and above average proportions.
Choice of clothing: Always wears a bespoke pair of sporty earphones. Never with a distinct fashion style due to her clinging as a master of disguise, even though she's more of a master of imitation. Most of a time she's with a sporty crop top, denim skirt with tight sporty arm socks, leggings and sports shoes.
Cars: Lexus LFA, Lexus RC F, Daihatsu Copen, Daihatsu COPEN RJ Vision Gran Turismo

Rin started off life in Tochigi. Not even years in, she has been diagnosed with a minor mental defect which hampered her thought processes. While it didn't get in the way of her everyday living, it prompted her parents to remain her a single child. It did get her to do the occasional odd and unusual behaviour. Aspiring to be the family's model child, she didn't let her setbacks bring her down. A top grading student with impressive feats in athleticism, and to remain incredibly pretty; you can say all these good things about her, it's supposedly impossible.

With her mother, love was unconditional, but her father seems held back. Further on in her teen life, she would find out aside his day job that he's a well known, on and off street racer. The relationship would sour further, but that changed in the aftermath of when she decided it's time to see if she can do better. Acing her driver's test was one thing, but immediately sneaking out and winning a Clubman Cup event in Motegi was the next.

Rin would head to the UK instead of local institutes for higher education, but it was a guise as her father wanted to protect her from local troubles stirred by his actions. Away from home, this would be a pivotal era for her development. An old friend became her starting point in racing. She would meet certain individuals, including her husband to be. But also came a criminal group that wanted to exploit her near perfect genetics, with these events causing mental damage, and giving way to her chaotic shifts in mood.

She would make her escape in marriage, prompting her to stay in California. The paranoia didn't stop there. On the first chance she could, she started working as a police officer, even deciding to adopt identities and learn imitation. But her fears did arrive. They staged an accident, and before she got taken away, she escaped, leaving everything behind for a long 7 years. This time was used for her to anonymously hone her racing to a whole new high, protected by Interpol.

And gladly, that time is over. But a lot has changed. Most importantly: her father has died. Initially succeeding him by joining FIA GT racing, she failed to inquire an investigation on how he left a legacy behind in the form of Candy..

They said if there was a God in the worldwide street racing scene, Jacob Ross' moniker as The Outlaw was the very thing He and anyone else in said scene would be unequivocally afraid of.

Theme Song: Metallica - Disposable Heroes (Remastered)
Racing Duel Music: Gary Numan - I Am Dust
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 33
Current occupation: Rookie racer, in guise of his top street racer moniker
Distinct features: Balding marked, medium swept up brown hair. Roughened up with a few cut scars, but smooth, thin chiseled, and somewhat attractive diamond face. Aggressive, azure down turned eyes, thick grecian nose and serious, semi-thick lips. Tall build, with a fit build carrying developed muscles. Those muscles would artificially expand further when he becomes The Outlaw.
Choice of clothing: Black is the name of the game, usually with a custom tailored suit vest under a dark long wool jacket. Never seen without a black bespoke pinch front cowboy hat, with an engraving: 'Oderint dum metuant'. As The Outlaw, he would add on a thick specially crafted bulletproof attire, and a breathing apparatus that steams out an unusual drug should he need it.
Cars: Ford GT '06, Ford Mustang Boss 429, Ford Mustang Gr. 3 Road Car (as The Outlaw)

As the firstborn of a rich Californian racing legend, racing was definitely in his blood and Jacob had that opportunity for succeeding his father, joyous and determined this is the future for him.

But in his youth, something happened to his young psyche, and to say it changed him would seriously put it mildly.

The details remain sketchy, and it remained a sensitive topic within his family even to today. It drove a wedge between him and his parents far enough that he wouldn't be the same after his teens. These events harbors the influence of him becoming a fearless, serious somber man with said fear as a weapon of his own.

Now that the weight of succession is beared to someone else, Jacob carved his own destiny. Mixing his passions of the past with his more darkened methods, he toughed through the many grueling years to become the self proclaimed, undisputed fastest street racer of the US, through being a founding member of The List, aliased as The Outlaw: a drug enhanced, nigh unbeatable driver with a penchant for deceit, destruction, disrespect and fire, usually all combined. It's said that there are unspeakable tales of terror that happens to those who oppose The Outlaw: the identity he protects dearly, so much that over time, he's developed a vengeance to those that threaten this visage and those close to him.

Eventually, he married someone: a youthful Japanese girl who would be the greatest ray of sunshine he could ever get. But even that was a marriage that wouldn't last, as both became a target from greater powers. After a long 7 years, that threat now extinguished, he resumed the bumpy, happy life, hoping to outrun the past he knew wouldn't catch up. These days, Jacob has recently registered as a rookie FIA racer, with initial plans in his head saying to take it slow. All seems dandy, until certain events including the rise of his wife's old enemies resurface, enveloping him in the darkness where he then believes is the only place he belongs.

And if his fans and followers are familiar with his talents that developed his legacy, know that his history with a clenching darkness has caught up to him. It's unsure whether his known heroic side has fallen, merged, or even co-exists with his persevering dark side.

Bohemian Like You plays

Once part of the greatest street racing crew in the UK, Sonny's now a key player in The List's day to day finances. While these days, he's started a long running racing career, leading to a gigantic bounty of success. This egotistical, proven all around badass comes forward as the most divisive top racing figure in the USA.

Theme Song: Rush - Vapor Trail, The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
Racing Duel Music: A Silent Truth - Chariot (Daycore)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half Singaporean, half American
Age: 32
Current occupation: As he would state it: a mother[BLEEP]ing racing celebrity
Distinct features: Curled, black medium long hair, always semi-shiny. Handsome, diamond Asian like face and skin tone, with a long stubble combined with a Zappa. Narrow angled grey eyes that shine when he wants to, subtle upturned nose, and hair surrounded mouth. Overcompensating perfect teeth that glares when he wants to. Slightly taller, semi slim build, with mild developed muscle.. also that gleam when he wants to.
Choice of clothing: Usually in biker style clothing, including leather all around with an undershirt.
Cars: Dodge SRT Viper GTS, Chevrolet Camaro Z28, Ferrari 288 GTO, GT By Citroen Road Car, Mazda Eunos Roadster (NA Special Package)

While he might have a Singaporean father, his work as a presidential bodyguard means Sonny's an all American citizen. Birthed in Washington, he moved to California when he was still very young. There, he would meet the eventual leader of The List, and befriend him, being his social contact that would relate with him as that man would darken. On the contrary, Sonny remained as optimistic as he always has been.

