Pre-arranged settings aren't what tuning is about. Tuning is : driving your car and either through trial and error, or by luck, stumbling across a group of settings that let's you feel comfortable. Tuning requires driving, and the best way to tune is to set laps, until you feel you can't eek any more speed, then make small changes until the speed increases. The principles of tuning are there in the game.
For the tuners, use a track as baseline, and describe default characteristics, vs what your changes do, in relation to a sector or overall lap. In other words where is there more grip, does the setting create understeer, or oversteer? In which corner? Does it put down more power or allow you to set up for a corner combination? Does it force you to brake earlier or later to get the proper line?
You don't have to listen to me it's just a suggestion to those that take their tuning seriously.