Chipped/Scratched Paint in GT6 - Idea

Vancouver, BC
Think of how realistic the whole game will be if we have paint chips in GT6. That also means PD will have to make rocks that hit your car to chip the paint.

This will make the game much mroe realistic, if you dont want paint chips in real life, you dont tailgate. Same as in GT6, dont TAILGATE if you dont want paint chips.

If you do get a rock chip, you will have to pay a sum of 5 grand to have the boys at GT Auto replace the paint. If you get more than one paint chip in a race, you get $10 dollars of the 5 grand repair fee.

I think this will be a great addition to Gran Turismo 6, and opens up doors to new discoveries.
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Kind of a deceiving thread title...Not at all what I expected this to be about.

Anyway a cool idea of course but we all know how little PD cares about changing cosmetics. I highly doubt it's a priority for GT6 maybe we'll get stuff like that when the first ps4 GT comes out
I wonder how many people are going to read the title and come barreling into the thread furious before they actually read the OP.

I want to simulate your driver getting cramps after driving for many hours in endurance events and a bar that slowly fills indicating whether he needs to urinate.
I want to simulate your driver getting cramps after driving for many hours in endurance events and a bar that slowly fills indicating whether he needs to urinate.

Add to that simulated tiredness! If you don't take regular rest breaks your screen starts to fade out around the edges like your eyes are closing, maybe accompanied with some really annoying yawning noises, forcing you have to stop racing and take a break so you don't fall asleep at the wheel (simulated with a blacked out screen and no car control) and crash :).
I'm not sure what paint chip idea is worse. The one we already have or this.

If you don't want paint chips, you shouldn't be racing.
Kind of a deceiving thread title...Not at all what I expected this to be about.

Hahaha same here, I thought he was going to talk about the implication of Paint Tokens in GT6 but it was something totally different.

I like your idea though, liampage. It goes back to the whole topic of damage being implemented in Gran Turismo. Drivers should be punished in one way or another for driving recklessly. You can't just go through the whole game using other cars as your breaks. However from what we've heard from Polyphony, damage modelling will be the same as in GT5. I doubt they'll implement paint chipping from tailgating other cars. It's a neat idea though.
Lol, no thanks that is just going to give some other random weirdness already associated with GT as it is. The paint system is terrible and if it remains it will make having car clubs with team colors even more of a chore. I like play a game with realism but there are some things which aren't necessary for simulation. Chipping paint sounds like an interesting idea, but what is even better is simulated wear on tires, gearbox, engine, oil, brakes pads/discs, suspension, control arms, chassis, these things are a more streamlined way to approach people beating and banging around in their cars for wins as well as PD adding a bloody penalty system that flags you for intentional dirty behavior and disqualify you for repeated offenses. Just get someone who is well acquainted with motorsport rules to test it out.
5 grand for a paint job that's more than many cars in GT are worth, ouch unless they are dismantling the car and painting the entire chassis who would pay that much unless it's one of those Ferrari or McLaren ludicrously expensive paints like the utter mind boggling $10,000 a gallon special paint used for the ZR1.
Add to that simulated tiredness! If you don't take regular rest breaks your screen starts to fade out around the edges like your eyes are closing, maybe accompanied with some really annoying yawning noises, forcing you have to stop racing and take a break so you don't fall asleep at the wheel (simulated with a blacked out screen and no car control) and crash :).

Or you can just prevent needing this by letting you pit and then have b-spec take over.
I wonder how many people are going to read the title and come barreling into the thread furious before they actually read the OP.


I was so close to doing that.But yea I dont know about paint chips thing but fixing scratches and dent in gt auto after a race would be welcomed.... I really hope they replace the paint chips with a RGB wheel or at least add a RGB wheel to go along with the paint chips.
*rant about how flawed the paint system is in the game*
Oh, so i'm totally off-topic, okay. Please change the title.
If a member of staff has changed a thread title to make it more clear to the community, it's un-wise to change it. In the same way thread titles like "what if..." are utterly terrible, making sure your title is concise is important.

That said, I think this is almost as bad of an idea as airbags in GT6. No thanks. PD should work on getting the actual painting part of the cars right and more realistic before throwing another silly Sims-like upkeep feature their way.
Here's a list of other things you could simulate that noone needs yet would tie up valuable PD development time.

1 A useable cigarette lighter in cars old enough to have one (or maybe there could be a cigarette lighter driver aid that simulates it even for modern cars.

2 Fuses blow when using the electric windows

3 Putting the wrong fuel in the car at the garage kills the engine

4 Windscreen wiper blade replacement

5 Customisable underpants (or knickers) for B-Spec Bob (Brenda)

6 Simulated bogey wiping under the driver's seat when a friend borrows shared car
I want to simulate your driver getting cramps after driving for many hours in endurance events and a bar that slowly fills indicating whether he needs to urinate.

I get that myself without the game needing to simulate it haha.

How about you have to drive to the track in your road car and if you get stuck in traffic you miss the race and don't get to drive.

Or they could expand photomode and simulate what I do, with the rush to the credential check in, waking up at 4AM in the dark in a dingy motel 30 miles from the track to make it there in time while hung over from "networking" the previous night, forgetting sunscreen and turning into a lobster, sitting through repetitive safety meetings where the only new info is the gate code for the restricted areas, and schlepping a ton of heavy camera gear around a three mile long track in 90 degree weather only to find that somebody's already in the spot you wanted to use or the light is bad there, and trying to figure out how tie your shoe or climb over a wall/up a crumbling hillside while carrying three cameras, six lenses, one of which weighs 20lb and is three feet long, and a monopod? They could even recreate the four hour drive to the nearest decent camera store/rental house to replace the thing you forgot/broke.
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If a member of staff has changed a thread title to make it more clear to the community, it's un-wise to change it. In the same way thread titles like "what if..." are utterly terrible, making sure your title is concise is important.

That said, I think this is almost as bad of an idea as airbags in GT6. No thanks. PD should work on getting the actual painting part of the cars right and more realistic before throwing another silly Sims-like upkeep feature their way.

Not as bad as that barber shop thread. Lol
Add to that simulated tiredness! If you don't take regular rest breaks your screen starts to fade out around the edges like your eyes are closing, maybe accompanied with some really annoying yawning noises, forcing you have to stop racing and take a break so you don't fall asleep at the wheel (simulated with a blacked out screen and no car control) and crash :).

I don't know if you're being serious here, but I hope not.

Speaking of yawning, the idea of car maintenance (ie more time spent mindlessly button pressing in menus instead of racing) is tedious and not at all what I buy racing games for.

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