Circuit Experience 1 lap Nordschliefe.

  • Thread starter legger27
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
When GT Sport first came out I posted a time of 6:42 which shows as my fastest lap. I recently did the Nordschliefe 1 lap again and posted a 7:06 next lap was a 6:50, the 6:42 still shows as my fastest lap but is not in my friends list which I understand because of updates. The 7:06 shows in my friends list but will not update to the 6:50 or any of the other laps i have completed all of which were faster than the 7:06, if anyone has an explanation i would be most grateful as I am tottaly baffled. This has also happened to at least one other on my friends list tia.
When GT Sport first came out I posted a time of 6:42 which shows as my fastest lap. I recently did the Nordschliefe 1 lap again and posted a 7:06 next lap was a 6:50, the 6:42 still shows as my fastest lap but is not in my friends list which I understand because of updates. The 7:06 shows in my friends list but will not update to the 6:50 or any of the other laps i have completed all of which were faster than the 7:06, if anyone has an explanation i would be most grateful as I am tottaly baffled. This has also happened to at least one other on my friends list tia.

Your friend is @rAtey ?
Look here
not my friend, but that's the exact same problem indeed :) - It has been reported to the bug-thread, but so far this has problem has been for months.