But his optimism didn't carry over to his education, where he was often the main culprit of racism as an issue there. It was then he would learn, then utilize his famous mantra of always being one step ahead. By using his birthday gift: a 69 Camaro, he would cause what he would dub as the best graduation day ever: getting just about every nemeses in his school driver license suspensions, while he gets away scot free. Due to this epic win, his egoist side would rise from then onwards, possibly never reaching a ceiling.

It wouldn't stop there. Applying to study in London found itself to be a costly move, and he would bring said Camaro over the Atlantic to begin street racing in those streets just to break even. And past that, UK's top street racing crew known as the Prophecy would take attention, and adopt him as the first ever mentored student, known as a Chosen. Even though Sonny did graduate with middling honours and is ready for adult life, he chose to spend his earnings to chase his hobbies, and to everyone's surprise: it would end up being his life's work, with his unshakeable ego and skill would put him in the podium spot of any racing field he touches.

In addition to his successful racing career, he took on the role as The List's main income source, internally codenamed "Chimera". In recent years, Sonny's momentum has been halted when his mother passed, and now has a mission to find the Mrs. Meng to succeed even further than just his wealth and fame. These days, while he might be the badass he claims, he's also bound to lure in all sorts of trouble, such as the bad luck he's known for among his divisive peers, alongside his, what he dubs: 'favorite hostile secret admirer' in Nirvana.

One of the founding members of the infamous, vastly exclusive American street crew with an international cast known mainly as The List. This gruff in general, semi Irishman is never seen slow thanks to his all-around sense, reliance, and secret sixth sense on insa-not so insane stunts.

Theme Song: Ash - Arcadia, Dropkick Murphys - The Last Letter Home
Racing Duel Music: Dropkick Murphys - The Battle Rages On
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half British, half Irish
Age: 30
Current occupation: Car thief
Distinct features: Buzz shaved blonde hair. Chubby, rounded diamond face, surrounded by reddish tinted pale skin. Narrow droopy green eyes, freckles under the eyes, short pointed nose, and wide dried mouth. Notably carries a badass baritone. Average build and height.
Choice of clothing: Casual looks incline towards his love of British sports. Frequently with a sports shirt, slim slacks and sneakers. You're either going to see him in colors of Aston Villa FC, colors of the English white and red, or just red all over.
Cars: Many due to his ever growing collection, but he's often seen with either McLaren 12C, Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren or Toyota Ambulance Himedic

A high value serviceman of petty American crime. UK born Murph was born in a smaller town: Milton-Keynes and grew up raised, then raising a church after his parents disowned him. The way he sees it, it's just another way to break free of the chains that bind him. The crazy driving of his started there, where he usually finds himself in a pinch upon doing some robbery work. In relation to the illegal duties he carries out, his overall goal is to ensure the clergy and the children they keep will never go hungry or sad. After years of this activity, Murph moved on while keeping his donations steady from the shadows. While he's never been caught entirely, getaway seems to be his forte, and that fact slowly cements itself over time.

However, his notable rise to fame would come in his penchant for using risk for massive rewards. He would find himself using lightweight sports cars in contact heavy street races, using every trick he learned in his mental book. This in turn would help him gain international infamy on the streets. With intent of clearing his heat, he lays low in America, meeting a giant and his superior in form of The Outlaw. This chance meet, also with being ahead of the pack in general racing got him a spot in The List as one of its founders, even though ulterior motives arose revealing he's to stop this uprising altogether. That suspect allegiance changed as soon as he knew the pain of a machete's deep cut to the gut, but this change of heart got him to become the official right hand man of the big boss.

Now, with his newly christened nickname as "Murph", he revels as everyone who's anyone in the worldwide street racing scene calls him insane, but he's not dumb, and so far nothing's going to stop him. Murph usually finds himself doing his racing and general thief work in the States, but he often makes his way back to the UK to catch up on the local news, check on his old stomping grounds, keep track of his car smuggling connections with his growing car collection in Surrey, or test his mettle in the growing street scenes that's been clamoring a chance at a truly insane racing machine.

The one odd case of a wannabe gangster turned up to eleven. A hard headed, figuratively and literally, young man whose ties to the international crime syndicate brings him all over the world, with the UK now his latest stop.

Theme Song: Rob Zombie - Never Gonna Stop (The Red Red Kroovy)
Racing Duel Music: Rob Zombie - Never Gonna Stop (The Black Cat Crossing mix)
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 27
Current occupation: Gang leader
Distinct features: Messy medium side fringed brown hair shaped like a bob. Attractive heart shaped face akin to a young popstar. Wrinkled green protruded eyes and small upturned nose. Black birthmark surrounds the left eye in a round circular shape. Caucasian skin. Short and semi-thin.
Choice of clothing: Street themed clothing, leaned more towards comfort, and often hued in his gang's signature purple. Never without his purple cap with his name on it. Various golden jewelleries are observed, but usually isn't there when the moment isn't right.
Cars: Shelby Cobra, Dodge Viper SRT10 (ZBII), Dodge Challenger SRT Demon

While Gary might seem like a pampered child, his 'boys in the hood' Californian ghetto life has been full of challenge. His ambitious actions in the past got him to be betrayed by the closest of family and friends. He was also denied moments of glory and fame, and narrowly escaped death row for a crime he didn't do. But it never meant his exploits remain unnoticed. Deemed useful by a Japan based Chinese investor, Gary got out of prison and started working for him as his top branded muscle... even though that's not the best way to describe the short and skinny gangster. His swift speed would instead be his physical stand out trait.

With his debts done for said investor, Gary-D finds himself in the UK, forcefully exiled after stints involving a large crime family in his home turf of Los Angeles. Just before that, Gary has taken his time to get himself involved in high level street racing, thanks to a certain dark one. His quick reflexes and street smarts means that the sight of his Viper, Cobra or Challenger would be respected. While in the UK, he would make his actions straight with the Kirkham Foundation as their errand boy of sorts, while also helping out new friends and planning his big return to the States. Eventually, he found himself racing in the top street racing leagues as one of the Prophecy's Chosen.

Although he lacks in general smarts, manners and perhaps luck, Gary-D has the reputation as a battle hardened fighter, an even more hardened pervert, and an abnormally great host for leadership. Despite his exile, he's incredibly popular to those exposed to his talents. He's eagerly awaited by many friends and his old gang to make his return to the States.

An intelligent man who's anger led to better things than just mental help. This figure would be the self recognized leader of the most exclusive and feared street racers within Europe: The Prophecy.

