Cheat Disc - UK only

  • Thread starter Scaff


United Kingdom
The current issue of P2 magazine in the UK has an Action Replay cheat disc on the cover.

In covers Prologue, with cheats for a wide range of things including the Hong Kong and Grand Canyon North circuits. Apears to have a far bit on it to open up the 'gold' cars etc.

Picked a copy up on the way to work this morning (£3.99) and will let you all know the results when I give it a go tonight (although some of you may beat me to that one).
The current issue of P2 magazine in the UK has an Action Replay cheat disc on the cover.

In covers Prologue, with cheats for a wide range of things including the Hong Kong and Grand Canyon North circuits. Apears to have a far bit on it to open up the 'gold' cars etc.

Picked a copy up on the way to work this morning (£3.99) and will let you all know the results when I give it a go tonight (although some of you may beat me to that one).

Yes please I wondered whether to bother but wasn't sure if you also needed the AR...... if you only need the disc great let us know how it works..... also do you need a spare memory card?
The current issue of P2 magazine in the UK has an Action Replay cheat disc on the cover.

In covers Prologue, with cheats for a wide range of things including the Hong Kong and Grand Canyon North circuits. Apears to have a far bit on it to open up the 'gold' cars etc.

Picked a copy up on the way to work this morning (£3.99) and will let you all know the results when I give it a go tonight (although some of you may beat me to that one).

Thanks Scaff (great name, by the way!), if this is true, then it will be a LONG night tonight, I can tell you :D :D :D.... By the way, i take it is the official PS2 mag you're talking about?
Touring Mars
Thanks Scaff (great name, by the way!), if this is true, then it will be a LONG night tonight, I can tell you :D :D :D.... By the way, i take it is the official PS2 mag you're talking about?

No, its not the official magazine, its called P2 (got mine from my local Borders), from what I have read over coffee you do not need anything but the cover disc and game (duh).

From the instructions you just pop in the disc and pick your cheats then load the game (without reseting your PS2) and the codes are activated. Don't believe you need a second memory card, but all the same I will be backing up my prologue save to one, just to be on the safe side.

Will let you all know if its as easy as it sounds.
I've had it for a couple of weeks and it works fine on it's own. The cheats are the same as the ones for Action Replay etc. which were mentioned on these forums.
Why do you need cheats in Prologue? I doesnt take all that much to get all the cars.
Why do you need cheats in Prologue? I doesnt take all that much to get all the cars.

No, but it is a quick and easy way to get the two additional tracks.
Ahhhh, nuts! I got the disc last night on the way home from work, and raced home to play it, only to find that the PS2 hangs whenever I try to use the extra tracks code! :guilty: However, some of the other codes work, like unlocking all the cars (although I already had them all!), and although I didn't try it, the code to stop the time penalty could be good, but scant consolation for not being able to access HK :( Ach well, nevermind, I am going to console (no pun intended!) myself with a brand spanking new GT Force Pro steering wheel! :dopey: :D
No problems with mine, the cheats all seem to work fine. The cheats on the disc are (that I can remember)

- All Gold/All Cars
- Stop Timer
- Max points
- Stupid AI (like this is needed)
- Penny Racers (MCLaren F1 and Impreza drag racers)
- Replace NY with Hong Kong
- Replace NY with Grand Canyon North

As I said Hong Kong worked fine for me, but does look a bit unfinished compaired to the other prologue tracks.

Grand Canyon North is the little track from the first rally lesson and great for getting some nice drifts going, however when I switched opponents on with this track I was against 3 other cars and we were floating about six foot below the track. I was able to drive through everything and then took of into space.

IMHO it's worth the £3.99 for the two extra tracks and if anyone is strugling with gold on the lessons then its a nice easy way to get the full car list.
No problems with mine, the cheats all seem to work fine.

Hmmm, I thought it might have been a dodgy disc, but presumably it wouldn't work at all if that were the case... did you have your memory card in? I took mine out as a precaution, but I shouldn't have thought that would make a difference. Anyway, I'm jealous...! :ill:

- Stupid AI (like this is needed)
Indeed! :lol:
My disc works with the memory card in, maybe you should try that...

