chrysler 300c's in gran turismo 5?

  • Thread starter Rydeit
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Whats the possibility of seeing any 300c's or srt 300's in gran turismo 5? Im guessing that the fact that GM is broke will have a play in the role of Chrysler being in the GT series from now on. Feel free to correct me.
I think there is a 37.5% chance of the Chrysler 300 being in GT5. I could be wrong.
Actually the chances are 14.5690325% Yamauchi told me that in a dream i had.

Seriously, no one knows.
it is more like 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197...
Now, if you take this number: double it by 2 and multiple by the radius of your wheel then you should get the perimiter of your wheel :sly:
it is more like 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197...
Now, if you take this number: double it by 2 and multiple by the radius of your wheel then you should get the perimiter of your wheel :sly:


anyhoo.. no one knows. but my guess is... 6.66% chance
How could anyone possibly know what cars are in when it has not been announced. Is this not just another wish list thread?
it is more like 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197...
Now, if you take this number: double it by 2 and multiple by the radius of your wheel then you should get the perimiter of your wheel :sly:

Mmmmmmmmmm!!!! Pie

Nobody knows if it will be in the game or not.
While I have no clue about the chances of these cars in the game I am confused as to what GM being broke has to do with a Chrysler car being in GT5.
Well it was in GT4.
How could anyone possibly know what cars are in when it has not been announced. Is this not just another wish list thread?

Yep. We're done.
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