Theme Song: Avenged Sevenfold - Unbound (The Wild Ride)
Racing Duel Music: Slayer - Raining Blood
Gender: Male
Nationality: Welsh
Age: 37
Current occupation: If not a fanatically themed cult leader, a car show host
Distinct features: Short red hair over a short, rounded diamond face. Sharp green eyes, with a hint of red in the whites, as if fury's always present. Tearful eyes, thin nose and small mouth. Average build and height with bright skin, but with a more noticeable muscle built upper body.
Choice of clothing: Top of the line branded clothes and accessories, but nothing out of the quintessential British fashion, including a newsboy cap, long multi layered skin covered articles of fancy fashion, and climbing boots.
Cars: LaFerrari, Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary, Ferrari F430 Scuderia, Volkswagen Sambabus Typ 2

Real name: Maximus Davies. Clark Kayne is merely an alias for this Cardiff born orphan. After his abusive family's demise by his hand personally, he was raised in Manchester, and thus met an important figurehead for his life onward: the sole successor of the Kirkham Foundation, who would end up being a legendary 90's era racing youth, and his beloved brother for life.

Nowadays, he's mainly known as the only, then one of the three hosts in slowly uprising car show Sim Gear. But his real portfolio would be as the sole individual that leads The Prophecy: a London based street crew that houses strict teachings and top end performance car culture, once the sole governing entity that dominates all of the UK's street racing.

While a bit of a pugilist, has a bit of a temper and enjoys violence on a minor scale, Clark possesses a great IQ level, and strategizes often for the next move. Aside writing gospels for his exclusive club, Clark finds himself credited for writing scripts and scenarios for Sim Gear, as well as carrying it initially as the sole figurehead while the studio was still getting started.

Also with a leaning towards illegally obtained Ferraris, Clark has the talent to handle whatever car he can reach forth, infamous for running the V12 Hybrid trinity LaFerrari on the roads without incident. Despite this, his racing talents shine only away from the track, due to a past incident he won't let go from that cost him his reputation and potential partner for life.

Once a youthful, late 90s racing powerhouse with family fortunes secured his good life as the strategic and composed mastermind behind the Kirkham Foundation of Medical Sciences. This Manchester native is settled for many lives worth of riches, racing world influence and overall standing in his many fields, but he requires the help of a few worthy others to achieve the goal of housing the fastest racers on the planet.

Theme Song: Coldplay - White Shadows, Coldplay - Paradise (Epic Orchestral Cover by Carl Abelgas & its_draconix)
Racing Duel Music: Electric Lights Orchestra - Prologue + Twilight
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Age: 41
Current occupation: Corporate director
Distinct features: Medium sized, clean cut straight grey hair with white edges. Wide oblong oval face, with hints of wrinkling. Thick narrow nubian nose with often dried out mouth of average size. Slightly tall, very fit build covered by strongly pale skin.
Choice of clothing: No real preference outside of what's British. Functional is what matters. He's often with designer clothing that make him look and feel youthful, such as a puffy jacket over shirt and jeans, bright tracksuits and if anything is formal, it's brightly colored.
Cars: McLaren F1, Abarth 500, BAC Mono

Nash was birthed in his current home turf of Manchester. A rich upper classman of Whalley Range, Nash might be born with wealth on his pocket from day 1 due to his father's role as the figurehead of long time pharmaceutical megacompany: the Kirkham Foundation. But he wasn't quite blessed in other ways. His mother passed from childbirth, and his father's not long for the world with a terminal illness. With connected family unwilling to support this dying cause, Nash was left with the family fortune from age 10. However, his father's advice never left him: he's to only trust himself, and never to let anyone give them a chance to take away the family riches.

With that advice in mind, he's left his lofty life of a giant mansion with servants on every whim to enroll himself to the best, with loyal corporate figures acting as his legal guardians, ensuring he would come up to grow as the future of the company. His trust issues would plague him until he would scuffle with a boy who would grow up to be the UK's street racing pioneer known as The Messiah. Said boy would change Nash for the better, being the first person he would open to, and declare as his brother: a role still going strong today. His bitterness towards others would end, as this period of comforting his always angry brother would give way to Nash's overall kind spiritedness coming out.

Reaching adulthood, Nash balanced out his new role as the Foundation director with the life he yearned to find, and he looked hard. Upon suggestion by his brother was track racing, and while his brother was unfortunate, Nash went on to be a GT racing icon after his debut years, meeting many others in this career. But the good times never last, as he was diagnosed by a rare form of albinism that caused his body to age quicker than usual. While his foundation went far to develop a cure, nothing fruitful arose. His undying dedication to this cure had him hit the books, so hard that it earned him great honors in medical sciences and economics. As he would take on an American protege to give his racing wisdom, he's uncertain of his fate, and adopted a successor to give down his company due to an old friend's promise.

These days, Nash's undiagnosed condition prevents him from racing in his name, despite being in peak physical form, but he's usually out and about racing various top racing fields as the Mysterious NZ. And if he's not co-hosting Sim Gear with his brother, he's scheming away his latest big dedicated project known as the Mythic Initiative. Now with six in tow, he's hoping to rid the discord caused by his own protege entering a dark chapter, hoping that the choice never has to come..

A legend of the past generation. Alan's time as The Bristol Harbinger echoes on into his terrible parenting and the contrary of such when it comes to mentoring. A classy charismatic figure who craves at the chance to push hard a racing machine again.

Theme Song: Queen - You Take My Breath Away
Racing Duel Music: The Cure - Wrong Number (acoustic)
Gender: Male
Nationality: British
Age: 59
Current occupation: Retired racer
Distinct features: Short, combed back, clean greyed chestnut hair. Heart shaped face. Similarly colored goatee on top of a stubble. Thin hooded blue eyes, thick but shallow funnel nose, and thin, wide peach mouth. Average height and slightly less weight.
Choice of clothing: Strictly a cardigan over a suit vest, fine pants and just as fine slip ons and woolen gloves. Never without his specially engraved pendant, engraved AR-CR.
Cars: Jaguar XJ220, Aston Martin DB11

Once known as the Bristol Harbinger, it's no surprise Alan's humble origins were within Bristol, specifically behind the heritage of a metalworking industry heavy family. Aspiring to make a living in one of the larger engineering factories producing ships and planes, Alan's dreams took a turn when his father: the foreman of a prominent steel milling factory, got the factory involved in producing various machinations for Jaguar. At his younger ages, he's greatly exposed to the hard works in the mills and the foundries, but never found himself in serious dedication to it, despite humbling towards its peoples.

