CLOSED: GT5 Photomode/Photoshop Competition - Week 13 - Winner: CCShaft7

And the winner is?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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  • Do not vote for your own entry.
  • Have confidence in your entry; don't try to sway the poll.
  • Poll is up until the week's Saturday.
  • In the event of a tie, a 24 hour poll is created to end Sunday.
  • In the event of a second tie, judge's vote is deciding factor.
  • This poll decides the Public Vote winner. The Judge's Choice winner is decided at the start
    of the voting by the judge and will be announced with the close of the public vote so as
    not to sway votes.
  • The Judge's Choice winner will be notified and asked to choose the theme category for
    the following week, Graphics or Manipulation.
  • Public Vote winners have 48 hours to get their new theme in the JC's chosen category to the host.
  • If the winner can't provide it in time, the runner-up gets to choose.

CCS7 you got my vote. I think your take on the theme was brilliant and well executed.👍
I'm sorry for the guys with no votes! So great work and lot of afford you all put in the pics!

Im impressed :drool:👍
Thanks Nato_777 ..... Its kinda looking that way and I'm genuinely overwhelmed by the response :cheers: to everyone who's voted so far but I will keep my 'bubbly' corked until the poll closes. I won't tempt fate :nervous:
More than 70 % until now surely means "in the bag".
I'm happy that you picked up the theme that way.
Good luck for the current comp, too...

edit: I'm happy that there is no entry with zero votes!
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Congratulations to CCShaft7! Landslide victory in the polls, and also chosen as Judge's Choice by Raphaele! Congrats, a job well done!
Thank you Revolution and Raphaele :) and a massive thanks to everyone who voted for me. A huge well done from me personally to all the other entrants esp understanding the amount of work that they all put in 👍

I'm so hyped to win and very humbled to see who and how many people liked my entry. I feel as though I have joined illustrious company but am far from taking it for granted.

Have posted my 'theme' off to Revolution and I think you may all like it :sly:

Thanks again.

Once again well done CCShaft7, you deserved the win.
I was really surprised AaronCarlsonGt5's entry only pulled 1 vote and was hoping for more myself but in the end your interpretation of the theme was faultless.
Nato, your entry was nearly flawless and I was in two minds what to vote for. If you had perhaps added something on top of the carriage, it would have been perfect according to the theme.
Nato, your entry was nearly flawless and I was in two minds what to vote for. If you had perhaps added something on top of the carriage, it would have been perfect according to the theme.

Yeah, I know it was missing something. I was originally going to turn the SLR into a boat and have that on a trailer but it was going to take more time than I had to throw at it. I still have the beginnings of that manipulation and may finish it one day just for the hell of it.
Thanks chaps for all your kind comments :) .
Over the moon at the moment and I'm hoping its not a flash in the pan cos I feel I still have a lot to prove to get to a level with all you guys :nervous:

I also see where Jedi is coming from.... I was genuinely torn between your entry and TDK's and if you perhaps had an 'open' trailer I def would have gone with yours, but the Sambabus shot was how I saw my first idea going but I was too slow off the mark and the Top Gear thing gave me a chuckle. I take nothing away from it though it was a damn good entry.
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