Chase Camera (Static or Loose) POLL

Return Chase Camera option back in GT6?

  • You bet I want that back!

    Votes: 30 90.9%
  • NAH! I'll stick with the old one...

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters
I was wondering if anyone could remember how GT1 had an option to have either (static or loose) camera as a choice for players. So what I was thinking was GT6 could have a similar feature like this return back into it for players who like chase cameras have a choice to fit their style for in game.

What do you think?

Should GT6 have a feature like this added into the game, or should it not and remain the same as GT5's chase camera?
Options. Options. Options. Options.


This should be everywhere in the game. There should be a separate manual for the options section.

Also, if we go back to GT3's chase camera, I'll have to give up racing. I have no idea how I managed to use that back then.
I'm indifferent about the cam loose or stiff either way it goes it doesn't cramp my style. :-).
Yeah, if there was a vote for indifferent, I'd vote for that. Either way, I'll eventually get used to either cam style in the end.
We should be able to customize the chase camera, like how loose it is, if it tilts like the one that was added in update 2.1, we should also be able to choose how close it is to the car, or have it be panned to a specific spot, like how in GTA IV the chase camera was panned toward the driver's side of the car.
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