Amassing wealth, Alan and his sole sister eventually was personally exposed to the racing world in form of their wealthy father's collection of classic cars, notably those made iconic within the gentlemen racers era. By the time they reached adulthood and are proven able to drive, they've been handed down one car of their choosing. Both went for Germans, as Alan's first car would come in the eventually rare BMW 507. Unaware of why his peers and relatives start to distance away from him, he's never been made aware that the car's value reflected to his person: something future Alan found out.

His calling for the track came when the foundry workers started organizing quick, but overall grueling rally events around the industrial areas they worked in. There, not only would this younger Alan find his calling by being the quickest in the tiny classics raced, but also found he wants to earn his glory, not be handed down them. Respect for this form of him is gained, and he would gain a catchphrase, stating that "What's once hard can be bested with self improvement, and we keep getting on with it until it's all a chore.". That all would move on to his greatest age in his career: handling Group C Jaguars.

Eventually wedded a lady and raised a daughter, the wife's sudden death by an accident put a rift between this pair, blaming one another for the cause of this separation. It was then he's made an abrupt retirement to the racing game. Wealth was never an issue then, thanks to his past and then work's role as a racing school instructor. Usually not straying further ahead open wheel racing, Alan's problems started to fade upon meeting his daughter's sweetheart: a young Scottish enthusiast. The bond they created as mentor and pupil also cast away the social barriers between him and his daughter. Now with a keenness on helping others, he didn't hesitate when a German racing family asked him personally for his services.

Age might've slowed his senses, but this current Sim Gear host's always on the lookout for fresh talent, or even a way back into the game.

A.K.A. Jing Mei Chunhua. An Interpol agent who's once a disgraced worker, now looking to regain what honor she has lost. A sassy, habitually laughing clown who keeps together a thin line on keeping apart the worldwide authorities and the underworld she once made her name with.

Theme Song: Nero - My Eyes
Racing Duel Music: Pendulum - Plastic Eyes (feat. Fats and TC)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Half Japanese, half Chinese
Age: 30
Current occupation: Interpol agent
Distinct features: Yellowish pale skin. Black, medium well kept hairdo with hair buns. Thin triangular face, with angled, unnerving asian brown eyes, small nose, and a large, curved mouth that can expand greater than it looks. Small beauty mark on her chin. Slightly taller height, with a slim, thin build.
Choice of clothing: Always with a cheongsam, but what color it is depends on her mood, with matching hair bun ribbons, chinese makeup, embroidered slippers/sandals and dark leg high stockings.
Cars: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX MR GSR, Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X Final Edition Gr. B Road Car

Izumi's started off being born as Jing Mei Chunhua within the many wards of Yokohama. She might've grown up with a brother, but their differences set them apart, most notably in terms of their ancestry. Naturally Izumi would be more towards her mother's side, who's a Japanese industry worker in the growing electronics market. While despite their differences in skin, the family's managed to keep together well.

Up until their parents moved on to retire, Izumi would end up studying to become a politician. However, upon realizing the desk work wasn't for her, like her brother, she would instead go for policework. However, after years of work and sacrifice paying off, Izumi became one of the best undercover policewomen within the Tokyo region. As she moves ahead that step and goes international, she then found of her brother's growings as the Vulture of infamy, who built a gigantic financing corporation that usually plays a dangerous game with the large Yakuza families within Tokyo.

She's never thought of him as someone to love, but while she thought to protect her brother, she would often find herself in that stressful divide of being an upstanding officer, and a loving family member of her small family. As it goes on, she would develop pseudobulbar affect with the many risks and pulls she has to manage, causing her to laugh in random and violent tendencies. This would continue until one day her greatest fears would come true: her arrest is due, and also reveals that she's been in contact with larger criminal players around the world as an accomplice within Interpol: particularly the Assassin's Guild before their hostile takeover.

While her brother serves in prison, Izumi was granted a special kind of parole in which she would continue her work, but would face life in prison should that she's found to return to her roots. Thanks to a man she's met dealing with a Yakuza family before, she would move on and mentor a small Interpol team, of which includes her savior's wife. That was 2 years ago, and while not much has changed in terms of her personality, she believes going the straight and narrow is the way to reforge the binds of family with her brother.

The current era successor of the well known Ross racing family of Ventura Bay, California. A casual player who takes his journey step by step and reeling in the experiences to be this future force of nature his brother already is..

Theme Song: Airbourne - Ready To Rock (Black Dog Barking)
Racing Duel Music: AC/DC - Rock Your Heart Out
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 26
Current occupation: Race car driver
Distinct features: Partially scruffy, blonde combed back hair. Diamond face with rough edges. Blue eyes, hard edged grecian nose, and wide, deep mouth. Average height with slightly thin build.
Choice of clothing: Wears a zipped up sports jacket at all times, but contents vary from racing teams, anime or American football logos. Under all that's always a t-shirt with blue denim jeans and matching sports shoes.
Cars: A whole collection of them, but is 95% of the time seen with his Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (C6)

Like his brother, Keith too was born in the sunny side of coastal California. But there, the similarities end. However, while his brother distanced himself from his family after a certain event, Keith was the only exception to that rule.

Carrying a nice flowing blonde hairdo, Keith grew up as if he was more normal than that of his only other sibling: not in military school and instead in your usual elementary. Considering his father's reputation, Keith became a strong contender for the family's legacy as soon as he was bred into it, from entering racing schools as soon as he was able, to even forcing, then growing an interest in his father's signature car: the Corvette. It's not unusual for Keith to show this interest strong towards his friends and classmates, wearing racing memorabilia as his usual fashion statement.

Befriending a certain Asian American Badass and a small fat nerd with a flair for the young internet imagery, the once wimpy Keith took his influences from their actions, coming out into adulthood with his geeky yet cool flair of his, and took his future to the track after high school. While initially flourishing in the amateur leagues, an opportunity came for him to take part in Super GT for Honda. Unknowingly, alongside his nerdy friend, he's accompanied by a set of characters whom his brother set up with to watch him, eventually befriending them. Said group includes an Italian Interpol agent, his German hot head sweetheart, and the Bristol Harbinger.

Despite scoring high overall, and eventually getting into GT racing, rumors spread of Keith being too pampered, and the presence of his brother's intervention to the racing scene bound to come. Then, it all came down to Keith officially named the successor of his family's racing heritage: a name he strongly objected to at first, but then he didn't relent to represent when encouraged by his brother who he endeared so much all his life. And due to recent events, the Ross brothers dream start to flourish after today..