I can't wait to see the finished HK track
Touring Mars
Hmmm, I thought it might have been a dodgy disc, but presumably it wouldn't work at all if that were the case... did you have your memory card in? I took mine out as a precaution, but I shouldn't have thought that would make a difference. Anyway, I'm jealous...! :ill:

Indeed! :lol:

Had the memory card it, as I had backed up my original save to another card.

Give that a go and good luck, because the two tracks are worth it.
👎 Balls mine doesn't work either...... all the little cheats work fine (extra cars timer etc.) but when I try the extra tracks the game freezes when trying to load the track :grumpy:

I followed the instructions to the letter and it doesn't work :ouch:

If it makes any difference I have a first generation PS2 (i.e. the first batch in the UK) and my copy of Prologue is also from the first UK batch released?
👎 Balls mine doesn't work either...... all the little cheats work fine (extra cars timer etc.) but when I try the extra tracks the game freezes when trying to load the track :grumpy:

I followed the instructions to the letter and it doesn't work :ouch:

If it makes any difference I have a first generation PS2 (i.e. the first batch in the UK) and my copy of Prologue is also from the first UK batch released?

Damn that sucks; sorry to let you know that my PS2 is also first gen (bought on day of launch) and my copy of Prologue was also bought on the day of launch.
is this magazine called P2 or is it the playstation 2 one cause ive asked my mum to get it in asda or the newagent and she said she couldnt find one called P2
is this magazine called P2 or is it the playstation 2 one cause ive asked my mum to get it in asda or the newagent and she said she couldnt find one called P2

Its called P2 and can be a pain to find. Try WH Smiths or Borders (I got mine in Borders).
just got a copy going to try it now, just going to use another mem-card. I will report back in a min. :)
just gave it a go and as soon as i put in the hong kong track cheat and chose newyork to play it the PS2 froze. :grumpy: :mad: :mad: :mad: :banghead: 🤬 🤬

I have got my memory card in so that dosn't seem to be the problem, maybe what Wads said about it being a PS2 version problem because mine is a V.1 PS2 aswell, if this is the case that stinks 👎 👎 👎
just gave it a go and as soon as i put in the hong kong track cheat and chose newyork to play it the PS2 froze. :grumpy: :mad: :mad: :mad: :banghead: 🤬 🤬

I have got my memory card in so that dosn't seem to be the problem, maybe what Wads said about it being a PS2 version problem because mine is a V.1 PS2 aswell, if this is the case that stinks 👎 👎 👎

Does not explain why mine works fine with a V.1 PS2, get onto the magazine and get a replacment disc. Got to be worth a try.
I think I can get P2 here, I wonder if the cheats will work even though it will be on a different DVD Region.

Is it this cover?

I think I can get P2 here, I wonder if the cheats will work even though it will be on a different DVD Region.

Is it this cover?


Thats the one, no idea if it will work in a different region.
Ho hum,

I have an older PS2, which is prob why the cheats don't work for me.... luckily, my mate has just bought a brand new silver PS2, so hopefully it will work on his! I'll let you know either way!

P.S. I searched loads of shops in London, and finally found the magazine in WH Smith (Liverpool Street station!) :-)

I will have a search here and see what i can find, i too have a 1st gen ps2, but even if it dont work it will be worth a try. I dont see why it would be diff to a newer gen ps2 though.
Well, thanks to my mate Tim and his two Playstation 2's :D , I finally got to play Hong Kong last night :), and hence solved the mystery of why the cheats weren't working... this cheat disc didn't work on my PS2, which has a Version 1.0 Playstation driver, and (surprisingly) also didn't work on my mate's brand new Satin Silver PS2, but it did work on his older PS2, which is still newer than mine (presumably Version 1.x, or 2.0 driver?, I forgot to check! :dunce: )
I know that this is bringing back a rather old thread but i thought that some of the Australian residents may be interested to know that the issue of P2 with the cheat disc (with GT4:P cheats of course) has finally made it to Australia and yes the cheats work fine. Except for unlocking Hong Kong and Grand Canyon North. However the problem there could be the version of my PS2 not the cheat disc, as discussed by touring mars.

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