
Player 7421
Does anybody buy their stuff from Cex exchange? If so what do you buy there and what's your experience there? Good? Bad? Ugly?
My Cex experiences have usually always been good, the staff are quite good in Middlesbrough. Never had a bad experience. wwe dvds is what I usually buy from there.
I get most of my games from CEX. Its good but I wish that they clean the disks and check them for deep scratches before you buy them.
I've had a few dodgy discs from cex but they swapped them immediately for less dodgy discs. I even got my 2nd ps3 from cex as it was cheap and came with 2 games.
They give good money for PS2 games as well if ye have any lying around about 8euro for gta sa..gotta love cex;)
I bought my first PS3 at Cex in Hemel Hempstead, I took three Sainsburys bags for life things (the big canvas ones) stuffed with old games and DVDs, got a PS3, Resistance and Rainbow Six: Vegas for £30. It was a launch 60GB model, the box had a £425 sticker on it, and it lasted right up until the day GT5 came out. I'll never forget having it RROD on me after just an hour of play, when I bought the thing specifically for GT5 in the first place!
So wait, how is this "Cex" pronounced?

Most commonly kex but using actual phonology it should be pronounced sex.

Because it stands for Computer Entertainment 'Xchange, you might also hear See-Ee-Ecks.
I've got a few things from there before. My local store in Basingstoke is tiny though! (dirty pun intended)
The puns are killing me. :lol:

While I don't want to explicitly say "Stop!", I encourage that the thread remain on topic and doesn't devolve into a pun-off.

The puns can stay, just ease back a little bit.
I agree this thread should remain to be about educating us about Cex and anyone with experience or any knowledge shares if they wish to do so. So first lesson in Cex education I would like to share is the last letter is meant to be a capital X, it is no rating like the Ce part is no marking but the letter 'x' from exchange capitalised. From now on it would be good that we write the name of this company as "CeX".