Check tunes before race

United States
United States
Bacon Bob 36
This would be so nice for us who like to organize racing events that are somewhat balanced. If we have a race where the front spring rate must be around 12.50, there are bound to be someone or a few people who decide they are better than the rules specified. With this feature, the host when online will have the ability to see how other's cars have been tuned.

For example:

A racing series a host creates requires all drivers to have a max of a stage 2 engine upgrade. Before the race starts, the host can pull-up a menu of all of the drivers and their cars. the host can select a driver and a menu will pull-up, basically the tuning page will come up (along with a picture of the car). The host cannot change the drivers settings, but he can look at them, and if the host sees that the driver has a stage 3 engine upgrade instead of the specified stage 2, then he can pull down the menu and ask the driver to change his tune to regs.

Before most races, people go and check if the team's/ driver's car meets regs and is safe in real life, so we should be able to too, that way we can make the online experience as fair as possible.
I would definitely love that feature, as I need it very much.

Another way could be to allow the host to set the full car settings which will stay unchangeable for everybody in the room.

Or, at least, when the host chose a "One make Race", to be able to select the car from his own garage with his own setup, locked.
