challenge for you

ok i dont remember where i read it but i remember someone said they had a 52.XXX lap at red ridge so i want to se who is the fastest, do the course in anycar excpt the cursid hybrid and tell me your time i want to see the the fastest time on that track is so i can beat it, im running and avrage 54.XXX ive hit a my best in the low end of 53, so just do the course i dont care ride walls what ever i just want to know what the fastest time is.( of course im going for fast time so i used the escudo, im gonna burn for this one)
Hey diehard. I'm not a resident speed demon or anything, so my lap times may seem pathetic. I got within the 1:07 range with a nearly stock Jaguar XJ220. Not nearly the best, but then I rarely do time trials and all my racing is done within my own strict horsepower limits. :)
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ok thats good, all i want is times good job thats nice i prolly couldnt do that with that car, jags and i dont have a good relationship, anyways keep posting