A technological marvel with a sharp finesse in her life ending work that got her the moniker of the Killer of Killers. Formerly the most sought out assassin for hire, she now lives in refuge under a guise, hoping nobody would find her unless you have a problem and no one else can help..

Theme Song: KMFDM - Professional Killer
Racing Duel Music: KMFDM - Virus (Pestilence Mix)
Gender: Female
Nationality: French
Age: 30
Current occupation: Maid? (obviously in disguise, she's actually the self proclaimed greatest assassin in the world)
Distinct features: Black, medium well combed right side bob, aggressively blonde when portraying her maid Minori personality. Smooth triangular face. Thin green almond eyes, thin tall nose with wide tip, and narrow mouth. Slight perky, blemished cheeks. Shiny white teeth that seem unnatural (actually bombs). Bright caucasian skin, with average height, weight and proportions. Small creases over arms and legs (actually hidden blades).
Choice of clothing: Your usual frilly maid outfit (definitely not intended). Outside, she's usually wearing a dark colored halterneck blouse/tank top, with black jeans and comfort slippers. Wears a red butterfly clip (actually a hidden knife), a golden set of bangles on her left hand (actually a hidden taser), and a large banded watch on her right (hiding the barrel of a hidden gun in her arm)
Cars: Ferrari F40, Renault R4 GTL

Perhaps the most well known member of the Assassin's Guild that serves as the example to not follow for any prospective killer due to her actions of infamy. Taking on a rural upbringing just out in the hillsides of the Pyrenees, this killer to be had a name, and being the only child of a family. Taken by an unknown sickness, her father left the family, forcing her to migrate with her mother to find better pastures. While they found refuge within a millionaire's estate, the man was a predator by the definition, taking his mother to satisfy his pleasures while the lone child would run away finding that truth out with intents to exploit it. Being on the lam by child police and this richman's associates, she learned to not only hate men, but also to hide and survive.

She would then meet one of the very few men she can respect: a Catholic priest who took her in. Informing him of her farmland origins, the christened Gino would come through living on and off the sanctified church grounds, using this time to hone her athletic and martial skills. However, as she came to adulthood, the men in pursuit of her finally caught up, and further her hatred of these people by not only destroying anything she comes to contact with, but also using their influence and wealth to frame her for that act. To get back at these people, Gino would conduct the perfect crime: one she's been planning ever since her arrival. To get this near impossible task done is to help kindle her inner perfectionist, but put her on the most wanted list in the country.

Her escape all the way to the southernmost side of the country got the attention of the Richelieu family, who would massively profit of these crimes indirectly, and thus led to their favor for her. Befriending the profit minded alpha and her wine loving little brother, the once again renamed Ginoa had revenge in her heart, now striking anyone who would exploit the poor, declaring herself a self serving assassin based by the Richelieu's turf. Her most pivotal moment in this career came when she was to bring to the end of an experimental surgeon: the man who would grant her artificial augmentations of her body who apparently was a high ranking member of the Assassin's Guild. This eventual clashing would lead to her joining, as well as the birth of the Trinitia L'Assassina that stemmed from their efficient, effective service.

Within this organization and thanks to the jealousy of the Richelieu matriarch, Ginoa finds herself travelling all over the world, even mastering a roster of languages, but these days finds herself hiding away in the center of Los Angeles, unwilling to step out of this shadow for the amounts of deathly gazes awaiting to end her. She did however learn two more important life lessons thanks to a few close friends, inclusive of The Black Flash, her short gang leader lover and an angry fellow known as The Messiah: vengeance is a strong motivator, and similarly so is love.

Shy, unfocused, but a straight forward, kind hearted fellow with a penchant for helping out the best he can. The definite Yin to Sonny's Yang, Kirk is no slouch in anything he does, developed into this automotive jack of all trades thanks to the friends and support he's fostered after a life alone.

Theme Song: ZZ Top - I Gotsta Get Paid
Racing Duel Music: Rush - Secret Touch
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 31
Current occupation: A lot, but racing mechanic is what he usually puts forwards
Distinct features: Short, combed back black ponytail. Puffed up round face. Narrow rounded navy eyes, thick narrow snub nose and thick lipped mouth. Pronounced muscular wrinkling on cheeks and face. Average height, with a mix of fat and muscle within a well weighted body.
Choice of clothing: It's never not a tight tank top and well fit blue denim jeans, along with his signature pair of work gloves and safety boots.. unless it's cold, which a longcoat enters the equation.
Cars: Roadster Shop Rampage, Chris Holstrom Concepts 1967 Chevy Nova, Toyota Supra 3.0GT Turbo A

Kirk's past was mostly undocumented and not left pursued, strangely as if this past, and his desire to pursue it was tampered with by higher forces. Needless to say, the only things he remember of his past is that he's born in one of the lesser cities within California. What he does know stems from his time as a young adult, where he awoken in the middle of the warm California desert, only with his name intact. Going in and out of smaller work, he has no place to call home, usually forcing himself to be useful to remain alive. However, the experience allows him to learn the appropriate skills he would make great use of today, particularly in culinary and engineering.

However, he soon found a great first venture that not only got him a place to stay, but money to earn, and that is facilitating motoring events in a small town within Orange County. A gentle soul by nature, his great decision making by prioritizing growth over violence earned him the respect of the community, up until a clashing with some degenerate racing crews caused a rift, extorting money from him and the community. He keeps on hoping that one day this would end. And those hopes came one day when he would take a look at a certain classic Chevrolet Camaro. Said car would be the ride of the then rising celebrity race driver known as the Asian-American Badass, and from then they bonded.

After a final clashing ensued with the help of his new friend, he would be forced out of Orange County due to these crews organizing a headhunt for him. Making their escape into his new friend's stomping grounds within Burbank, California, Kirk knew he would end up in a prison, unwavering and in undying gratitude to his new friend for life. However, that initially hellish life would be, in eventuality, a form of heaven for him, living it out with a small biker gang that had similar incidents that precede their meeting. Now leading as the Vice Captain of Sonny Meng's private biker gang, he would also delve further into his own interests in life at his own casual snail's pace.

One day, he would find out that the groups that organized his bounty would be dissolved and completely disappeared without warning. Taking no heed of it, little did he know there are interested parties looking for a man like him..
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Week 99 Wednesday Lobby: 2 Gallardos styled under Hector Domingo "Ming"
Inevitably it gets asked: who is the real Ming?

