Chaparral 2J Race Car wanted to rent

United States
United States
I am looking to borrow the Chaparral 2J Race Car so I can complete the Historic Racing Car Cup. I am a relative newbie, but am wondering if I could borrow this car (return it with fresh oil change) from any member here. After completing the A-spec and B-spec races, the car will come with a prompt return. I am not at level 40 A-spec, so the car will not be damaged.

I looked at the UCD predictor, and can't wait the 50 days (or do the license method 50x).

My screen name is bavarian19.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Don't miss the date when your own UCD spits out the Chaparral

- And make sure you have enough credits to buy the thing too... Very easy to spend, a few million credits on some other nice cars, only to then find yourself, a few million credits, short when a car you actually want turns up.
What was worng with the one I accepted you for?

Maybe I am misunderstanding how borrowing a car works. Do you have to send it to me, or do I request it somehow? It has not come up as available for me.
use the toyota race car '70 to run that race if you have it

oops...sorry see you already did it
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Don't miss the date when your own UCD spits out the Chaparral

- And make sure you have enough credits to buy the thing too... Very easy to spend, a few million credits on some other nice cars, only to then find yourself, a few million credits, short when a car you actually want turns up.

This i actually have 2,505 days before 2J in which case you just need to get a ticket