
Does anyone have the exact GS code on how to get the Mercedes CLK-DTM or how to make a hybird CLK-DTM. I searched but can't find it.

I have the 2 body codes and the engine codes: -

Body code 1 EODC
Body code 2 115C
Engine code 0093

You need to search either the web or this forum or both for the full codes as I don't have them to hand but the codes above will give you the CLK-DTM body and engine.
I have the engine and body codes.

801CD59C is the engine code and 801CD614 & 801CD616 are the 2 body codes.

I have been playing around with the car and I think you will need some more codes for drivetrain, gearbox etc in order to be able to drive the car properly. I replaced an AMG E55 in my garage but the revs were going way to high.