Chrysler Orders 93 Rare Vipers Destroyed by Crusher

this is nonsense.gif
My thoughts aside, this is more of a liability issue, as quoted by the article. Usually a wrecked car goes to the junk yard to be scrapped for parts anyways, but cars like these 93 Vipers are sometimes given a second chance as an educational tool by the company. These cars are still owned by the company, and often times come with conditions for delivery. So if the company tells you to scrap it, you scrap it.
They weren't street legal anyway :\. No Speed Limited etc. Would be nice to have one left in a museum.
Who care if they're not street legal. Rent 2 of each to the top 45 tracks and put the other 3 in museums. Problem solved.
This is standard practice.

Most government agencies, military for instance, must destroy certain equipment they no longer have use for. It's a simple case of incentives. If the equipment can be sold or used in any other way that might be construed as value, then that creates incentive to take the equipment away from the original program.

The amount of impotent tear jerking is a bit ridiculous. Next we'll get a Facebook Like campaign going and that'll get them.
They've been valued at $250k per car.

:lol: that's rich. Maybe the rarest couple. All these cars are well abused. They were used to teach students.
The rest would go for market price at best.
That's cool. And you wonder why Chrysler is a bankrupt bunch of slackjaws. Hey, it's their car though. They can do what the hell they want.
Chrysler's reason:

It gets more difficult to take words out of context to generate more controversy when the rest of the response is linked in the OP.

Approximately 10 years ago, Chrysler Group donated a number of Dodge Viper vehicles to various trade schools for educational purposes. As part of the donation process, it is standard procedure — and stipulated in our agreements — that whenever vehicles are donated to institutions for education purposes that they are to be destroyed when they are no longer needed for their intended educational purposes.