Cars/Tickets/Paint/Helmets/Suits Available Now

  • Thread starter Aussie188
I want to trade with you one-for-one helmet or suit.
Look at my gear collection, you have some I miss, so send me those ones and I will give you the same amount back, of course the ones you miss.

I will be home in 2 hours.

CU m8
i am interested in the hpa r32, all matte paints and all bright yello paints. my psn is also ozleyjoker as well as though my garage needs to be updated badly.i have aound 260 cars. usually only use bright yellow for my cars but also like the matte chips. all the rest sit in purgatory. i have around 600 paint chips, most of them different. i have never added my gear to but since new deal have secured several gear items. i have traded between people on my friends list, but have not traded here. i am honest and you will ALWAYS receive agreed apon items in a timely fashion. usually right away. let me know.
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