• Thread starter NTX


Porto, Portugal

Welcome to GTPlanet's CCCL Competition!
So, here it is! The 55thCCCL Competition!
The winner of week 53 can Think up the theme and be the judge for week 55
The winner of week 54 can Think up the theme and be the judge for week 56
And so on..

CCCL Stands for: Certain Car, Certain Location
This Weeks CCCL Theme is:
Car: 1966 Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto
Location: Côte d'Azur

Chosen by Week 53 Winner, Tangled Web



• Brightness/Contrast Photoshop or other graphics programs may only be used to crop, resize, adjust brightness, contrast or gamma, rotate, add a border, or to remove the “Gran Turismo/©SCEI” watermark, if you so wish.

• Photoshop or other graphics programs may NOT be used to change levels, hue, saturation, sharpen, apply filters or otherwise manipulate the image in any form.

• When using brightness and/or contrast filters to alter an entry, it must be uniform throughout the entire picture.

• Please only have the requested car in the photo.


August 5
Have Fun!!
If you have an questions just PM me.​
Shame there is only two entries. Here is one from me at a location I like. :D

Final Entry

Click for full size.

David: That's Citta Di Aria not Côte d'Azur (Monaco)

Nice one TW 👍
Woops. I'll change it asap. I was in a hurry when I read the track title.
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I´m having some Internet problems, so if I vanish for awhile...U guys know why.

I´ll give a few more days:tup: C´mon people:)
Tangled Web, if U see this...please send me your theme for next week, because your PM is full...ok??

I might be able to get one up by tommorow if I get lucky. The internet at my house is having problems, and that's where I have gimp.:( I might get the internet working tonight, but I might not. So the absolute latest for me would be monday.
Another reminder for Tangled Web, if U see this 2nd message, please send me next week theme, this way I can close this week and start the new one:tup: