Career-Mode and Online together.

  • Thread starter AutoAki


Racing addict
After playing Shift and it's Career-Mode, I again remembered how much I hate those stupid few laps races, where 'the Idea' is to try win AI's, no matter how. :ouch:

I hope so much, that PD do not repeat this same old stupid concept too, but I'm afraid they will, cause to be honest, they actually havent bring anything new to the table than awesome graphics.

When I played Shift, I remembered GT's 'World Map', which is one thing I have always loved in GT's before Online-Mode was standard.

From that flashback, I started to think what would be even more cool than 'World Map'... it would be 'World Map Online'!

How about you could 'go thru' your GT5-Career Mode and earn new cars and Credits by racing against other GT5-racers? If you dont have DSL, you could still race against only AI's like in older GT's, but if you have Connection you could also choose 'WM-Online' and try to fullfill your GT-trophies against real-humans.

PD could perform 'WM-Online' to look just like 'Offline World Map', but only add little box above different competitions to show when is next race starting, and how many racers already is signed-in. One lap qualifying to create grid-positions should be mandatory too. When you have done it once, it should stay on your drivers profile so you would not need to do it again... or if you want to try make it better you could.

Races could be starting every five minutes, and if grid is not full, AI's could take empty places. Also all stupid maingoals like, 'overtake 16 cars in one lap' should be removed forever! Only trophys from good result or clean race should be awarded. Minimum race-length 3-5 laps depending about tracks length. In higher levels, only sky is the limit ofcourse.

This idea surely has lots of bugs in it... I just got it, and typed straight to here, but give your thoughts and opinions about it.

Anyway, lets hope PD has something mindblowing new features to us. Damage and Cockpit-view aint that... those are standards today.
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Well PD does fulfill my driving needs like no other game, coupled with incredible visuals there isn't much more i can ask for (sure theres damage and livery stuff, foowey :dunce:). But this would be a nice feature that many racing games should share, making cash online gets a bit dry after awhile but to win and have some type of trophy attached to your profile for all to see would be nice. Having the AI fill in for dropouts would be a must as many people tend to drop out halfway through the race in a lot of games.

I think they'll just stick to online tournaments though.
It seems like a good idea (Forza 1 had it), but my only problem with it would be that it would mean more restrictions on the cars that would be able to race to keep it fair.
It seems like a good idea (Forza 1 had it), but my only problem with it would be that it would mean more restrictions on the cars that would be able to race to keep it fair.

But aint there propably would be some restrictions in Career-Mode races anyway, depending what Competition it is?

My idea is, that Career Mode-offline and Career Mode-online would be same. Just players choice does he want to drive 'alone', or against other racers+AI.

That online option would give so much more spirit to do Career Mode... even some races would be without human-opponents.
That sounds exactly like my idea except I put more emphasis on restrictions to keep it fair and ignored qualifying all together. I really think that this would revolutionise GT mode and make it far more dynamic, there could also be a driver ranking type system so that the new guys won't be beaten up by the pro's in every race.
it would be cool, if it were like real racing where you have two cars on a team, and you other driver could be your friend online, or some one on the split screen.