rizlaman56 669 uk rizlaman56 Apr 4, 2012 #1 Hi got an online race tonight & need a good tune for a BMW 320i 03 any advice will be kindly appreciated
Hi got an online race tonight & need a good tune for a BMW 320i 03 any advice will be kindly appreciated
Motor City Hami 4,803 Dearborn, MI MotorCtyHamilton Apr 4, 2012 #2 Start here... https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?p=5167542#post5167542 Every tune that has been posted on GTPlanet. I just looked and noone has tuned that specific car. I would suggest trying other BMW tunes that are posted there. You may find something close enough?
Start here... https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?p=5167542#post5167542 Every tune that has been posted on GTPlanet. I just looked and noone has tuned that specific car. I would suggest trying other BMW tunes that are posted there. You may find something close enough?
rizlaman56 669 uk rizlaman56 Apr 4, 2012 #3 Thanks for your time & advice will try a few & see what's what
DigitalBaka How hard can it be? Premium 3,131 IL, USA DigitalBaka DigitalBaka587 Apr 4, 2012 #4 There are actually 2 tunes by madhouse and CKR. You're looking for the touring car, yes?
Master_gamer438 331 Allentown/PA/US theycallmeherbie, GTP_Herbie, Apr 5, 2012 #6 I just started working on this car for 500PP new seasonal time trial. But I put hours testing and tuning, so it might be a month till I post it.
I just started working on this car for 500PP new seasonal time trial. But I put hours testing and tuning, so it might be a month till I post it.