• Thread starter NTX


Porto, Portugal

Welcome to GTPlanet's CCCL Competition!
So, here it is! The 63rdCCCL Competition!
The winner of week 61 can Think up the theme and be the judge for week 63
The winner of week 62 can Think up the theme and be the judge for week 64
And so on..

CCCL Stands for: Certain Car, Certain Location
This Weeks CCCL Theme is:
Car: VW Golf R32
Location: Tokyo R246

Chosen by Week 61 Winner, Swiss Legend



• Brightness/Contrast Photoshop or other graphics programs may only be used to crop, resize, adjust brightness, contrast or gamma, rotate, add a border, or to remove the “Gran Turismo/©SCEI” watermark, if you so wish.

• Photoshop or other graphics programs may NOT be used to change levels, hue, saturation, sharpen, apply filters or otherwise manipulate the image in any form.

• When using brightness and/or contrast filters to alter an entry, it must be uniform throughout the entire picture.

• Please only have the requested car in the photo.


October 27
Have Fun!!
If you have an questions just PM me.​
Yeah it is, I chose the reverse version. This one was taken on the straight with the S-bend 👍

Tokyo is a handfull to work with though :crazy:
Thought that was where you took that shot at. 👍
Tokyo is awful in terms of lighting. Odd because during any particular race it doesn't look horrible, aside from when you pass from sun light to building shadow on the straights there's no change in brightness/darkness of the car. I also had a hell of a time getting a decent picture.
I'll see what I can do. :) Nice shot you have there Muzaffar shows the car nicely.
as posted in the 2.0 week 88 topic, my monitor=t3h scr00d, so until we get another one, I can't enter (and the deadline is tomorrow....I actually wanted to do this too. don't mind the golf)
This one will remain open until I get back from my trip to London. (I don´t have the time to do it now).

So...if there is more entries, feel free guys:)
I don't like the lighting at Tokyo very much. I think the first thing I did was bump up the contrast..... a lot! I just hope it didn't show too much. I think it got a little excessive on the pavement. :(