Chop Shop BannerPreview

  • Thread starter epic
United States
I dunno I was bored today. Heres a banner for the green style.

Keep an eye out for the Chop Shop.. coming in March 2003
If I can find a nice looking one I am, I had to reinstall WinXP so I lost all my font resources and didnt feel like downloading them all again.
yea, I like the Flash that gtp's has.. but on some comptuers it doesnt come up and leaves errors on the page.. so for now its just simple jpgs and gifs

Anyone have any good color schemes for xtra styles?

Right now I only have Green Envy (as shown in pic above)
With the commodore erase the black shadow draw a new one....guassion blur it and there you have a realistic shadow.

Other wise smooth - Where did the inspiration come from?
Tech Forums had a similar banner (only instead of car stuff it was computer stuff) So I thought it looked like a good layout so I used it on my banner, just backwards from how tech forums had theirs.

And I didn't make that shadow actually, I chopped that Holden and just selcted the shadow with it because at the size of the image, it looked reallistic. When I added it to the banner it kind of lost the look.
I don't like the 3 boxed pictures. They look out of place on the second one. Personally, I prefer the first one. Simplicity rocks! The 3 boxed pictures look alright in the first one, but if your gonna go with the second one - take the pics out.

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