When Ming wins a race in NFS Most Wanted:

Ming wins NFS MW.jpg

When SP-Domingo wins a race in Blue Moon Bay Infield A:

Ming wins GT7 SPD ver.jpg

To the jury: I rest my case that I'M the real Ming.

wait till that silly SPD finds out the real Ming eventually ends up in jail trolololo

The Gallardo may be the fastest of the three by virtue of being 4WD, but like a bull it struggles to turn at any sort of speed. It may have excellent traction out of corners, but its frustrating stubbornness against turning lead to me crashing into the wall at the bottom of the valley.

The 458 had the inverse problem: its rear end is very eager to step out under throttle, but short shifting and the much more pointy nature of the Ferrari made the 458 a much more enjoyable experience.

The McLaren MP12-4C did not have a rear as loose as the 458, but the Macca was also noticeably more reluctant to bite into a corner, albeit not to the Gallardo’s extent.

My pick would be the Ferrari 458 simply for how eager and responsive the Prancing Horse was and how enjoyable it was to drive.
The results for last week's Single–Player Challenge, the "Oh God 2010 was 15 years ago and I have a midlife crisis" supercar conundrum, are in!

Week 99 SPC
Last Minute Racer 556​

Congrats to K31th for sweeping the top times with all three cars! They're fast becoming the Vic of the Saturday lobby, eh?

Although, the assignment was to pick among the three, not so much compare lap times...

Oh look, it's Week 100 of GT7 Car of the Week! Remember back when we hit Week 100 in GTS' COTW? We featured two 20 million credit cars, the Ferrari 330 P4 and the Ford Mk. IV Race Car, for what HAD to be the single most expensive week in COTW history.

Wanna do it again?

I sure as hell don't, and neither does @jrbabbitt it would seem. For their recent string of participation in the Single–Player Challenges, they've been given the choice this week, and they've gone for an encore: the Toyota 2000GT '67!

Gran Turismo® 7_20250317143903.png

Often said to be the first supercar from the Land of the Rising Sun, the Toyota 2000GT had all the tools to make it deserving of being called such: a exotic looks, blistering performance, a monstrously high price tag, extremely limited numbers, and, of course, a starring role in a movie. For such a rare and expensive car, the 2000GT was also raced in several events across Japan, and even set new top speed records at the infamous Yatabe Test Track!

But the Toyota 2000GT isn't only a special car in real life; it's also the car that brought both @Baron Blitz Red and @RX8 Racer into COTW when it was featured in GT5 and GTS' COTW respectively! Let's see if we see any new faces this week... ;)

Join Our Weekly Lobbies!

Our weekly lobbies are ongoing as usual, and anyone (not a dick) is welcome to join us in racing Gallardos under BoP conditions!

Click on the hyperlinks to convert the times to your time zone, and feel free to add the hosts as friends on PSN to make searching for the lobbies easier!

The Americas Lobby

The Asia/Oceania also kinda European Lobby​

BoP/Settings Disabled: On (Cars will temporarily be reverted to stock settings, WIDE BODIED AND/OR ENGINE SWAPPED CARS WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE!)
Tracks: Randomly selected by lobby participants (~5 mins practice, ~10 mins sprint)
PP Limit: 416PP
Car: No Limit
Tyres: Comfort Medium

~Single–Player Challenge!~

This week's SPC is another simple Time Trial, with a slight twist:

Take a fully stock 2000GT around Fuji Speedway, either on its original Comfort Medium tyres, or Sports Softs. No other compound is allowed!

  • If running on the car's default Comfort Medium tyres, run it at Fuji Short.
  • If running on Sports Soft tyres, run it at Fuji Speedway Full.

Let's see how the character of the car changes on two different compounds of tyres! Which combo will produce the fastest time?

Of course, we always welcome opinions, tunes, liveries, photos, videos, or stories about the car here on the the thread!
Thank you and also I had noticed that for those who do not have this car it will cost almost 1 million credits in the Luxury Lot, do not know how long this will last but I have purchased three for various improvements and to keep one bone stock (or with tyre changes).
I have always loved this car since I busted my hump trying to beat that one challenge in GT4 with this car in Manhattan. I will post some interesting facts about this wonderful and rare car, "Only 337 regular production units of the 2000GT were built, figures comparable to contemporary elite Italian supercars, and according to Toyota, all 337 were sold." Wikipedia quote.
The 2000GT made its most famous screen appearance in the 1967 James Bond movie You Only Live Twice, most of which was filmed in Japan. Two one-off topless models—fitted only with tonneau covers to simulate functioning convertible roofs—were made specially for the film.[12] It is claimed that a targa had been considered to accommodate the burly 1.88 m (6 ft 2 in) tall Sean Connery. This retained the original car's fastback profile but eliminated rear side windows. Purportedly, Connery's head stuck out of the top and a roofless version was fabricated in less than two weeks for the movie.[22] The car was only driven by "Bond girl" Aki (Akiko Wakabayashi) in the film.
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Toyota 2000GT, from Trial Production to Manufacturing

An agreement to cooperate on technology for sports car production was concluded between Toyota and Yamaha on September 8, 1965. However, in December of the previous year, a joint development project had already started for the Toyota 2000GT.
Toyota handled the overall layout and design for the car, along with the basic parameters, while Yamaha, under the direction of Toyota, was primarily responsible for improving engine performance and for detailed design of the body and chassis. The average age of the development team was around 30. Although all of the members had an above-average interest in cars, they had next to no knowledge or experience when it came to manufacturing them.
Toyota 2000GT

Development proceeded with the aim of exhibiting the car at the Tokyo Motor Show in October 1965. The 2000 cc, inline 6-cylinder engine, which was originally installed in the Toyopet Crown, was converted to a DOHC layout in an effort to substantially raise its output. In addition, the cylinder head covers were given a matte black wrinkle finish. Among Japanese automobiles at the time, there were very few instances of applying design features that were commonplace on motorcycles with exposed engines to car engines hidden under the hood.
There were many firsts involved in creating the body designs and prototypes. Based on Toyota's basic design, the team created full-size diagrams and produced wood grids for the sheet metal. For the hood and trunk lid, Yamaha leveraged handcrafting FRP molding techniques, which had been cultivated in the company's boat manufacturing activities. For the roof, fenders, doors, and other components, prototypes were created by shaping sheet metal with the skill of an artisan. Interior components like the steering wheel, gearshift knob, and instrument panel were made of wood. Advanced techniques were required to prevent splitting and cracking in the natural wood used inside the car. Such cracking could potentially have occurred when the wood was exposed to especially hot summer weather. The team, though, resolved the problem by utilizing woodworking techniques developed in Yamaha's musical instrument business. Advanced technologies were also required in various other areas, including the cast magnesium disc wheels and the hand-sprayed body paint.
The prototype was completed by incorporating the most cutting-edge, advanced technologies available at the time. It was presented at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1965 as the Toyota 2000GT.
Three new world records and 13 new international records were established by the Toyota 2000GT during speed trials.

