cars spinning out on pit exit

  • Thread starter danspy
some cars spinning out on pit exit mount panorama without throttle input.

the bmw z4 spinning out when I change from hart to medium but not the other way around.

strange bug.
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cars spinning out on pit exit

some mount panorama without throttle input.
Can you provide video? It's incredibly difficult to diagnose through a handful of words.
I also think the pit exit has random glitches, both visually and wall impact wise. I will try to post a video if I can but was also wondering if other folks are having similar experiences?
the next race i will try with tcs on 1.

still pulling to the left on the grass without throttle input.
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I did see someone spinning in my rear view mirror actually come to think of it.

Very few possible explanations other than bug.

Mind you, I've overheard plenty of people crashing into the pit entry wall on my travels, and that's nothing to do with bugs :crazy:
At Mount Panorama, I've seen opposite, if I keep hands off steering when auto drive stops at pit exit I will most assuredly cross the white pit line and incur the dreaded 3 second penalty...
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