Cheating on myself - a tale of woe

I don't normally do this, in fact, i've never done this with GT. What with all these hex codes for tracks flying around and the general excitement it's caused, i was caught up in it all and wanted badly to play those tracks again (i've been playing GT2 on my PSP for about 5 years none stop!). I installed the pre made folder someone uploaded the other day (sorry i've forgotten your name). Took a little while to figure it out, and basically i screwed something up because the crazy aerial camera thing came on and i couldn't see my car any more, just fly about. I found no way of turning this off successfully, so i ended up doing zero racing. The one thing i DID do though was give myself infinite credits, 99 million or something. Now, i've been racing on GTPSP since it came out, had nearly all S class, done nearly every test and bought about 40 of the top cars. With the 99 million though, i just pigged out and bought every top car there was, in about half and hour.
That was last night - today i feel awful about it.
It's taken a whole chunk of joy out of it. Lesson learned.
I will probably start over anyway, like i've done countless times of GT2.

So there you go! It looked so tempting and was only a button click away to have it all - but the thrill of the chase has now gone. :ill:
Pretty sure that was my folder, and therefore my fault. I know what you mean, and that's why those codes (kinda like alcohol) HAVE TO BE USED IN MODERATION! The "crazy aerial camera" is a debug camera. There's a separate code to disable that. And as for buying all of those cars, keep in mind: it's the Real Driving Simulator for a reason. Drive those cars and enjoy yourself, and if not, give or trade them to someone who really needs them. Just try to restrain yourself next time if you really do restart. The only codes I recommend to truly experience GT are the track codes, the credit limit remover, and the in-game HUD changer.

Note: There might be more top cars on the way!
I never took the "career mode" in this game seriously anyway. This game is more like a car encyclopedia for me. I activated the code and gotten myself every single car in the game. For me, there really is no enjoyment in grinding endlessly, running around some tracks for countless amount of laps to buy better cars and doing the same thing with them. Just trying to unlock all the AI difficulty on all the tracks is making me sick. Now with all the cars at my disposal I can focus on the game's true selling point instead of the game's poor excuse for a career mode.
I never took the "career mode" in this game seriously anyway. This game is more like a car encyclopedia for me. I activated the code and gotten myself every single car in the game. For me, there really is no enjoyment in grinding endlessly, running around some tracks for countless amount of laps to buy better cars and doing the same thing with them. Just trying to unlock all the AI difficulty on all the tracks is making me sick. Now with all the cars at my disposal I can focus on the game's true selling point instead of the game's poor excuse for a career mode.

Same here. I personally (between school and such) do not have the time to spend hours and hours slowly earning money and unlocking different AI levels. I enjoy actually driving these great cars far more than grinding away to earn them.
Agreed with CaptCalvin & FenderGuitars08

Ive spent too much time in GT1, GT2, GT3, GT4 (Although I got code breaker after completing GT4 And got the benefits of the cash code, I still raced for months for cash) Sooooo much farming for cash buying allot of cars Ive already bought a few times in each version.

Ill spend my time just enjoying the complete car list, with any car in any available color.

Ohh, don't use the CWcheat codes for GT2 then (he he he) It has them too.
To the OP,

Whilst I was racing someone on AdHoc Party, they offered to gift me with about 1000+ cars on the trading section. At the time, I only had around 30ish cars and was seriously tempted as I was saving up the 8mil for the Ferrari F1.

Just as he was about to send me all the cars, I had a panic and pulled the plug. Half the fun of this game for me is about the saving up to buy the cars.

If I had been given them all, I think the game would've lost a big chunk of the appeal for me.
yes I agree... Just imagine the time it would take you to save all the money for an polyphony F1, just to find it handles rubbish...
I understand exactly what the OP went through. I dont have CFW, so its not exactly the same, but when I 'discovered' the console in Oblivion, I ruined (IMO) my save by giving myself millions of gold and lockpicks, and all skills to the highest level.
It was fun for about ten minutes. Then I realised what I had done, so deleted the save and started again.
I have to admite grinding away on the Test Course for two laps in a Veyron does get very boring and mundane, still want that F1 2007 so bad though, hell I'd even settle for the Polyphony F1. :D

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