Production of the 2000GT as a commercial automobile was started at the new Iwata Factory, where phase one construction had been completed. There really was very little difference, though, between the actual production process and that used to create the prototype. Although considered "mass production," the process actually involved assembling each car by hand, one by one. Production of the body, in particular, proceeded through trial and error-on the operating mechanism, for example, for the curved glass windshield, a first for a domestically produced automobile, and on matching the colors of paint used on parts made of FRP and sheet metal.
In addition, there was a final inspection that had to be passed in order for the car to be marketed to the public. Toyota's inspection standards were extremely strict, and the 2000GT had trouble meeting them. It was particularly hard to eliminate water leakage and the squeaking sound of the wiper blades. Each problem, though, was solved one at a time, and the first market-ready model was completed in February 1967.

The jilt left a bad taste in Brock’s mouth. According to him, he first heard of Toyota’s change of heart was when three 2000GTs showed up at Shelby’s headquarters rather than his own shop. Stung by the end-run, he decided to leverage some of his old Hino connections into getting a couple of Datsun roadsters direct from Japan.
With these Datsuns, Brock hatched a plan. Whenever he heard that the Shelby teams were headed to a race out east in search of regional points, the BRE team would show up with their roadsters to hound the 2000GTs. The Datsuns ran in D-Production, a different class than the 2000GTs, but Brock’s roadsters were quick enough to get in the way of the Toyotas and spoil the racing line—while letting Toyota’s Porsche rivals past.

Further hampered by an SCCA ruling requiring the Toyotas to run Solex instead of Weber carburetors, the 2000GT couldn’t defeat its European competition. The team managed four outright wins but still finished fourth in the championship. Embarrassed by their flagship’s failure to achieve instant success, Toyota pulled the plug. Two years later and with their personal battle in the rearview mirror, the BRE team put a Datsun 240Z on the top of the C-Production podium, proving Japan’s international racing prowess.
Although Shelby didn’t get to slay another European motorsports giant, last week’s sale may have given him, as well as Toyota, the last laugh. Toyota’s design and Shelby’s imprint on the 2000GTs helped set the stage for competitive Japanese sports cars and racers for years to come. Now, the 2000GT has set the bar for a Japanese collector car market on the rise.

A $2.5M Sale is More than a Record for the 2000GT. It’s Toyota’s Revenge.

March 9, 2022
By Brendan McAleer /
When the hammer fell on this 1967 Toyota 2000GT at the Gooding & Company auction at Amelia, it shattered two records. First, at a selling price of $2,535,000, it became the first Japanese car to break the $2M mark at auction; second, it established a new high-water mark as the most expensive Japanese car of all time. The sale rightly recognizes the 2000GT’s value as the first major Japanese effort to take on the sports car world and as the feat of design and engineering Toyota had hoped to create. What’s more, this exceptional vehicle, one of three touched by racing legend Carroll Shelby, comes with a backstory of betrayal and revenge.
Born just as Japan’s auto industry and car culture came of age, the 2000GT realized Toyota’s dream to create a true halo GT car. Enthusiasm for motorsport was on the rise in Japan—the first Japanese Grand Prix was held in 1963—and Toyota, far from the automotive giant it is today, decided it was time to compete on the world stage.
Toyota’s offerings in the early 1960s were anything but inspiring. Its first sports car, the tiny Sports 800 or “Yota-hachi,” appeared in 1965. A sprightly little thing with aluminum-intensive construction and one of the first production-car targa roofs, it made do with a paltry 44 hp. Even before the little Yota-hachi chugged into production, though, Toyota had loftier ambitions.
1965 Toyota Sports 800 Toyota

To that end, Toyota launched the 2000GT effort under the code Project 280A. With a crack team of five engineers, designers, and test drivers, it utilized several European cars as benchmarks. Although often regarded as a Japanese copy of the Jaguar E-Type given the design similarities, the 2000GT’s engineering was heavily influenced by another British sports car—the Lotus Elan 26R. From the 26R, chassis and suspension engineer Shinichi Yamazaki took the idea for a backbone chassis and fully independent suspension. But Project 280A couldn’t just be pretty and handle well, it also had to be quick.
Beneath designer Satoru Nozaki’s beautiful, flowing lines resided a rev-happy 2.0-liter six-cylinder engine. Toyota tapped Yamaha to create a double-overhead-cam head with excellent airflow characteristics. Redline was a lofty 7000 rpm, with just shy of 150 horsepower in road-going trim.

Everything came together for Toyota’s would-be world-beating GT. When it debuted at the 1965 Tokyo Motor Show, crowds flocked to see Japan’s entry into the modern sporting market. The 2000GT impressed with technology that kept pace with the best sports cars of the time, including a limited-slip differential, five-speed gearbox, and power disc brakes at all four corners. The car generated excitement while sitting at the motor show, but one question remained: how would it fare on track against the likes of Porsche?
Toyota immediately set about establishing the 2000GT’s performance credibility by setting a series of speed records with it. In 1966 at the newly-constructed Yatabe Circuit, a 3.5-mile oval with steep banking, an aluminum-bodied pre-production prototype 2000GT set thirteen separate FIA time and distance records over 72 hours. Impressively, the car performed this multi-day test at sustained speeds of 125 – 130 mph without mechanical fault.
That same year, a pair of unusual little cars took first and second in the Mission Bell 100 across the Pacific in Riverside, California.
Prepared by an upstart new team called Brock Racing Enterprises (BRE), the two Japanese rear-engined Hino Contessas impressed the large crowd. Their one-two upset made headlines back in Japan, too, leading to some notoriety for Pete Brock, the young engineer behind the team. A former employee at Shelby American and designer of the Shelby Daytona Coupe, Brock was just beginning to make a name for himself.
Hino executives were delighted, but the 1960s were a time of sharks and minnows in the Japanese automotive industry. In an effort to make their nation’s car companies more competitive globally, the Japanese government pushed for larger automakers to absorb smaller ones. As fate would have it, Toyota purchased Hino for its Hilux small truck line and wound down Hino’s passenger car production, including the Contessa. This put Brock out of the Hino racing business, but his success hadn’t gone unnoticed at Toyota. There was a project for him in the 2000GT.
Toyota intended to take the 2000GT racing in America in the SCCA’s C-Production class, then dominated by Porsche’s 911. Considering that BRE had managed to take the virtually unknown Contessa to its maiden victory, Toyota offered Brock the contract to run its 2000GT effort.
In a parallel universe, it was a BRE-liveried 2000GT, perhaps with an SCCA trophy sitting in the passenger compartment, that set the sales record at Amelia last week. In this one, however, a last-minute sales pitch by Shelby —made in-person in Japan—was enough to convince Toyota to switch racing teams. After all, Shelby had just helped Ford beat Ferrari. Who better to help Toyota go to war with Porsche?

Courtesy of Gooding & Company/Josh Hway
The jilt left a bad taste in Brock’s mouth. According to him, he first heard of Toyota’s change of heart was when three 2000GTs showed up at Shelby’s headquarters rather than his own shop. Stung by the end-run, he decided to leverage some of his old Hino connections into getting a couple of Datsun roadsters direct from Japan.
With these Datsuns, Brock hatched a plan. Whenever he heard that the Shelby teams were headed to a race out east in search of regional points, the BRE team would show up with their roadsters to hound the 2000GTs. The Datsuns ran in D-Production, a different class than the 2000GTs, but Brock’s roadsters were quick enough to get in the way of the Toyotas and spoil the racing line—while letting Toyota’s Porsche rivals past.
Matt Tierney
Further hampered by an SCCA ruling requiring the Toyotas to run Solex instead of Weber carburetors, the 2000GT couldn’t defeat its European competition. The team managed four outright wins but still finished fourth in the championship. Embarrassed by their flagship’s failure to achieve instant success, Toyota pulled the plug. Two years later and with their personal battle in the rearview mirror, the BRE team put a Datsun 240Z on the top of the C-Production podium, proving Japan’s international racing prowess.
Although Shelby didn’t get to slay another European motorsports giant, last week’s sale may have given him, as well as Toyota, the last laugh. Toyota’s design and Shelby’s imprint on the 2000GTs helped set the stage for competitive Japanese sports cars and racers for years to come. Now, the 2000GT has set the bar for a Japanese collector car market on the rise.

Now that everyone knows how special this car really was, it has always been special to me. I remember seeing one in a car show in Long Beach CA , it was red and smaller than I expected, and from the chat with owner he told me it was a weekend driver and he was always getting stopped for questions about the little known car here in the US.

I did both of the Single Player Challenge time trials and the run with the SS tyres was the better of the two, I did about 5 laps each to get my best laps.
I posted my replays on the game with the tags COTW 2000GT and have the YT vids here too.

I hope all like what i put together here today...
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Hi everyone!

First off, happy 100th Week of GT7 COTW!

And it's a very special week, as the featured car is truly a legend in the automotive world.

The Toyota 2000GT is often regarded as Japan's first Supercar, and it certainly lives up to that expectation in GT7, with its engaging yet predictable driving behaviour.

This week's challenge had us compare between the standard Comfort, and upgraded Sports tyres. It should come as no surprise that I much prefer driving the 2000GT with the upgraded tyres, but it is still impressive how the 2000GT on completely stock suspension, was able to fully utilize the increased grip level around Fuji Speedway.

And of course, there is the fantastic Fuji Speedway itself, with its Sector 3 being one of the most satisfying (when you get it right), or infuriating (when you get it wrong) experiences in racing.

I really enjoyed this week's challenge and I think it proves how a lightweight car can bring a huge smile to your face.

This week's Video (2000GT with Sport tyres at Fuji Speedway):

Final Time Trial Results:
Fuji Speedway (Full): 2.02.269
Fuji Speedway (Short): 2.08.096
Got the go ahead to announce this on Square’s behalf, It’ll not be the usual post to announce the car and any SPC, just the car and a brief overview on it.

As Square “hinted” at in his post, the car we’ll be testing this week, courtesy of @Nismonath5 will be..


The 1998 Subaru Impreza 22B-STi!!

The full name is the “Subaru Impreza Premium Sport Coupe 22B-STi Version”, but obviously shortened to 22B for simplicity’s sake.

Built to both celebrate Subaru’s 40th Anniversary and its third in a row WRC Manufactures Title, it’s effectively a road going version of their WRC car.

With a larger 2.2 Turbo Boxer 4 upfront that’s “Officially” rated at 280hp, a close ratio 5 speed manual, a factory widebody, Bilstein Suspension and finished in its iconic Sonic Blue Mica colour, this one of 400 22B is the most sought after collectors piece for any Subaru Rally fan. 👍

Usual lobby info and Rules apply. ;)
Got the go ahead to announce this on Square’s behalf, It’ll not be the usual post to announce the car and any SPC, just the car and a brief overview on it.

As Square “hinted” at in his post, the car we’ll be testing this week, courtesy of @Nismonath5 will be..

View attachment 1438387
The 1998 Subaru Impreza 22B-STi!!

The full name is the “Subaru Impreza Premium Sport Coupe 22B-STi Version”, but obviously shortened to 22B for simplicity’s sake.

Built to both celebrate Subaru’s 40th Anniversary and its third in a row WRC Manufactures Title, it’s effectively a road going version of their WRC car.

With a larger 2.2 Turbo Boxer 4 upfront that’s “Officially” rated at 280hp, a close ratio 5 speed manual, a factory widebody, Bilstein Suspension and finished in its iconic Sonic Blue Mica colour, this one of 400 22B is the most sought after collectors piece for any Subaru Rally fan. 👍

Usual lobby info and Rules apply. ;)
for the single player, what track will be used for the time trials? and what conditions?
for the single player, what track will be used for the time trials? and what conditions?
Well given the late call up for me to make the announcement post for this week, the SPC took a backseat at the time.

But I’m gonna make an executive decision on the SPC for this week, we’re doing…

The Battle Of The Elememts.

Ice/Snow, Dirt And Rain are your Rivals for this week.

Stock 22B required, fastest times on Lake Louise Long Reverse, Colorado Springs Lake and Tsukuba Circuit in the Wet. 👍
Well given the late call up for me to make the announcement post for this week, the SPC took a backseat at the time.

But I’m gonna make an executive decision on the SPC for this week, we’re doing…

The Battle Of The Elememts.

Ice/Snow, Dirt And Rain are your Rivals for this week.

Stock 22B required, fastest times on Lake Louise Long Reverse, Colorado Springs Lake and Tsukuba Circuit in the Wet. 👍
I will have to pass in this as I do not like dirt/ snow. Thank you

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